    Keywords are reserved words in the C programming language that have a special meaning and cannot be used as identifiers for variables, functions, or other user-defined names. These keywords are predefined and have specific functions within the language. Here are some commonly used keywords in C:
    1. int: This keyword is used to declare an integer variable. For example, "int num = 10;" declares an integer variable named "num" and assigns it the value 10.
    2. float: This keyword is used to declare a floating-point variable. For example, "float pi = 3.14;" declares a floating-point variable named "pi" and assigns it the value 3.14.
    3. char: This keyword is used to declare a character variable. For example, "char grade = 'A';" declares a character variable named "grade" and assigns it the value 'A'.
    4. if: This keyword is used to define a conditional statement. For example, "if (num > 0) { printf("Positive number"); }" checks if the variable "num" is greater than 0 and prints "Positive number" if it is.
    5. else: This keyword is used in conjunction with the "if" keyword to define an alternative statement. For example, "if (num > 0) { printf("Positive number"); } else { printf("Negative number"); }" checks if the variable "num" is greater than 0 and prints "Positive number" if it is, otherwise it prints "Negative number".
    6. for: This keyword is used to define a loop that repeats a block of code a specific number of times. For example, "for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { printf("%d ", i); }" prints the numbers 0 to 4.
    7. while: This keyword is used to define a loop that repeats a block of code while a certain condition is true. For example, "while (num > 0) { printf("%d ", num); num--; }" prints the value of "num" and decrements it until it becomes 0.
c语言中的sprintf用法    8. do: This keyword is used in conjunction with the "while" keyword to define a loop that repeats a block of code at least once and continues as long as a certain condition is true. For example, "do { printf("%d ", num); num--; } while (num > 0);" prints the value of "num" and decrements it until it becomes 0.
    1. int,此关键字用于声明整型变量。例如,"int num = 10;" 声明一个名为"num"的整型变量,并将其赋值为10。
    2. float,此关键字用于声明浮点型变量。例如,"float pi = 3.14;" 声明一个名为"pi"的浮点型变量,并将其赋值为3.14。
    3. char,此关键字用于声明字符变量。例如,"char grade = 'A';" 声明一个名为"grade"的
    4. if,此关键字用于定义条件语句。例如,"if (num > 0) { printf("Positive number"); }" 检查变量"num"是否大于0,如果是,则打印"Positive number"。
    5. else,此关键字与"if"关键字结合使用,用于定义替代语句。例如,"if (num > 0) { printf("Positive number"); } else { printf("Negative number"); }" 检查变量"num"是否大于0,如果是,则打印"Positive number",否则打印"Negative number"。
    6. for,此关键字用于定义循环,重复执行一段代码特定次数。例如,"for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { printf("%d ", i); }" 打印数字0到4。
    7. while,此关键字用于定义循环,当某个条件为真时重复执行一段代码。例如,"while (num > 0) { printf("%d ", num); num--; }" 打印"num"的值,并将其递减直到变为0。
    8. do,此关键字与"while"关键字结合使用,用于定义循环,至少执行一次,并在某个条件为真时继续执行。例如,"do { printf("%d ", num); num--; } while (num > 0);" 打印"num"的值,并将其递减直到变为0。
