1、Extremely urgent⼗万⽕急;underestimate one's own capabilities妄⾃菲薄;commit the same error重蹈覆辙;full of conceit⽬空⼀切;miss a good chance错失良机;fellow sufferers难兄难弟;make a superficial change换汤不换药;
2、Pure清⽩;light清淡;poor清贫;cool and refreshing清凉;chilly 清冷;fresh and cool清爽;quiet and beautiful清幽;thin清瘦;cheek 清查;honest and upright officials清官;
3、Look at the blackboard看⿊板;watch TV看电视;see a film看电影;study a map看地图;read a novel看⼩说;visit a friend看朋友;
4、Milk way银河;hot dog 热狗;blue joke⾊情笑话;blue boy通过变性⼿术由男孩变为⼥孩。Highway⼤道;cats and dogs=it is raining cats and dogs倾盆⼤⾬;motor way⾼速公路;
5、a charming girl⼀个迷⼈的⼥孩;a tall building⼀个⾼⼤的建筑物;nothing important什么都不重要;the manager's little office经理⼈的⼩办公室;a little,yellow,ragged,lame,unshaven beggar beg⼀个乞丐,⾝材短⼩,⾯黄肌瘦,⾐衫褴褛,瘸腿,满脸胡须。
6、To make a monkey of 愚弄;to burn the boat破釜沉⾈;to fish in the air⽔底捞⽉;to call a spade a s
pade直⾔不讳,实话实说;castle in the air空中楼阁,⽩⽇梦;crocodile tears鳄鱼泪;
7、Rich and poor贫富;back and forrh来回;right and left左右;sooner and later迟早;land and water⽔陆;eat and drink 饮⾷;day and night 夜以继⽇;by twos and threes三三两两;
8、I never had much in seeing you.There was no love lost between us at any time.我们压根就没见过,哪有爱可⾔。
9、We grumble a little now and then,to be sure,but there's no love lost between us.我们之间虽然会有⼩吵⼩闹,但这并不影响我们的爱。10、The lights went out suddenly,we ment have a break somewhere.突然停电了,可能是哪出了问题。
11、When he was a young fellow in the sixties,he became a famous chemical scientist.当他在六⼗年代还年轻的时候,已经成为了⼀个著名的化学家了。
12、The dishes from chinese cuisine are meant to be both visually appealing and flavorous.中国菜⾊⾹味俱全。
13、The evil which they did lives after them.他们所做的坏事将遗臭万年。
14、You need not take down whatever i said.你不要记下我所说的⼀切。
15、The stone rolled down the hill and hit the boy.⽯头滚下⼭,击中男孩。
16、The terrorists downed two planes in Russia.恐怖分⼦曾经在俄罗斯击落了两架飞机。
17、We 'll share ups an downs with you.我们将会和你同⽢共苦。
18、He is not down yet .他还没下来呢!
19、The new dictionary has really taken off.这字典很快就脱销了。
20、Take off your wet shirt.脱掉你的衬衫湿。
21、We are now ready for take off.我们现在准备好起飞。
22、They had to take off the show because of poor audience.由于很少的观众,他们不得不取消这次活动。
23、You can take only one day off.你可以只休息⼀天。
24、The officer leading the inquiry has been taken off.领导调查的⼈员已被撤下。
25、We must help them in every way possible( every possible way).我们⼀定要⽤⼀切可能的办法来帮助他们。
26、This is the best solution imaginable.这是能想得出的最好解决办法。
27、The present students.现在的学⽣;the students present出席的学⽣,在场的学⽣;
28、The present president present at the meeting will present presents to the advanced workers.出席会议的现任总统将会给先进⼯作者赠送礼物。
29、I admire my father because he is a responsible man.⼀个负责任的⼈;
30、Mr .lin is the man responsible for examining the project.对某事负责任的⼈。
31、A building project of high-rise department houses.⼀个⾼层公寓⼤楼的建筑项⽬。
32、A candiate with tittle chance of success.⼀个当选希望极微的候选⼈。
33、Some Americans pop across the border simply to fuel upon flavorful mexican food and beer..⼀些美国⼈越过国境线,只是为了吃点可⼝的墨西哥⾷物,喝点墨西哥啤酒。
34、Make up your mind before you make up your face.化妆前慎购化妆品。
35、Jack has become Jack of all trades and master of none.杰克成了个万事皆通⽽⼀⽆所长的⼈。
