English: In the novel "Rickshaw Boy" by Lao She, the character Xiangzi finds himself constantly at odds with his employer, Master Huang, making Master Huang the most detestable character in Xiangzi's life. From the very beginning, Master Huang takes advantage of Xiangzi's naivety and kindness, paying him unfairly low wages and constantly finding ways to exploit him. Despite Xiangzi's hard work and devotion to his job, Master Huang criticizes and mistreats him at every turn, showing no gratitude for Xiangzi's loyalty. Master Huang's arrogant and selfish nature only serves to worsen Xiangzi's already difficult life, and as the story progresses, Master Huang's actions become increasingly despicable, driving Xiangzi to the brink of despair. The constant bullying and manipulation from Master Huang makes him the most loathed figure in Xiangzi's world, and his presence serves as a constant reminder of the injustices and hardships that Xiangzi must endure.
中文翻译: 在老舍的小说《骆驼祥子》中,角祥子发现自己不断地和雇主黄师傅作对,使得黄师傅成为祥子生活中最讨厌的人物。从一开始,黄师傅就利用祥子的天真善良,付给他极低
