scleritis 巩膜炎
sclerometer 硬度计
scleroprotein 硬蛋⽩ scleroses 硬化
sclerosis 硬化
sclerotic 巩膜的
sclerotitis 巩膜炎
sclerous 硬化的
scobs 锯屑
scoff at 嘲笑
scoff 嘲笑
scoffer 嘲笑者
scoffingly 带冷笑地
scofflaw 常违规者
scold 责骂
scolding 责骂
scolex 头节
scollop 海扇
scolopendra 蜈蚣
sconce 头
scone 烤饼
scoop in 筹集
scoop net 捞
scoop out 接应
scoop up 铲起
scoop wheel ⽃式⽔车 scoop 铲⼦
scoopful 满满⼀勺
scoot 疾⾛
scope 范围
scopes 领域
scopolamine 东莨菪碱 scorbutic 坏⾎病的
scorch 烧焦
scorched earth 军事销毁
scorcher ⼤热天
scorching 激烈的
score out 划掉
score under 强调
score up 记下
score 得分
scoreboard 记分板
scorebook 得分簿
scorecard 记分卡
scorekeeper 记分员
scoreless 没得分的
scorer 记录员
scoria 铁渣
scoriaceous 铁渣⼦的
scoriae ⽕⼭岩烬
scorify 变成矿渣
scoring 得分
scorn 轻蔑
scornful 轻蔑的
scornfully 轻蔑地
scornfulness 轻蔑
scorpio 天蝎座
scorpion 蝎⼦
scot 税赋
scot-free 不受处罚的
Scotch and soda 威⼠忌苏打 Scotch broth 苏格兰浓汤
Scotch collops 洋葱烧⽜⾁⽚ Scotch cousin 远亲
Scotch mist ⼭霭
Scotch tape 透明胶商标
Scotch terrier 苏格兰⼀种狗 Scotch verdict 苏格兰式判决
Scotch 苏格兰⼈
scotch-irish 有爱尔兰⾎统⼈ Scotch-tape 透明胶封⼝
Scotchman 苏格兰⼈
Scotchwoman 苏格兰⼥⼈ scoter ⿊鸟
scotia 凹形边饰
Scotland 苏格兰
scotograph 射线照⽚
scotoma 暗点
scotophobia 暗影恐怖
scotopia 暗视
Scots 苏格兰⼈
scotticism 苏格兰语风
Scotticize 苏格兰风格
Scottie 苏格兰野狗
Scottish 苏格兰的
scoundrel 恶棍
scoundrelism 卑鄙
scoundrelly 恶棍地
scour for 搜索
scour off 擦掉
scour out 冲刷成
scour 冲洗
scourer 洗擦者
scourge 鞭
scourings 污垢
scout about for 到处搜索
scout about 侦察
scout around 侦察
scout at 嘲笑
scout car 警察巡逻车
scout 侦察
scoutcraft 侦察活动
scouting 守候活动
scoutmaster 童⼦军团长
scow 盘艇
scowl at 怒视
scowl on 怒视
scowl 愁容
scrabble about for 到处摸索
scrabble for 争夺
scrabble up 拼凑成
scrabble 乱写
scrag ⾻瘦如柴的⼈
scraggly 蓬乱的
scraggy 瘦弱的
scram 紧急刹车
scramble for 争夺
scramble 爬⾏
scrambler 扰频器
scrambling 不规则性
scramjet 速喷器
scran ⾷物
scrannel 刺⽿的
scrap heap 垃圾堆
scrap iron 铁屑
scrap ⼩⽚
scrapbook 剪贴簿
scrape a bow 打躬作揖
scrape a leg 鞠躬
scrape along 勉强糊⼝
scrape and screw 省吃俭⽤
scrape off 刮掉
scrape out 挖成
scrape the bottom of the barrel 使⽤最后⼀招 scrape up 积攒
scrape 刮
scrapheap 废料堆
scraping 刮
scrapper 好打架的⼈
scrapple ⽟⽶⾁饼
scrappy 杂凑的
Scratch a Russian and you will find a Tartar ⽂明不能改变本性 scratch about for 到处搜寻
scratch along 勉强糊⼝
scratch hit 意外安打
scratch line 起跑线
scratch one's head over 迷惑不解
scratch one's head 搔头⽪
scratch out 划掉
scratch pad 便笺本
scratch paper 便笺
scratch test 过敏性测验
scratch the surface of 浅尝即⽌
scratch up 拼凑
scratch 乱写
scratchback 抓痒挠
scratchcat 怀恶意的⼩孩
scratcher 抓扒者
scratchpad 便签簿
scratchy 潦草的
scrawl 乱涂
scrawny 瘦脊的
screak 嘎嘎作响
scream for 强烈要求
scream out ⼤叫
scream 尖声叫
screamer bomb 啸声
screamer 尖叫者
screaming 尖叫的scull
screamingly 尖叫地