36、Part-time barman wanted.Hours and salary negotiable.招聘兼职酒店保安,⼯作时间和薪⽔⾯议。
37、This bill of lading is issued in a negotiable form,so it shall constitute title to the goods and the holders by endorsement of the bill.所签发的提单为可转让的,只要在提单上背书,就确定货物和持票⼈的所有权。
38、We must bring the chairman around to our point of view.我们必须劝说会议主席转⽽⽀持我们的观点。
39、The Asian countries along the coast of the pacific all came out against the us new military base in Japan.太平洋沿岸的亚洲各国都宣布反对美国在⽇本新建的军事基地。
40、Though they are running out of food and drink,the men are cheerful and confident that they will get out soon.他们虽然已经⽔尽粮绝,但情绪很好,相信⾃⼰很快就会⾛出困境。
41、Up went the rocket into the space in an instant.顷刻间,“嗖”的⼀声,⽕箭飞向太空了。
42、So fast did he walk that none of us was his equal.他⾛得⾮常快,谁都不是他的对⼿。
43、Had you worked harder,you would have succeeded.需要再努⼒⼀把,就会成功了。
44、Were it not for you,I would fail.如果没有你,我会失败的。
45、Hardly had I arrived when I had a new problem to cope with.我刚到就碰到⼀个新问题需要处理。
46、No sooner was she back at home than she realized her mistake.她⼀回到家就意识到她的错误。
47、On the floor were piles of old books and newspaper.地板上堆着旧书和报纸。
48、On a hill in front of our school stood a great shopping mall.我们学校前⾯的⼩⼭上有⼀个规模很⼤的购物中⼼。
49、Such was the force of explosion that all the windows were broken.爆炸的威⼒如此之⼤,所有的窗户都震破了。
50、Young as she is, she has seen much of the world.她年纪轻轻,可见过不少世⾯。
51、He's still in bed.他还没有起床。
52、Without reasoning one is apt to be beyond control.没有理智容易变成不受约束。
53、The Middle East today is far from peace.今天的中东还很不安宁。
54、His explanation is far from satisfactory.他们的解释不能让⼈满意。
55、Such a chance was denied me,我没有得到这样⼀个机会。
56、The first bombs missed the target.第⼀批没有击中⽬标。
57、While colder than usual,the weather held.尽管较平常冷些,天⽓(保持)不变。
58、If he had kept his temper,the negotiation would probably have been
a success.要是他没发脾⽓,谈判很有可能就已经成功了。
59、Mary kept to her room all day.
60、He refused to take the money.他不愿接受那笔款⼦。
61、He went to the airport to pick his friend up,but he missed him in the crowd.他去机场接朋友,可是在⼈中未见到他。
62、A driver's absence of mind is absolutely forbidden.司机开车时,千万不能⼼不在焉。
63、We are in complete ignorance of his plan.我们完全不知道他的计划。
64、The explanation is pretty thin.这个解释相当不充实。
65、Everybody was waiting for her but she was talking to Ms.zhang while slowly walking out of her classroom.⼈⼈都在等他,⽽他却在⼀边同张⽼师讲话,⼀边不紧不慢地⾛出教室。
66、I 'm at my wits end to keep the children quiet.我实在没办法让这些孩⼦安静下来。
67、The subversion attempts proved predictably futile.不出所料,颠覆活动证明毫⽆效果。
68、It's a long time since I enjoyed myself so much.好长时间没这么痛快地玩了。
69、His explanation is far from being satisfactory.他的解释远不能让⼈满意。
70、This is beyond my reach.这⾮我能⼒所及。
71、Without your help,I could not have fulfilled the task in time.要不是你的帮忙,我是⽆法按时完成那任务的。
72、He evidently thinks otherwise.显然他有不同的想法。
73、He was too excite to talk.他兴奋得说不出话来。
74、Slips are scarcely avoidable when you are new to your work.⼯作没有经验吗,出点差错,在所难免。
somewhere75、Hardly anybody likes him,because he is too self-centered.他太⾃私了,⼏乎谁也不喜欢他。
76、Presidential historian 研究总统的历史学家。
