be around 用法
“be around”是一个常用的英语短语,它有多种含义和用法。下面将详细介绍这个短语的不同意义和常见用法。
1. 存在,存在于某个地方
“be around”可以表示某物或某人存在于某个地方。例如:
- My keys should be around here somewhere.(我的钥匙应该就在这附近。)
- Is John still around?(约翰还在吗?)
2. 存在了很长时间
“be around”也可以表示某物或某人已经存在了很长时间。例如:
- This company has been around for over a century.(这家公司已经存在了一个多世纪了。)
That restaurant has been around since I was a kid.(那家餐厅从我小时候就已经存在了。)
3. 陪伴,陪同
“be around”还可以表示陪伴或陪同某人。例如:
- I need someone to be around me right now.(我需要有人在我身边陪伴我。)
- Will you be around to help me with the move?(你会在场帮我搬家吗?)
4. 可以到,可以联系到
“be around”也可以表示某人或某物可以被到或联系到。例如:
- If you need anything, I'll be around all day.(如果你需要什么,我整天都会在这里。)
- Is there a doctor around here?(这附近有医生吗?)
5. 活跃,存在于某个领域
“be around”还可以表示某人或某物活跃于某个领域或存在于某个社交圈子中。例如:
- He's been around the music scene for years.(他已经在音乐界活跃了多年。)
- She's been around the block a few times.(她已经见多识广了。)
somewhere6. 避开,躲避
最后,“be around”还可以表示避开或躲避某人或某物。例如:
- I try to avoid him whenever he's around.(他在场时,我尽量避免和他接触。)
- She always seems to be around when I don't want her to be.(每当我不希望她出现时,她总是会出现。)
总之,“be around”这个短语的含义和用法非常丰富多样,需要根据具体情境来理解其含义。熟练掌握这个短语的不同用法将有助于提高英语表达能力和交流效果。
