stretch up highfinish的用法和固定搭配
1. 作动词时,finish表示完成或结束某项活动或任务。常用的固定搭配有:
(1) finish doing something:表示完成某个动作。
例如:I finally finished cleaning the entire house after five hours of hard work.
(2) finish something:表示完成某件事情。
例如:She finished her homework before going to bed.
2. 作名词时,finish表示结束或完成的状态。常见搭配有:
(1) a good/nice/fine/touch of finish:指精致或熟练的表现。
例如:His painting had a nice finish, with smooth brushstrokes and vibrant colors.
(2) bring something to a finish/conclusion/end:表示结束某项工作或任务。
例如:We need to bring this project to a conclusion by next week.
1. Finish Line: 终点线;即比赛项目中跑道最后标记位置的线。
When they crossed the finish line, the crowd erupted in cheers and applause.
2. Finish Strong: 坚持到底;表示在充满挑战的情况下保持最佳状态并将任务完成。
No matter how difficult it gets, we must stay focused and finish strong.
3. Finish Off: 结束;意味着完成最后一部分工作。
Once you finish off the remaining tasks, you can take a well-deserved break.
4. Finish Up: 结束;通常指对某事物进行收尾工作,以使其达到预期状态。
I just need a few more minutes to finish up this report and then I can send it to you.
5. Finish Out: 完成;表示完成一段时间或某个特定的任务。
She will finish out the academic year before retiring from teaching.
6. Finish School/University: 毕业;指成功完成学业并取得学位。
After four years of hard work, he finally finished university and earned his bachelor's degree.
7. Finish Line Ahead: 终点在前方;表示接近任务结束、目标即将实现。
We are almost there, the finish line is just ahead!
8. The Final Stretch/Final Lap: 最后的冲刺阶段;比喻接近目标实现的关键时期。
As we enter the final stretch of this project, let's stay focused and give it our all.
9. Finish What You Start: 始而无终;鼓励坚持完成已开始的事物,不轻易放弃。
Success comes to those who have the determination and perseverance to finish what they start.
使用动词"finish",我们可以通过不同的搭配表达完成或结束某项活动或任务。常见的固定搭配有"finish doing something"和"finish something"。此外,还有一些与“finish”相关的常见表达方式,如Finish Line、Finish Strong、Finish Off等,在不同场合中使用会增加我们表达意思的准确性和丰富性。无论是日常生活中还是工作学习中,熟练掌握这些搭配将使我们的表达更加准确地传达我们的意思。在完成任务、实现目标的过程中,让我们始终坚持最后一刻、逐步做到"finish what we start",取得属于自己的成功。