东京塔老妈和我 有时还有老爸结尾读后感
Tokyo Tower, Mom and Me, Sometimes Dad Too
Growing up in Tokyo, one of my favorite memories is visiting Tokyo Tower with my family. The iconic red and white tower always stood tall and proud, a symbol of the city. Every time we visited, my mom would always buy us tickets to go up to the observation deck. I remember the excitement of taking the elevator up and seeing the breathtaking view of the city below.
My mom would always point out different landmarks and buildings, telling us stories about each one. She had a way of making even the most mundane things seem magical. I remember feeling so small and insignificant, yet so connected to the bustling city below.
Sometimes, my dad would join us on our trips to Tokyo Tower. He was always the one to take us on the glass floor, despite his fear of heights. I remember laughing as he gingerly stepped onto the transparent floor, his face a mix of terror and excitement.
join on是什么连接As I grew older, our visits to Tokyo Tower became less frequent. But the memories of those family outings remain etched in my mind. Tokyo Tower will always hold a special place in my heart, a symbol of family, love, and adventure.