Quiz (1)
1.The first settlers of the British Isles were Celt, and Britain got its name from a branch of this people called Briton. But later they were driven to live in Scotland, Wales and Ireland.
2.The Angles, Saxons and Jutes were Germanic tribes originally living on the Continent. They moved to the British Isles and became the ancestors of the English people.
3.The most important event of the Old English Period was Norman Conquest, which took place in the year 1066.
4.The Roman Catholic Church sent St. Augustine to England in 597 to convert the English people to Catholicism.
5.Name two poems of this period apart from Beowulf: Widsith, and The Seafarer.
请列出这段时期的除了《贝奥武夫》两首诗:Widsith(威德西斯)和The Seafarer(水手)
6.Beowulf is an epic of Alliterative lines, and it tells the events that took place on the Continent before they moved to the British Isles.
7.After the Anglo-Saxon English took in loan words from Frenchsteele and Latin and lost most of its feclions and many of its grammar rules, it was called Middle English.
盎格鲁 - 撒克逊英语在使用法语和拉丁语的借词之后,失去了大部分的功能和许多语法规
8.Romance can be divided into three kinds according to subject matter. They are Matter of France, Matter of Rome, Matter of Britain.
9.Romances of the English subject are tales about King Arthur and his Round-Table Knights.
10.John Wyclif was a translator of The Bible, William Langland wrote Piers Plowman and the most famous English ballads are those about Robin Hood.
Quiz (2)
1.Henry VIII broke away from the Roman Catholic Church and established the Church of England (the Anglican Church).
2.It was Thomas Wyatt and Henry Howard who introduced Italian sonnets into England.
3.Thomas More’s famous line in Utopia that exposes the calamities of the Enclosure Movement is sheep devouring men.
托马斯·莫尔(Thomas More)在乌托邦(Utopia)里著名的一句揭露圈地运动灾难性的话是:羊吃人(sheep devouring men)。
4.Faerie Queene was planned for 12 books, each standing for one moral principle, but only six books were finished centering on the following six virtues: Chastity, Temperance, Truth, Justice, Friendship and Courtesy.
《仙后》(The Faerie Queene, 1589-1596) 原计划12本书里每一本代表一个道德原则,但只有六本书完成并且围绕着以下六个优点:贞节,节制,真理,正义,友谊和礼节。
5.Philip Sidney’s essay on poetry is called The Defence of Poesy, John Lyly’s prose romance has a main character Euphues, whose name is afterward responsible for an expression in the dictionary to represent a style of speech; Thomas Lodge is mainly remembered today for his prose romance Rosalynde, Thomas Nashe is believed to have joined Marlowe in writing Dido, Queene of Carthage, and Robert Greene is connected with Shakespeare for attacking the later in one of his pamphlets as a(n) upstart.
菲利普·西德尼(Philip Sidney)关于散文诗称为“诗歌守护者。约翰·李利的散文爱情故事”(The Defence of Poesy)具有尤弗伊斯体的特征,这个名字后来在字典中用来表示一种讲话风格。直至今日托马斯·洛奇凭借他的散文爱情故事而被记住,托马斯·纳什被认为与马洛一起编写《迦太基女王戴朵》,罗伯特·格林与莎士比亚有关联,因为他在一本小册子中作为一个暴发户攻击了后来者。
6.Christopher Marlowe used blank verse to write his plays and two of his important plays
are Tamberlaine, and the Great.
克里斯托弗·马洛用无韵诗写他的戏剧,他的两个重要的戏剧Tamberlaine和the great。
7.Francis Bacon’s works are expressions of his thought on practical science, and his prose style is best represented in an essay called “On Study”.
8.Ben Jonson’s masterpiece is a comedy of humours called Volpone, and he was made poet laureate in 1616.
9.List any three of Shakespeare’s comedies: A Mid-Summer Night’s Dream, As You Like It and The Twelfth Night.
10.The four great tragedies by Shakespeare are Hamlet, King Lear, Macbeth, and Othello.
11.Shakespeare has produced two tetralogies of English history plays, and the most discussed two are Henry IV Part I, and Henry IV Part II.