77、For mistakes had been made,had ones,he was severely criticized.因为已经犯了错误,很严重,他受到了严厉的批评。
78、After the football match,he's got an important meeting.在观看完⾜球⽐赛之后,他有⼀个重要的会议要参加。
79、He is employed in watering the garden.他忙于浇花。
80、He is not a majestic personal figure like Roosevelt,and he doesn't
inspire fear like Jonson.他并不像罗斯福是⼀个代表威严的⼈物,也不像约翰逊那样让⼈望⽽⽣畏。
81、He completed translating that novel in such short time,which made me jump out of my skin ⼤吃⼀惊。
82、The police searched him to no purpose警察对他仔细搜⾝,⼀⽆所获(毫⽆结果)。
83、When she and he met again,each had been married to another.当他们重逢时,⼀个已经娶妻,⼀个已经嫁⼈了。
84、We fanned out across the wood scanning the ground and branches for anything that might help us find the missing girl.我们在整个树林⾥散开(分头寻),索觅地⾯和树枝,寻觅任何可能帮助我们到失踪⼥孩的线索。
85、There were reminiscences,as Jetty's friends reconvened.杰⾥的朋友重逢时,便谈起了许多往事。
86、Hoist your sail when the wind is fair.好风快扬帆。
87、Still waters run deep.静⽔流深。
88、In a calm sea,every man is a pilot.海⾯平静,⼈⼈都可以当舵⼿。
89、A small leak will sink, a great ship.⼩洞不堵要沉⼤船。
90、You are a lucky dog.你是⼀个幸运⼉。
91、Every dog has his day.凡⼈皆有得意⽇。
92、Old dog will not learn new tricks.⽼⼈学不了新东西。
93、Like a duck to water如鱼得⽔;as plentiful as blackberries多如⽜
⽑;at stone's throw⼀箭之遥;to fish in the air⽔中捞⽉;remain a dead letter⽯沉⼤海;half-baked半瓶⼦醋;as stupid as a goose蠢得像猪;dumb as an oyster守⼝如瓶;to spend money like water挥⾦如⼟;drunk as a sailor烂醉如泥;gild the lily画蛇添⾜;like a cat on a hot tin roof 热锅上的蚂蚁;as thin as a shadow瘦的像猴了;take horse 吹⽜;to tread upon eggs如履薄冰;diamond cut diamond棋逢对⼿;cry up wine and sell vinegar挂⽺头卖狗⾁;
94、The new typist is green at her job.刚来的打字员是个⽣⼿。
95、You cannot expect Mary to do business with such people.she is only eighteen and as green as grass.你不要指望玛丽同这样的⼈做⽣意,她只有⼗⼋岁,还毫⽆经验。
96、They felt rather blue after the failure in the football match.球赛输了,他们感到有些沮丧。
97、She looks blue today.she is in holiday blue.她今天显得闷闷不乐。她得了假期忧郁症。
98、He used to be painfully shy;but now he is started to blossom.他过去⼀直⾮常害羞,但现在他开始活泼起来了。
99、News came though on the wireless of a rich oil field near the sea.⽆线电传来了近海发现丰富油⽥的消息。
100、He admires the president's stated decision to fight for the job.他对总统声明为保住其职位⽽决⼼奋⽃表⽰钦佩。101、Formality has always characterized their relationship.他们之间的
102、The pallor of her face indicated clearly how she was feeling at the moment.她苍⽩的脸⾊清楚地表明了她那时的情绪。103、The president had prepared meticulously for his journey.总统为这次出游作了⼗分周密的准备。
104、The turning point of my life was decision to gave up a promisiney business career and study music.我⽣活的转折点是我决定不做发迹有望的商⼈⽽专攻⾳乐。
105、Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe.⽕箭已经⽤来探索宇宙。
106、As the week drew to a close,the enemy rount was complete.⼀周快结束时,敌⼈彻底溃退了。
107、The sight and sound of our jet planes filled me with special longing.看到我们的喷⽓式飞机,听见隆隆的机⾝,令我特别神往。
108、One of our ways for getting heat is burning fuels.我们获得热的⼀种⽅式是燃烧燃料。
109、Heating water does not change its chemical composition.把⽔加热不会改变⽔的化学成分。
110、I am afraid i can't teach you swimming.I think my little brother is a better teacher than I.我未必会教你游泳,我想我⼩弟弟⽐我教得好。