A | |
aesthetic | 美观 |
alveolar | 牙槽骨 |
anchorage | resistance to unwanted tooth movement caused by the reactive component of an orthodontic force; refers also to the intra- and extraoral structures that supply the resistance |
Angle's classification of occlusion | a definition of malocclusion based on the relationships of the first permanent molars |
angulation | the tilt of the long axis of a tooth in a mesial or distal direction; see inclination |
Ankylosed Primary Teeth | 乳牙粘连 |
anterior crossbite | one or more teeth in the maxillary anterior segment is lingual to one or more of the opposing teeth in the mandibular anterior segment in maximum intercuspation |
anterior segment | all of the canine and incisor teeth in a given dental arch |
arch circumference or arch perimeter | the distance from the mesial contact of one first permanent molar to its antimere as measured through the contact points or buccal cusp tips of all of the intervening teeth, ignoring those teeth that are malpositioned or blocked out so that the measurement represents an ideal arch form; see arch length |
arch depth | the perpendicular distance from a point between the central incisors to a line connecting the mesial contacts of the first permanent molars; see arch length |
arch length | same as arch depth; but note that 'arch length' is often used as a synonym for arch circumference or arch perimeter |
arch wire | a wire applied to two or more teeth through fixed attachments to cause or guide orthodontic tooth movement |
attached lingual frenum | 舌系带过短 |
B | |
band | a circular metal strip that is adapted to fit closely around a tooth; various components of an orthodontic appliance may be welded or soldered to it |
base, bracket | the part of a bracket that is attached either to a metal band or bonding pad |
Begg appliance | Begg矫治器 |
bimaxillary | both the upper and lower jaw |
blocked out | a tooth that is positioned away from its proper position in the dental arch due to insufficient space |
bodily movement | 整体移动 |
Bolton analysis | Bolton指数分析 |
bonded lingual retainer | 舌侧粘结式保持 |
bonding pad | the retentive portion of a fixed orthodontic attachment which locks it mechanically to the bonding material; the pad usually has a fine mesh surface |
brachycephalic | a short skull, with a cranial index of 80 or more; see cranial index This term, or a variant "brachyfacial," is sometimes used to describe a short, wide face, properly referred to as euryprosopic . |
bracket | a metal, plastic, or ceramic fixed attachment which holds an arch wire |
buccal segment | all of the premolar and molar teeth in a given quadrant |
buccal tube | a fixed attachment which is open only at each end. Tubes may be round or rectangular in cross section; round tubes are usually .045 inches in diameter to receive auxiliaries such as a facebow or lip bumper, rectangular tubes are either .018 x .025 or .022 x .028 inches in order to receive arch wires and generally are placed on the most distal molar tooth in the appliance. |
C | |
camouflaged orthodontic treatment | 掩饰性正畸 |
Cast Analysis model analysis | 模型分析 |
center of resistance | 阻抗中心 |
center of rotation | 旋转中心 |
Cephalometrics | X线头影测量 |
cervical headgear | 颈牵引 |
chief complaint | 主诉 |
chin-cup | 颏兜 |
Cleft jaw and face | 颌、面裂 |
Cleft lip and palate | 唇、腭裂 |
Clinical Examination | 临床检查 |
combination headgear | 联合(水平)牵引 |
condylar | 髁突 |
Continuous force | 持续力 |
corrective orthodontics | 一般性矫治 |
craniofacial growth and development | 颅面生长发育 |
crowding or spacing | 拥挤和间隙 |
curve of Spee | Spee曲线 |
D | |
Delayed Incisor Eruption | 切牙迟萌 |
dental age | 牙龄 |
dental history | 牙科病史 |
dentofacial orthopedic | 牙合面矫形 |
Diagnosis and treatment planning | 诊断和计划 |
differential tooth movement | 差动牙移动 |
E | |
Ectopic Eruption | 异位萌出 |
edgewise appliance | 方丝弓矫治器 |
Enamel demineralization | 釉质脱矿 |
extraoral orthodontic force | 口外正畸力 |
extraoral orthopedic force | 口外矫形力 |
extrusion | 伸长 |
F | |
fixed appliance | 固定矫治器 |
fixed retaining appliance | 固定保持器 |
G | |
Gingivitis | 牙龈炎 |
Growth Modification | 生长改良 |
H | |
Hand wrist x-ray | 手腕骨X片 |
harmony | 平衡 |
Hawley retainer | Hawley保持器 |
Headcap | 头帽 |
Heredity and environment | 遗传和环境 |
high-pull headgear | 高位牵引 |
I | |
Ideal normal occlusion | 理想正常合 |
Idiopathic Root resorption | 特发性吸收 |
implant anchorage | 种植支抗 |
impression taking | 取模 |
Individual normal occlusion | 个别正常合 |
Interceptive orthodontics | 阻断性矫治 |
intermaxillary anchorage | 颌间支抗 |
Intermittent force | 间歇力 |
intramaxillary anchorage | 颌内支抗 |
intrusion | 压低 |
Invisalign | 无托槽隐形矫治器 |
J | |
job model | 工作模型 |
L | |