一、 选择题
1. Our teacher is clever and hardworking, but not very good at _______ his ideas to us.
  A. getting over  B. getting across  C. getting on  D. getting into
2. Most young people don’t want _____ the kind of life that their parents ______.
    A. to lead; used to live              B. living; used to live 
C. to live; used to living             D. leading; used to live 
3. It is requested that some measures _________ to stop "white pollution".
A. will be taken
B. are taken
C. should take
D. be taken
4. He learned his lesson so well that he had ______ his English examination.
A. much difficulty to pass            B. little difficulty to
C. little difficulty passing          D. no difficulty to pass
5. In our town, wood can ___________ a fire.
A. be used to make                B. be used to making
C. use to make                            D. used to making
6. The instrument _____ to test the new drug was a great success, which excited the local people.
A. designing    B. to design
C. designed    D. was designed
句意:被设计用于检测这种新药的仪器是一个巨大的成功,这使得当地人非常的兴奋。The instrumentdesign之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词作定语,选C
7. To be honest, I don’t have the ____ to make a final decision on whether you can join the League.
A. purpose        B. power     
C. strength          D. energy
8. The house belongs to my aunt but she _________ here any more.
A.      hasn’t lived      B. didn’t live      C. hadn’t lived        D. doesn’t live
9. In fact, you _________ have shown me to the station. I’m not a new comer.
A. couldn’t            B. shouldn’t      C. needn’t              D. mustn’t
10. It is ______ heavy a box _____ no one can move it.
A. such; that              B. so; that                         C. too; to                          D. such; as
11. -- Doing it like this means _______ time.
--I didn’t mean ______ it.
  A. wasting…to do                      B. to waste…doing   
  C. waste…do                            D. wasting…doing 
解析:本题考察动词mean的用法:mean +动名词表示意味着…”,mean+动词不定式表示打算/意图 …”
12. Liuyang No 1 High School, ______ has a history of more than 80 years, is a famous school in Hunan Province.
A. which      B. where      C. that        D. it
27. It’s too hot, Mom. Let’s go swimming in the river,       ?
  A. do you    B. can you    C. will you    D. shall we
14. _____ is known to all, China will be an_____ powerful country in 20 or 30 year’s tome.
A. That; advancing
B. This; advanced
C. As; advanced
D. It; advancing
15. –How is everything, Nicholas?
A. Very well
B. Not too bad
C. I’m all right, thanks
D. Not at all
16. I'll sleep with the window open ______ it's really cold.(  )
Aif    Bwhen    Cunless    Dbecause
考查从属连词.if如果;when时候;unless 除非,如果不;because因为.根据句意,C项正确.
join on是什么连接
二、 新的题型
17. People who experience face blindness can have a hard time in their social life. They have trouble remembering or recognizing faces. The term ‘face blindness’ isn’t exactly accurate though. ___16___. They just can’t put all the parts together into one coherent image that they remember and recognize when they see it again, which is why proper name for face blindness is prosopagnosia, or literally “not knowing the face”.
___17___ These clues include the way they sound (their voice or accent), the way they look (body size, shape or height), the way they smell, their clothing, their hair(style, colour or length) and obvious features on their face(beards, piercings heavy eyebrow, glasses).
___18___  Because they’re not always unique to one person and they can change. This is why  face blindness can cause so much stress.
If you don’t experience face blindness, you’ve probably never given much thought to your ability to recognize familiar people or how important that is to your social interactions and feelings of safety. But imagine if you didn’t know whether the person approaching you is a friend or a stranger. ___19___. Or imagine not being able to find the teacher when you need to use the toilet, because your teacher wears glasses and none of the adults in the room are wearing glasses today. ___20___.
A.These are important ways to remember someone’s face.
B.Do you say hello or just keep on walking?
C.Those with face blindness have to use other clues to recognize people.
D.It’s easy to see the effect this would have on your social skills and confidence.
