1.The young firefighter gave his life__________(save) the baby, who was trapped in a burning house.
2.The__________(puzzle) expression on his face suggested that he didn’t understand what I had said.
3.My father persuaded me out of __________(go) to the West Coast because it was too crowded with tourists.
4.I found it__________(fright) to see a stranger standing before my bed when I woke up.
5.The dog __________(tie) to the tree in front of the red house is mine.
6.One can always manage __________(do) more things, no matter how full one's schedule is in life.
7.The father as well as his three children is going skating on the__________(freeze) river every Sunday afternoon in winter.
8.The researchers find that those who express anger violently may be more
likely __________(develop) heart disease.
9.You can imagine what great difficulty I had__________(express) these ideas in simple English.
10Global warming will lead extreme weather        (happen) frequently.
11.__________(compare) to her sister, the lady earned much more money by selling clothes.
12.His first book__________(publish) next month is based on a true story.
13.The boy guessed the meanings of the new words without__________(refer) to the dictionary.
14.He has a lot of work __________(do) this weekend, so he can’t go to Dalian with us.
15.The concert __________(give) by the students yesterday was a great success.
16.The subway __________(complete) next year will ease the traffic jam in this city.
17.There’s a shortage of __________(skill) labour in the factory.
18.Someone who lacks staying power and perseverance is unlikely __________(make)
a good researcher.
19.__________(work) with the scientists from all over the world helped me learn a lot about the advanced technology.
20.__________(solve) this complicated problem needs great efforts and time.
21.It is important for those people __________(know) when to move out.
22.__________(win) the first prize in the English contest made him so excited.
23.Seeing the goat tied up, the wolf was trapped into __________(jump) into the trap.
24.You'd better keep a __________(balance) diet for the benefit of your health.
25.Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin of the Soviet Union became the first
person __________(travel) in space.
26.He recommended__________(read) the book before going to see the movie.
27.The beautifully__________(preserve) sculpture was my brother's.
28.Nowadays many new couples like __________(large) their wedding photos and hang them on the wall.
29.The American diplomat is said__________(adopt) a Chinese girl, who is receiving American education now.
30.__________(furnish) with some more chairs, tables and so on, the room looked more beautiful and sweet.
31.I have been learning hard for a long time without__________(achieve) the goal I expected.
32.How __________(run) his business well is a question every manager often thinks about.
33.It is the custom for the bride’s father __________(pay) for the wedding in my hometown.
34.The man became rich by __________(inherit) a lot of money from his uncle.
35.Home__________(destroy), he went abroad to live with his uncle.
36.I am lucky enough__________(see) so many stars in such a night.
37.Although__________(warn) several times, the boy still played computer games on weekdays.
38.__________(encourage) by his father, Tony took part in the race and got the third place.
39.If __________(separate) from his best friends for a long time, he would feel lonely.
40.__________(force) by the robber, Mary went upstairs to get the jewellery for him.
41.__________(lose) in deep thought, he didn’t hear the teacher call his name.
42.Unless __________(invite) to speak, you should remain silent at the conference.
43.__________(blame) for his carelessness by his teacher, Tony is in low spirits now.
44.__________(found) in 1636,Harvard is now one of the most famous universities in the whole world.
45.__________(give) time, she'll make a first-class tennis player like Li Na.
46.__________(see) from the top of the hill, the West Lake looks beautiful to us.
47.He was at one time so devoted to__________(play) the piano.
48.I found a car __________(stick) in a pool by the side of the road.
49.With my insistence, my father quit __________(smoke).
50.It rained heavily in the south,__________(cause) serious flooding in several provinces.
51.The lady walked around the shops,__________(keep) an eye out for bargains.
52.He had a wonderful childhood, __________ (travel) with his mother to all corners of the world.
53.Though __________(live) near her house, I have seen her only once in the past
few days.
54.__________(not know) her address or her phone number, we couldn't get in touch with her.
55.__________(receive) a large salary rise already, Sarah is thinking of buying a new apartment.
56.The girl was occupied in doing her homework, only __________(stop) once in a while to look out of the window.
