Tickling Xiao Wu's feet is not a pleasant experience for her. Whenever I try to tickle her feet, she squirms and giggles uncontrollably. It's like a reflex for her, and she can't help but react to the tickling sensation. It's both amusing and adorable to watch her reaction.
tickle Tickling the soles of her feet seems to be the most effective way to get her to burst into laughter. The moment my fingers touch her feet, she starts giggling and tries to pull her feet away. It's as if she's ticklish all over her feet, from her toes to her heels. Sometimes, I even use a feather to tickle her feet, and her reaction is even more intense. She squeals with laughter and begs me to stop.
I remember one time when we were playing a tickling game. I managed to grab hold of her feet and started tickling her mercilessly. She was laughing so hard that tears were streaming down her face. It was a priceless moment, and we both couldn't stop laughing. The tickling s
ensation was so overwhelming for her that she couldn't speak properly. All she could do was gasp for breath between fits of laughter.
Tickling Xiao Wu's feet is a great way to bond with her. It brings us closer together and creates lasting memories. It's a simple act of playfulness that brings so much joy. Whenever we tickle her feet, it's a moment of pure happiness and laughter.