SSAT 高频词汇精选
引导语:词库的丰富就要靠平时的积累,下面小编精选了 100 个
SSAT 考试高频词汇,希望能够帮助到大家
1, aversion 厌恶;反感 a strong dislike
2, culpable 有罪的 blameworthy
3, ennui 厌倦;无聊 boredom
4, goad 刺激;用刺棒驱赶;to drive, urge on
5, impudent 鲁莽的 disrespectful
6, naive 幼稚的 innocent, simple, unsophisticated
7, prolific 丰富的;多产的 rapidly productive,
8, ruse 策略 a trick or strategy intended to deceive
9, proxy 代理 a person authorized to act for another noun
10, taint 污染 contaminate, corrupt
11, amorphous 没有形状的 without definite shape or form
12, crisis 危机 an unstable situation of extreme danger or diffi culty
13, efface 擦掉;消除 to erase, destroy
14, fiasco 惨败 an utter and often ridiculous failure
15, imply 暗示 to suggest
16, melee 互殴scull a fight between a confused mass
17, pinnacle 小尖塔; 顶点 the highest point
18, revert 恢复 to come or go back