57.__________(work) with the foreigners for years, I knew them very well.
58.He grew so hopelessly addicted to __________(chat) online that he almost neglected anything else.
59.The medicine, if __________(take) according to the instructions, will surely do lots of good to your husband.
60.The president spoke at the business meeting for nearlyy an hour
without__________(refer) to his notes.
1.There was a startled, almost terrifying look on his face.
2.Comparing with a five-star hotel,this one is small and dirty.
3.He was gift with a good voice, but he liked playing football better.
4.Having decided to rent a flat, we set about contact all the housing agencies in the city.
5.Comparing with conducting an interview by QQ online, a face to face interview in person can provide
people with more reliable details.
6.News report says peace talks between the two countries have broken down with no agreement reaching.
7.He was brave enough to rescue the people from the earthquake ruins, ignored personal danger.
8.Mary was heard sing beautifully next door yesterday afternoon.
9.Prices bringing down, some people wanted to buy them.
10.With all the houses being burnt to the ground, they had no place to live in.
11.The sun began to rise in the sky, bathed the mountain in golden light.
12.The way to get started is to quit talk and begin doing.
13.Not accustomed to stay up so late at night, she has to work extra hours at daytime.
14.The old lady died, left her house and furniture to her neighbor.
15.There were four people injure in the accident.
16.I would rather to eat a nice piece of fruit.
17.Along the way children dressing in long wool coats stopped to look at us.firefighter
18. Look out while walk across the street.
19.The other day we visited an ancient church in Rome, dates from the sixth century.
20.More and more trees should be planted in spring to stop sandstorms happen frequently.
21.His parents advised him go to school again, but he wouldn't.
22.Burying deep down in the earth for thousands of years, the dead forest has rotted away and become coal.
23.I'd like to pay a visit to a friend of mine with time permitted.
24.He has a lot of different interests, ranged from stamp collecting to skating.
25.The parking lot, which is situating in the centre of the town, is not so large.
26.The boy will be blind in both eyes unless treating on time.
27.Why not making a trip to the Xiongan New Area?
28.I showed them I was independent by wear strange clothes.
29.The words from the naughty student during class set others laugh.
30.When I caught him cheat I stopped buying things there.
31.I was about to smoke when I noticed a sign on the wall said “No Smoking."
32.Tom works hard. He is often seen read English while others are playing.
33.On hearing the excited news that her son was admitted to Peking University, she burst into tears.
34.It was so cold that they had the fire burnt all night long.
35.The teacher went into the classroom, leaving the boy to stand outside.
36.Don't leave the water run while you are brushing your teeth.
37.The flowers smelt sweet in the garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.
38.Thank you for spending time read my letter.
39.The search party considered use ‘The Revealer’ to find something of great value.
40.The man used to sleep on the floor, but now he is used to sleep on the bed.
41. When asking how he knew where they were, Henry laughed and pointed to a student who was wearing an  MIT sweatshirt.
42.My friend couldn’t face leav e the villa because he knew that the paparazzi were waiting outside.
43.I used to playing ping-pong a lot in my spare time, but now I am interesting in football.
44.Hearing my words, the teacher smiled, confirmed that he agreed to my plan.
45.We rquested Mr Wang not to smoking in the office.
46.Judged from the number of the cars,she got the idea.
47.We had no trouble find the house.
48.He prefers staying indoors to go out this afternoon.
49.As a student,every minute should be made use of studying.
50.I want to thank you again for have me in your home for the summer holidays.
51.David and I wanted go off to find help but Bill insisted on stay near the car.
52.I am thinking of making a trip to London, and visit the British Museum and some parks.
53.I went back to get David and helped him to stood up.
54.“Eat carrots ought to help you see better,” the doctor told him.
55.The traditional approach to deal with complex problems is to break them down to smaller ones.
56.Not known the local language, Alice found it difficult to make herself understood.
57.Mr. Jackson, experienced ups and downs, finally found what really mattered in life.
58.Your neighbors don’t mind your play the violin, but I still don’t think it’s a good idea to do it at midnight.
59.I am looking forward to see you in China as soon as possible.
