Unit one My School
1.a teachers’office 一间教师办公室
2.a music room 一间音乐室
3.a classroom 一间教室
4.an art room 一个美术室
5.a hall 一个礼堂
6.a gym 一个健身房
7.a library 一个图书馆8.a playground 一个操场
二.Sounds and words:
1. room房间
2. classroom教室
5. cool凉爽
1.This is my school. 这是我的学校。
There’s a hall, a gym, a teachers’ office, a library, an art room, and a music room.
2. How many classrooms are there?有多少间教室?
There are twenty-five classrooms.有25间教室。
3.Go to school with us, Gogo.果果,我们一起去学校。
4.OK. What’s in your school?好!在你的学校里有什么?
5.Do you have a classroom? 你有一间教室吗?
6.Of course, Gogo! There are lots of classrooms.果果,当然有。有许多间教室。
7.I have an idea. 我有一个主意。
Unit two Our New Home.
一. 重点词汇:(Vocabulary)
1.a living room 一个客厅
2.a kitchen一个厨房
3. a dining room 一个餐厅
4. a bathroom一个浴室
5. a bedroom 一个卧室
6. a garden 一个花园二.Sounds and words:
1. arm手臂
2. card 卡片
3. art美术
4. garden花园
5. park公园
6.party 聚会
三.重点句子: (Target)
1. Is there a living room in your new home?在你的新家里有客厅吗?Yes, there is.是的,有。
2. Is there a garden?有一个花园吗?No, there isn’t. 不,没有。
3. Listen, kids. We’re moving to a new home.听着,孩子们。我们要搬新家。
Oh no!哦,不!
4.Is there a bedroom for me?有一个卧室吗?
Yes, there is. There is a bedroom for everyone.是的,有。每人有一间卧室。
5.Is there a living room? 有一个客厅?
Yes, there is. And there is a dinning room, too.是的,有。而且有一个餐厅。
6. What about a garden?有花园吗?
There isn’t a garden, but th ere are three bathrooms.这里没有一个花园,但有三个浴室。
Unit three Bank or Beach
1. a movie theater 一个电影院
2. a shopping mall一个购物中心
3. a swimming pool一个游泳池
firefighter4. a restaurant 一个餐馆
5. a hospital 一个医院
6. a park 一个公园
7. a bank 一个银行
8. a supermarket 一个超级市场
二.Sounds and words:
2.shorts 短裤
3.shirt 衬衫
4.shoes 鞋子
5.she 她
6.shopping 购物
三.重点句子: (Target)
1.Where are you going? 去哪儿?I’m going to the bank. 我去银行。
2.Is she going to the bank? 她去银行吗?
No, she isn’t. She’s going to the park.不,她不是。她要去公园。
3.A re they going to the beach? 他们准备去海滩吗?
Yes, they are. 是的,他们是。
4. Where are you going? 你去哪儿?
I’m going to the restaurant. 我要去餐馆。
5. Where are you going? 你去哪儿?
I’m going to the hospital.我要去医院。
6. Are you going to the hospital? 你要去医院吗?
No, we aren’t. We’re going to the shopping mall.不,我们不去。我们要去购物中心。
7. Where are you going? 你去哪儿?
I’m going to the beach.我要去海滩。
Unit four Free Time
一. 重点词汇:(Vocabulary)
1.go to the zoo 去动物园
2.borrow a book 借一本书
3.buy an ice cream 买一个冰激凌
4.watch TV看电视
5.call my friend 打电话给我的朋友
6. listen to a song听一首歌
