《英国文学简史》试卷 A 卷
________级 _______专业 _____班 学号___________ 姓名___________ 题号 得分 ⅠⅡⅢⅣⅤ 总分 You are required to write down all your answers on the sheet.
Ⅰ. Multiple choices (50 points, 1 point each)
1. The most important work of Alfred the Great is _________, which is
regarded as the best monument of the old English prose. A. The Song of Beowulf B. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles C. Brut D. History of the King of Britain
2. William Langland’s “_________〞 is written in the form of a
dream vision. A. Kubla Kan B. Piers the Plowman C. The Dream of John Bull D. Morte d’Arthur 3. In 1066, ________ led the Norman army to invade and defeat England.
A.Julius Caesar B. Alexander the Great C.William the Conqueror D. Claudius
4. _________ was the first to be buried in the Poet’s Corner of
Westminster Abbey. A. Keats B. Southey C. Tennyson D. Chaucer 5. _________ composed a long narrative poem named “________〞 based
on Boccaccio’s poem “Filostrato〞. A. Shakespeare, Troilus and Criseyde B. Chaucer, Troilus and Criseyde C. Chaucer, The House of Fame
D. Chaucer, The Romaunt of the Rose
6. In the following, which word is not French origin?
A. pork B. mutton C. veal D. swine
7. The epoch of Renaissance witnessed a particular development of
English drama. It was _______ who first made blank verse the principal vehicle of expression in drama.
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A. Robert Greene B. Edmund Spenser C. Christopher Marlowe D. William Shakespeare 8. English Renaissance Period was an age of ______.
A. prose and novel B. poetry and drama C. essays and journal D. ballads and songs
9. Great popularity was won by John Lyly’s prose romance _________
which gave rise to the term “euphuism〞, designating an affected style of court speech. A. Cymbeline B. Venus and Adonis C. The Rape of Lucrece D. Euhpues
10. Which one is not the resource of medieval romance?
A. adventures of King Arthur and his Knights of Round Table B. Emperor Charlemagne and his peers
C. Alexander the Great and matters of Rome D. The Rising of 1381
11. “When Adam delved and Eve span, who was then the gentlemen?〞
steele is the sermon of __________. A. Wat Tyler B. John Ball C. Langland D. Thomas Malory
12. Which statement about More’s “Utopia〞 is NOT true?
A. Book One of “Utopia〞 is a picture of contemporary England with forcible exposure of the poverty among the laboring classes, the greed and luxury among the rich, and an eagerness for war on the part of the rulers
B. In Book Two we have a sketch of an ideal commonwealth in some unknown ocean, where prosperity is held in common and there is no poverty.
C. “Utopia〞 is More’s masterpiece, written in the form of a conversation between More
and Hythloday, a returned voyager. D. As a great thinker, More had pointed out that the root of poverty is the private ownership of the social wealth, so he wished to arouse the people to start a revolutionary movement against the ruling classes, which cost his life.
13. Chaucer is the first great poet who wrote in the English language,
and one of his great contributions is the introduction of the rhymed stanza from France, especially the rhymed couplet of 5 accents in iambic meter--- _______, instead of the old Anglo-Saxon _________.
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A. alliterative verse, heroic couplet; B. heroic couplet, sonnets;
C. heroic couplet, alliterative verse; D. alexandrine verse, ballads.
14. Among various English versions of Bible, which one is the best?
A. John Wycliffe’s Bible; B. William Tyndal’s Bible; C. The King James Bible; D. Miles Coverdale’s Bible.
15. Among the so-called “university wits〞, it is _______ that
satirized William Shakespeare as “an upstart crow〞. A. Peele B. Marlowe, C. Nash D. Greene 16. It is _______ that says of Hamlet,
“The courtier’s, soldier’s, scholar’s, eye, tongue, sword; The expectancy and rose of the fair state, The glass of fashion, and the mould of form…〞 (Ⅲ.1.)
A. Ophelia B. Polonius C. Claudius D. Gertrude 17. “Hamlet〞, “Othello〞, “King Lear〞, and ________ are called
the four great tragedies.