Lesson 117 and Lesson 118
1. My husband d______ some coins on the floor yesterday.
2. I changed a five-pound note because I needed some c______ for the ticket machine.
3. Just wait for a w______ and then I’ll help you.
4. Little Tommy put the two coins b______ into his mouth.
5. He s______ a mouthful of bread in a hurry just now.
6. I’ll tell you about it l______.
7. We looked for them, but we could not find them a______.
8. Just at that moment, the telephone r______.
9. She came along a______ she sang.
10. It was too late for us to g______ the coins out of Tommy’s mouth.
1. We usually have our meals in the ______ (dine) room.
2. There were coins ______ (anywhere) on the floor.
3. Tommy’s been to the toilet three ______ (time) this morning.
4. The train arrived two hours ______ (late).
5. Father fell ______ (sleep) while he was watching TV.
6. I only stayed at home. I went ______ (somewhere).
7. You are wearing your ______ (glass).
8. We should plant more trees to make our city ______ (green).
9. It’s difficult for us to swim ______ (cross) the river in twenty minutes/somewhere
10. He finished writing the letter as ______ (quick) as he could.
1. He ______ (do) his homework at two o’clock yesterday afternoon.
2. They ______ (have) a meeting from 8 to 10 last night.
3. Mary ______ (watch) TV when we came in.
4. I ______ (wash) my clothes this time yesterday.
5. My wife ______ (cook) the dinner while I ______ (work) in the garden.
6. When I ______ (leave) the house, the postman arrived.
7. As it ______ (get) dark, we had to go home.
8. One evening Beethoven ______ (walk) in a street when he suddenly stopped outside a little
9. Just as I ______ (open) the front door, the telephone rang.
10. What ______ you ______ (do) between June and August last year?
1. One day a lion ate a big dinner, then he ______ (asleep).
2. A large bag of rice dropped off a truck when it ______ (come) round a corner.
3. While some of the students ______ (stop) the traffic, the boys carried the man to the
gatekeeper’s room.
4. When Li Lei found Miss Zhao in the school library, she ______ (choose) a book.
5. He thanks me for what I ______ (do).
6. My aunt gave me a hat and I______ (lose) it.
7. I have seen the film. I ______ (see) it last month.
8. I ______ (be) twenty years old next year.
9. My wife was cooking the dinner while I ______ (read) a newspaper.
10. I heard someone ______ (play) music next door.
(    ) 1. When my husband ______ into the dining room this morning, he ______ some coins on the floor.
A. went, was dropping
B. was going, dropped
C. went, was falling
D. was going, fell
(    ) 2. The story book is too expensive, ______ we can’t ______ buy it.
A. and, afford
B. so, afford
C. but, afford to
D. so, afford to
(    ) 3. I was just leaving home ______ it began to rain.
A. when
B. while
C. as
D. so
(    ) 4. We looked for the coins ______, but we couldn’t find them ______.
A. anywhere, both
B. somewhere, all
C. everywhere, all
D. everywhere, both (    ) 5. He finished his work and ______ TV.
A. went watching
B. went on watching
C. went watch
D. went on to watch
(    ) 6. His parents ______ English teachers in our school.
A. are both
B. both are
C. are all
D. all are
(    ) 7. I need your advice. Please write to me ______.
A. as quickly as possible
B. as soon as I can
C. as fast as you can
D. as soon as possible
(    ) 8. Don’t get ______ the bus until it stops.
A. off
B. in
C. up
D. down
(    ) 9. Tomorrow he will go ______ a trip to Shanghai.
A. to
B. on
C. in
D. at
(    ) 10. What happened ______ them?        They had an accident.
A. for
B. of
C. on
D. to
(    ) 11. When he left, his mother ______.
A. is cooking
B. cooked
C. was cooking
D. cooks
(    ) 12. We ______ TV when the telephone ______.
A. watched; was ringing
B. were watching, rang
C. watch; rings
D. are watching; rang
(    ) 13. My husband and I ______ tried ______ the coins, but it was to late.
A. all, to get
B. both, to get
C. all, getting
D. both, getting (    ) 14. He looked behind from time to time ______ he walked.
A. when
B. while
C. as
D. so
(    ) 15. My wife was cooking to dinner ______ I was working in the garden.
