My Weekend with My Fun Family
Last weekend was so much fun! I got to do lots of cool things with my family. I'm going to tell you all about it.
On Saturday morning, I woke up really early because I was so excited. My dad made us pancakes for breakfast, which is my favorite. He made a smiley face on mine with bananas for the eyes and a strawberry for the mouth. It was so silly and made me laugh!
After breakfast, we all got dressed and packed up the car to go to the park. We took a picnic lunch, a soccer ball, and my baby sister's stroller. At the park, my mom set up a blanket under a big tree while my dad played catch with me. I'm getting really good at throwin
g and catching! Then my sister started crying because she was hungry, so we had our picnic lunch. My mom had made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, carrot sticks, grapes, and chocolate chip cookies. Yum!
When we were done eating, my dad suggested we all play soccer together. My mom pushed my sister in the stroller while we kicked the ball around. I scored three goals against my dad! He let me win though because I'm still learning. After soccer, we went on the swings and the slide. The slide was so tall, I was a little scared at first but I did it! My sister loved the baby swings.
We stayed at the park until dinner time. For dinner, we stopped at my favorite restaurant - McDonald's! I got a Happy Meal with chicken nuggets, fries, a Sprite, and a toy. It was a Paw Patrol figurine. So cool!
When we got home, we were all pretty tired from being out in the sun all day. We watched a movie together while eating popcorn and M&M's before bedtime. The movie was Toy Story 4 and it was really funny. I loved all the goofy toys!
On Sunday, we slept in a little bit later. For breakfast, my mom made her famous french toast with powdered sugar and syrup. favorite! Then we had to do some chores around the house. I made my bed, cleaned my room, and helped my dad rake the leaves in the backyard. We jumped in the piles of leaves and threw them at each other. So fun!
For lunch, we had tacos. I got to put all the toppings on myself - lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, and salsa. In the afternoon, my aunt and uncle came over with my cousins. We all played Hide and Seek and Tag Running in the backyard. I'm the fastest runner so they could hardly catch me! But my little cousin is a really good hider.
Later, we did an arts and crafts project together. We made greeting cards for our grandparents out of construction paper, stickers, and crayons. Mine had lots of hearts and flowers because I love my grandma and grandpa so much. My sister just scribbled all over hers, but my parents said it was still beautiful.
For dinner, my aunt and uncle ordered pizza for everyone. Pepperoni is my favorite! We had ice cream sandwiches for dessert while we watched a movie again. This time it was Fr
ozen 2 and I sang along to all the songs because I knew all the words.
Before I knew it, the weekend was over. I had so much fun making memories with my family. We laughed, played games, ate yummy food, and spent quality time together. My mom and dad are the best parents ever, and I'm so lucky to have an adorable little sister too. I can't wait for our next fun family weekend!
The end!
My Weekend with My Family
Hi everyone! I'm going to tell you all about what I did with my family last weekend. It was so much fun!
On Saturday morning, I woke up bright and early because I was so excited. My little brother Jacob was still sleeping, so I had to be really quiet when I got dressed. I put on my
favorite Paw Patrol t-shirt and shorts. Then I tiptoed into the kitchen where my mom was making pancakes! She made chocolate chip pancakes which are my favorite. We got to have whipped cream and syrup on top too. Yum!
stretch up high After breakfast, my dad said we were going to go on a family adventure. I love adventures! We all piled into the car - me, Jacob, Mom, Dad, and even our puppy Rufus. Dad drove us to this really pretty place called Franklin Park. It's a huge park with lots of trees, trails, playgrounds, and picnic areas.
First we went on a nature walk along one of the trails. Jacob kept stopping to look at bugs and rocks. I saw a bunny rabbit hiding behind a bush! We made it all the way around the loop and then had a picnic lunch at one of the shelters. Mom packed turkey sandwiches, baby carrots, grapes, and my favorite sweet tea. So good!
Once we were done eating, Dad said we could go play at the playground. It had so many fun things - swings, seesaws, monkey bars, slides, and even a zipline! I went really high on the swings and did flips off the seesaw. Jacob wasn't quite tall enough for the big kid stuff y
et. After the playground, we walked around the pond and fed the ducks leftover bread from our sandwiches.