国际医学放射学杂志Internationa l Journal of Medical Radiology 2019Mar ;42(2)
ADC (apparen t diffusion coefficient ):表观扩散系数AUC (area under curve ):曲线下面积
b (diffusio n sensitive factor ):扩散敏感因子BBB (blood brain barrier ):血脑屏障BMD (bone mineral density ):骨密度BMI (body mass index ):体质量指数
BOLD (blood oxygenation level dependent ):血氧水平依赖CAD (computer-aide d detection ):计算机辅助检测CBF (cerebra l blood flow ):脑血流量CBV (cerebra l blood volume ):脑血容量Cho (choline ):胆碱
CNR (contras t to noise ratio ):对比噪声比CPR (curved planar reformation ):曲面重组CR (compute d radiography ):计算机X 线摄影Cr (creatine ):肌酸
CRP (C-reactiv e protein ):C 反应蛋白
CT (compute d tomography ):计算机体层摄影
CTA (compute d tomography angiography ):CT 血管成像CTDI (CT dose index ):CT 剂量指数
DCE (dynami c contrast enhanced ):动态增强DKI (diffusio n kurtosis imaging ):扩散峰度成像
DICOM (digita l imaging and communication in medicine ):医学
DR (digita l radiography ):数字X 线摄影
DSA (digita l subtraction angiography ):数字减影血管造影DTI (diffusio n tensor imaging ):扩散张量成像
DTT (diffusio n tensor tractography ):扩散张量示踪成像DWI (diffusio n weighted imaging ):扩散加权成像
DXA (dual -energe X-ray absorptiometry ):双能X 线吸收测量法ECG (electrocardiography ):心电图EEG (electroencephalograph ):脑电图EPI (echo planar imaging ):回波平面成像
ERCP (endoscopi c retrograde cholangiopancreatography ):内镜
FA (fractiona l anisotropy ):各向异性分数FDG (fluorodeoxyglucose ):氟脱氧葡萄糖FFE (fast field echo ):快速场回波
FLAIR (fluid attenuated inversion recovery ):液体衰减反转恢复fMRI (functiona l magnetic resonance imaging ):功能磁共振成像FOV (field of view ):视野
FSE (fast spin echo ):快速自旋回波
Gd -BOPTA (gadobenat e dimeglumine ,MultiHance ):钆贝葡胺
Gd-DOTA (Gadoterate ,Dotarem ):钆特酸葡甲胺(钆特酸)
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