We're pinned down! 被敌人包围
We can't get through! 我们冲不出去了
Sheldon, get over here and help! 谢尔顿 快过来帮忙
Okay, one second. 好 马上来
Sheldon, why are you jumping up and down? 谢尔顿 你干嘛在原地上下蹦
I'm trying to shoot. 我试着开呢
Then use the shoot button, 那你按开钮啊
not the "Wonderful thing about Tiggers" button! 不是按"演示跳跳虎的强项"钮
That's it, we're dead. 结束了 团灭
Okay, challenge them again. 申请再战
Doing it right now. 战书已下
Oh, they can't. 他们打不了
There's an important Little League game tomorrow. 明天有场重要的9到12岁儿童棒球大赛呢
No wonder they beat us, they're jocks. 难怪能虐我们 人家是运动员
What happened to me? 我这是怎么了
I used to excel at these things. 我曾叱咤游戏界
Kids are always better at video games. 小孩子向来比较会打电玩
Well, I don't like it. 我讨厌这样
Mm, if it makes you feel better, you still dress like a child. 有句安慰的话不知该不该讲 你穿着还像小孩
No, but it's not just video games. 不 不只是电玩
I downloaded the new O.S. For my phone, took me a week 我给手机更新了版本 我花了一周
to stop accidentally texting kissy faces to everyone. 才不再意外给人发送亲亲表情tickle
Oh, so our love is not real? 所以我们的爱情是假的吗
Well, I-I know how you feel. 我懂你的感觉
I tried one of those electronic Japanese toilets, 我试着用过日本的全自动马桶
practically shot myself across the room. 结果差点把我弹飞出厕所
I guess I just need to face it, 看来我不得不承认
I'm no longer a wunderkind. 我不再是少年神童
Now I just wonder what's for lunch. 我现在只是少根筋 不知中午吃啥儿童
Hot dogs. 热狗
I didn't know you could drink while you're breastfeeding. 我都不知道哺乳期可以喝酒
Yeah, they say the yeast in beer helps with milk production. 人家说啤酒里的酵母有助产奶
I'm pretty sure that's a myth, let me check. 我敢说这是不实传闻 我查查
Ruin it for me and I'll break this glass over your head. 查出来我不能喝 我就用这杯子打爆你头
To denial. 敬自欺欺人一杯
Oh, I'm gonna get another. 我去续杯
You want food? 要吃的吗
Yeah, breastfeeding burns, like, 5,000 calories a day. 要 哺乳每天会消耗掉5000卡热量
Do not touch that phone. 敢碰你手机试试
Penny? 佩妮
Oh, Zack. Hey. 扎克 你好啊
What are the odds of running into you here? 得多巧啊 能在这里碰到你
Well, it's a bar, so pretty good. 这是间酒吧 所以不需要多巧
Uh, what's new? 有何新鲜事
Oh, tons of stuff. 挺多的呢
Put artificial grass in my backyard, got engaged, 后院种了人工草皮 订了婚
had a scary mole that turned out to be Sharpie. 疑似皮肤癌的痣后来发现只是记号笔印迹
Well, congratulations. 恭喜你啊
That's what my dermatologist said. 我的皮肤科医生也这么说
No, on-on getting engaged, good for you. 是恭喜你订婚 太好了
Oh, thanks. How about you? 谢谢 那你呢
Hey, how's Leonard? 莱纳德最近好吗
Is he still smart? 还那么聪明吗
Yes, yes, he's working for the government 还好 还那么聪明 他正在为
on an infinite persistence gyroscope. 政府研发无限持续陀螺仪
Of course, the first time I say it right, 果然 我第一次说正确
he's not even here. 他人就刚好不在
I love that little guy. 我可喜欢这小个子了
Hey, we should all have dinner sometime. 或许我们该一天一起吃饭
Uh, yeah, sure, I'll check with Leonard. 可以啊 我再问一下莱纳德
Cool, I'll check with Sara. 太好了 那我也问下莎拉
Sara, pull up my calendar. 莎拉[Siri] 调出我的日程表
It never works for me. 这功能从来没好使过
I've been thinking about our recent humiliation. 我一直在想我们这次遭人羞辱的事
You're gonna have to be more specific. 你得说得更详细才知道哪次
At the hands of those teenagers. 被孩子们羞辱
More. 还不够详细
Boy teenagers. 被少年们羞辱
Oh, the video game. Yeah, that was bad. 电玩啊 是啊 太惨了
I started doing some reading on cognitive vitality, 我开始去阅读一些有关认知活力的文章
and I came across an area of research called "Super-aging." 读到了一个有关"青春永驻"的研究领域
You know who's a super-ager? Jennifer Lopez. 你们知道谁青春永驻吗 珍妮弗·洛佩兹
You know who's a super-ager? Jennifer Lopez. 美国知名大牌女歌手
Like, what is her secret? 她的不老秘方到底是什么啊
Now, this is rare. 这情况还真罕见
I don't know which one of you I want to stop talking first. 我不知道自己想先让你们俩哪个闭嘴
The theory is that if you really tax your brain, 这理论是说如果你狠狠磨炼你的大脑
the neurofibers will become thicker 脑神经纤维会变得更粗壮
and the glial cells more lustrous. 神经胶质细胞更有光泽
Like JLo's hair. 就像珍妮弗的秀发
Boy, it is neck and neck right now. 两位 真的是不相上下啊
How is super-aging any different 那保持青春永驻跟
than, like, doing crossword puzzles? 做填字游戏有什么区别
Well, it's not just doing simple cognitive tasks. 不再是做些简单的认知任务就行了
You need to push your brain out of its comfort zone 你得逼你的大脑走出原本的舒适区
and reach mental exhaustion. 再使其达到精神疲惫的状态
I drive you to work every day, 我天天开车载你上班
my brain must look like the Hulk. 我的大脑估计得强壮得像绿巨人
If you really want to challenge yourself, 如果你真的想挑战自己极限
you could learn to speak Hindi. 你可以试着学印地语啊