He can’t find his English book anywhere.他到处不到他的英语书。
I think he must live somewhere.我觉得他肯定住在某个地方。
few 意为“少数的;很少的”,只修饰可数名词,表否定含义。例如:
I can see few birds in the tree.我几乎看不到树上有鸟。
a few 意为“几个;少许” 相当于several,只修饰可数名词复数,表肯定含义。例如:
He has a few friends.他有几个朋友。
(1)little 意为“很少;一点儿”,用于 “量;额;价值”等概念,修饰不可数名词,表否定含义。little还表示“小的”之意。例如:
There is little milk in the cup.杯子里没有牛奶了。
A little boy is coming.一个小男孩过来了。
(2)a little 意为“有点儿;少量” 修饰不可数名词,表示肯定含义。例如:
He has a little money with him.他随身带了点儿钱。
a little也可以用作副词,修饰形容词、副词、动词以及介词短语,表示“有点,稍稍”。例如:
He is a little tired.他有点累了。
You should walk a little faster.你应该走快一点。
She was only a little over fifty years old.她才五十多一点。
quite a few = not a few 相当多的
quite a little许多
only a little = but a little 相当少
Most boys like playing football.大部分男孩都喜欢踢足球。
This is the most beautiful flower.这是最漂亮的花。
She is a most beautiful girl.她是个非常漂亮的姑娘。
(3)most后不能直接跟有定冠词、指示代词或物主代词所修饰的名词,用most of代替most。例如:
I did most of that difficult work.那件困难的工作绝大部分都是由我做的。
Most of the time we eat fish.绝大部分时间我们都吃鱼肉。
(1)almost = very nearly,指在程度上相差很少,almost可与no,none,nothing,never,nobody等表示否定意义的词连用。例如:
I almost missed the flight.我差一点误了航班。
Almost no one believed what he said.几乎没人相信他的话。
(2)mostly=mainly 意为“大部分、主要地”。例如:
The students in our class are mostly from the factory.我们班的学生主要来自这家工厂。
His stories were mostly about his travels in foreign countries.
I’m bored with the book.我对这本书厌烦了。
The story is boring.这个故事令人厌烦。
exciting 令人兴奋的/ interesting 令人感兴趣的/
moving 令人感动的/ tiring 令人厌倦的 
excited (人)感到兴奋的/ interested(人)感兴趣的/
moved(人)感动的/ tired(人)感到疲倦/累/厌烦的       
(1)decide sth.意为“决定某事”。  例如:
I can’t decide anything at the moment.现在我不能做出任何决定。
(2)decide to do sth.意为“决定做某事”。例如:
We decide to go to Paris next month.我们决定下个月去巴黎。
The boy decided to be a sailor.那男孩决定做海员。
The doctors decided to operate on him for the tumor.医生们决定为他开刀切除肿瘤。
decide on…意为“由……决定;决定于……”。后面接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。例如:
I decided on going to Beijing at last.最后我决定去北京了。
My mother decided on the red dress.我妈妈决定买下那件红的裙子。
The food is enough for the trip.用于这次旅行的食物足够了。
I have enough time to watch TV.我有足够的时间看电视。
The young man is strong enough to carry the heavy bag.那个年轻人足够强壮能搬动重包。
(1)enough…to do sth.“有足够的……做某事”。例如:
I don’t have enough time to eat lunch.我没有足够的时间吃午饭。
(2)…enough to do…可以同too…to…或so…that…结构互相转换。例如:
He isn’t old enough to go to school.= He is too young to go to school.= He is so young that he can’t go to school.他太小而不能上学。
He seems very angry.他好像非常生气。
(1)seem + 名词  例如:
He seems a nice man.他看起来是个好人。
(2)seem like…意为“好像,似乎……”。  例如:
It seemed like not a bad idea at that time.那时这主意好像不错。
(3)seem to do sth.意为“似乎、看来、好像做某事”。例如:
I seem to have left my book at home.我好像把书忘在家里了。
(4)It seems that…或It seemed that…意为“看起来好像……,似乎……”。例如:
It seemed that he was very happy.他看上去好像很高兴。
(5)seem to be + 形容词或名词    例如:
She seems to be happy.她看起来很高兴。
try to do sth.意为“设法去做某事,尽量去做某事”,其否定形式为try not to do sth.。例如:
Try not to be late again.尽量别再迟到了。
Try to get here in two hours.尽量在两小时之内到达。
(1)try doing sth.意为“试着做某事”,强调尝试做某事。例如:
You should try eating more vegetables.你应当试着多吃点蔬菜。
(2)try one’s best to do sth.意为“尽某人最大努力做某事”。例如:
We should try our best to finish the work on time.我们应该尽最大努力准时完成这项工作。
(3)try 构成的短语:
try out sth.试验、检验
have a try 试一试
try for sth.试图获得某物
try one’s best 尽某人最大努力
Maybe she’ll come this afternoon.她可能今天下午来。
Maybe you put the letter in your pockets.大概你把信放在衣袋里了。
(1)maybe和may be的辨析:
maybe是副词,而在may be中,may是情态动词,be是动词原形,两者构成完整的谓语形式,与主语形成系表结构,意为“也许是、可能是”。例如:
I can’t find my watch.It may be in your pocket.
