2014九年级英语Unit1 How can we become good learners? Section A重点词组:
1. 通过和朋友一起学习by working with friends
2. 通过制作词汇卡片by making word cards
3. 通过读教科书by reading the textbook
4. 通过听磁带by listening to tapes (注意不要漏掉介词to)
5. 通过向老师寻求帮助by asking the teacher for help (ask sb for sth.如ask your parents for money, ask the teacher for advice/ suggestions;要求某人(不要)去做某事ask sb (not) to do sth)
6. 跟朋友用英语做对话have conversations with friends in English
7. 朗读以练习发音read aloud to practice pronunciation (不定式表目的,朗读的目的是练习发音,如join an English club to improve my English, find a pen pal to practice writing)
8. 通过那样的方式(in) that way
妨碍,阻碍,挡道(get) in the way (如:你的爱好可能会阻碍你的成功Your hobbies may get in the way of your success.)
顺便一提by the way
在去…的路上on the way to…
9. 做…怎么样?What/How about doing sth?
10. 提高说的技巧improve speaking skills
11. 听懂英语口语understand spoken English(书面英语written English)
12. 阅读完一本书finish reading a book (finish doing sth做完某事)
13. 作报告give a report
14. 逐词阅读read word by word (sentence by sentence)
15. 读词read word groups
16. 对某人有耐心be patient with sb
对某事有耐心be patient of sth
17. 做某事花费某人…时间It takes sb +时间+ to do sth
(步行去学校花费我十分钟It takes me ten minutes to walk to school. 关于“花费”Sb spend +T/M+ on sth/ doing sth
她每晚花费两个小时做作业。She spends two hours doing her homework every night. Sb pay M for sth== Sth cost sb M
join on是什么连接I paid ten dollars for the book. The book cost me ten dollars.)
18. 越…就越…the +adj./ adv.比较级,the +adj./ adv.比较级(你读得越多,你就会越快速The more you read, the faster you’ll be. 你越认真,你犯的错误就会越少The more careful you are, the fewer mistakes you will make. 你听得越认真,你犯的错误就越少The more car
efully you listen, the fewer mistakes you will make.
19. 每天读一些你喜欢的东西read something you enjoy every day
20. 发现学英语是困难的find it difficult to learn English (find it +adj+to do sth发现做某事是…的)
21. 语言学习的秘诀the secret to language learning
(the secret of doing sth做某事的秘诀)
22. 大多数时候most of the time
23. 害怕做某事be afraid of soing sth, be afraid to do sth
24. 因为,由于because of
25. 藏在教科书后面hide behind my textbook (hide-hid-hidden)
26. 一部叫做玩具总动员的英文电影an English movie called Toy Story a book written by Mo
Yan a boy named Tom
27. 爱上…fall in love with (fall-fell-fallen)
28. 肢体语言body language
29. 他们脸上的表情the expressions on their faces
30. 听关键词listen for the key words
31. 也得到提高improve as well
32. 一些有趣的东西something interesting
33. 小菜一碟It is a piece of cake.
34. 在字典里查阅他们look them up in the dictionary(代中名中后)
35. 以便于,为了so that (表示目的的状语从句,她早起以便于赶上早班车She gets up early so that she can catch the early bus.)
36. 更好地理解英文电影have a better understanding of English movies
37. 大声跟读repeat out loud
38. 记笔记take notes
39. 做习题do exercises
40. 给笔友写邮件write an Email to my pen pals
41. 熟记句型memorize sentence patterns
42. 太…以至于不能… too …to do sth
他太小了不能给自己穿衣服He is too young to dress himself. Section A重点句子:
1. 朗读以练习发音怎么样?
What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation?
2. 老师说得太快以至于我很多时候不理解她。
The teacher spoke so quickly that I did not understand her most of the time.
(so+adj./adv. That +从句,太…以至于…表示结果的状语从句。如:他太累了以至于一点也动不了了He was so tired that he could not move any farther.
小偷跑得太快了以至于每人抓到他The thief ran so fat that nobody caught him.)
3. 由于我糟糕的发音,我害怕问问题。
I was afraid to ask questions because of my poor pronunciation.
4. 我发现听一些有趣的东西是语言学习的秘诀。
I discovered that listening to something interesting is the secret to language learning.
(discover发现原本存在但不为人知的事物,find 到具体的东西,invent发明创造新事物find out查出真相、前因后果,列车时刻表、飞机航班等)
5. 尽管我不能理解演员们所说的每一件事,但是他们的肢体语言和面部表情帮助我理解意思。
Although I could not understand everything the characters said, their body language and the expressions on their faces helped me get the meaning.
Section B重点词组:
1. 发单词的音pronounce the words
2. 如何提高我的阅读速度how to improve my reading speed (疑问词+不定式,用在动词后面作宾语,I don’t know what to do or say. I wonder where to buy a dictionary.)
3. 在语法方面犯错误make mistakes in grammar
4. 加入英语俱乐部join an English club
(加入团体组织成为成员用join,参加活动比赛竞赛用take part in)
5. 成为一个成功的学习者become a successful learner (success名词,成功;succeed动词,成功,短语succeed in doing sth;successful形容词,successfully副词
他成功地解出了数学题He succeeded in working out the math problem. ==He worked out the math problem successfully.)
6. 天生具有… be born with
7. 学习的能力the ability to learn
8. 是否whether or not 9. 取决于,依赖depend on
(价格取决于质量The price depends on the quality.
