1 What is the insight in which the scientist tries to see into nature? Can it indeed be called either imaginative or creative? To the literary man the question may seem merely silly. He ha
s been taught that science is a large collection of facts; and if this is true, then the only seeing which scientists need to do is, he supposes, seeing the facts. He pictures them, the colorless professionals of science, going off to work in the morning into the universe in a neutral, unexposed state. They then expose themselves like a photographic plate. And then in the darkroom or laboratory they develop the image, so that suddenly and startlingly it appears, printed in capital letters, as a new formula for atomic energy.
而是在问“科学家了解大自然所凭借的洞察力是什么样的?”赵新平对nature这个词的理解和其他同学一样,都有偏差。这是个关键性的问题。第三句话literary man 翻译成文学家是没有问题,但是译文没有注意到下句话的主语是He而不是they。是单数的。所以下一句话的翻译应该是:对一个文学家来说,科学是大量事实的积累。如果这一点是正确的,那么科学家所需要的观察,只是对事实的观察。He pictures them, the colorless professionals of science, 这部分赵新平翻译的尚可。但后面一部分的表达就有问题了。主要的问题出在断句上面,原译文把neutral翻译成中立也有问题。这就导致后面的翻译没法充分表达文章的原意了。Neutral一词也有中性的、没有什么特点的意思。后面那个printed不是动词,而是分词做伴随主安状语,其主语不是they。而darkroom和laboratory的关系是并列的,也不是从属。这也是原译文没有注意到的细节。还有就是develop一词的词义,赵新平的把握还是不错的,翻译成冲洗是很恰当的。
2 Men who have read Balzac and Zola are not deceived by the claims of these writers that they do no more than record the facts. The readers of Christopher Isherwood do not take him literally when he writes “I am a camera.” Yet the same readers solemnly carry with them from their school-days this foolish picture of the scientist fixing by some mechanical process the facts of nature. I have had of all people a historian tell me that science is a collection of facts, and his voice had not even the ironic rasp of one filing cabinet reproving another.
3 It seems impossible that this historian had ever studied the beginnings of a scientific discovery. The Scientific Revolution can be held to begin in the year 1543 when there was brought to Copernicus, perhaps on his deathbed, the first printed copy of the book he had finished about a dozen years earlier. The thesis of this book is that the earth moves around the sun. When did Copernicus go out and record this fact with his camera? What appearance in nature prompted his outrageous guess? And in what odd sense is this guess to be called a neutral record of fact?
第一句话的问题在于没有注意好细节,原文中的this没有翻译出来。第二句话中a dozen years未必具体地指12年前,英文中a dozen of years更多会翻译成“十几年前”。“临终前”这个翻译很好,很恰当。最后三句翻译的反问与其没有表达充分,最后一句话的表达稍有偏差。
4 Less than a hundred years after Copernicus, Kepler published (between 1609 and 1619) the three laws which describe the paths of the planets. The work of Newton and with it most of our mechanics spring from these laws. They have a solid, matter-of-fact sound. For example, Kepler says that if one squares the year of a planet, one gets a number which is proportional to the cube of its average distance from the sun. Does anyone think that such a law is found by taking enough readings and then squaring and cubing everything in sight?
If he does, then, as a scientist, he is doomed to a wasted life; he has as little prospect of making a scientific discovery as an electronic brain has.