A. when
B. before
C. as
D. while
1. When I was leaving the house, the postman arrived.(变为同义句)
I was leaving the house ______ the postman ______.
2. There were coins everywhere.(变为同义句)
There were coins ______ and ______.
3. We both tried to get the coins.(变为同义句)
______ of ______ tried to get the coins.
4. Tommy has been to the toilet three times this morning.(就划线部分提问)
______ ______ ______ has Tommy been to the toilet this morning?
5. We couldn’t find them all.(变为同义句)
We couldn’t find ______ of ______.
6. Jill and Bob were born in the same year.(变为同义句)
Jill is ______ ______ as Bob.
7. John was sleeping at ten last night.(就换线部分提问)
______ ______ John ______ at ten last night?
8. He sang just now.(用when I came here改写句子)
He ______ ______ when I came here.
9. He isn’t as old as he looks.(变为同义句)
He is _____- ______ he looks.
10. She was getting off the bus and she slipped and hurt herself.(变为同义句)
She shipped and hurt herself ______ she was getting off the bus.
Teacher: What ___1___ you doing at 10:30 last Sunday morning?
Jim: I ___2___ making a model plane in my bedroom.
Teacher: ___3___ was your sister ___4___ at that time?
Jim: She was ___5___ with the cat.
Teacher: Were your parents ___6___ TV?
Jim: No, they were ___7___ newspapers.
Teacher: What ___8___ you going to do this Sunday?
Jim: We are going ___9___ visit Hangzhou.
Teacher: I hope you’ll ___10___ a good time.
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
4. ______
5. ______
6. ______
7. ______
8. ______
9. ______    10. ______
It was Saturday. The weather got cold suddenly and Mrs. Clark wanted to buy ______ for herself. After breakfast they started out. There was much ice on the roads and Mr. Clark ______ carefully. He stopped the car in front of the biggest ______ in the town and they went in. They bought a lot of things there and then returned home.
At the gate Mrs. Clark ______ with some bags. Her husband drove the car into the garage. Then he ______ the door and left. But he saw his wife standing outside in ______. He felt strange and asked, “Why not go in the room dear? It’s very cold here.”
“I can’t ______ the key to the door,” answered the woman.
“Didn’t you put it into your handbag?”
“Oh, I remember ______.” called out the woman. “But where’s my handbag?”
“Didn’t you ______ it out of the car?”
“No, I didn’t. Go and get it, dear.”
“______!” cried Mr. Clark. “I’ve left the key to the garage in the car, too.”
I was late in the evening. I heard someone knocking at the door. I opened it and saw a young man with glasses. He said he was a friend of my father’s and he had an appointment with him. I didn’t remember my father had such a friend, but I had to let him in.
As he talked, I found that he didn’t know anything about my father. Just then my father came in and the young man was surprised. I took hold of the man while my father called the policemen.
(    ) 1. One day a young man knocked at the door at midnight.
(    ) 2. He was one of my father’s friends.
(    ) 3. He knew nothing about my father.
(    ) 4. My father and I caught the young man and took him to the police station.
(    ) 5. The young man was a thief.
Once an old man felt unhappy and asked his friend how he could feel h___1___. “That’s very e___2___,” his friend said. “You just put on the s___3___ of a happy man and you’ll be happy.”
The old man believed his friend and b___4___ to look for a happy man. He went to many places and met many people. They a___5___ said they were not happy.
One day he saw a poor man w___6___ in the field. The man was singing and l___7___ very happy. The old man came up to him and asked. “Are you happy, my friend?”
“Yes, quite happy.” a___8___ the farmer.
“Can you g___9___ me your shirt?” asked the old man.
“My shirt?” the farer answered, “But I haven’t got a shirt, never have o___10___.”
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
4. ______
5. ______
6. ______
7. ______
8. ______
9. ______    10. ______
At the end, Xiao Bian gives you a passage. Minand once said, "people who learn to learn are very happy people.". In every wonderful life, learning is an eternal theme. As a professional clerical and teaching position, I understand the importance of continuous learning, "life is diligent, nothing can be gained", only continuous learning can achieve better self. Only by constantly learning and mastering the latest relevant knowledge, can employees from all walks of life keep up with the pace of enterprise development and innovate to meet the needs of the market. This document is also edited by my studio professionals, there may be errors in the document, if there are errors, please correct, thank you!
