Restricted visibility 能见度不良
Special reference to stopping distance 冲程
Turning ability 回转
Inward 进口
Outward 出口
Droping anchor 抛锚
Heave up anchor 起锚
Operation manual 操作手册
Foam fire-extinguishing system 泡沫灭火系统
Sprinkler system 喷淋系统
Fire-extingguishing medium灭火剂
Spare charge 备用灭火剂
Hydrants 消防栓
Pressure 压力
International shore connection 国际通岸接头
Isolating valves 隔离阀
Relief valves 减压阀
Fire mains 消防总管
Evacuation stations 撤离站
Dampers 挡火闸
Ducts 导管
Watertight doors 水密门
Sidescuttles 玄窗
Corridors 走廊
Accommodation spaces 起居处所
Stairway 梯道
Open deck 开敞甲板
Saunas 桑拿房
Galleys 厨房
Sanitary 卫生间
Traning manual 培训手册
On-board traning aids 船上培训教具
Portable fire extinguishers 手提式灭火器
Water-spray system 水雾系统
Ventilation system 通风系统
Fixed fire detection and fire alarm 固定式探火和失火报警系统
Fixed fire-extinguishing system 固定灭火系统
Water-fog applicator 水雾
Nozzles 水
Fire hoses 消防水带
Firefighter outfits 消防员装备
EEBD:emergency escape breathing devices 紧急逃生呼吸器
Instruction for safe escape 安全逃生指示
Firesafety operational booklets 消防安全操作手册
Diameter 直径
Two-way portable radio telephone apparent 双向无线电话
Manually operated call points 手动报警按纽firefighter
Smoke detectors 感烟探测器
Fire safety systems code 消防安全系统规则
Line-throwing appliances 抛绳设备
Muster list 应变部署表
Buoyant life-line 可浮救生索
Life buoy self-activating smoke signal complying 带自发烟雾信号的救生圈
Life buoy with lights and those with lights and smoke signal 带自亮灯和自发烟雾的救生圈
Life buoy self-igniting lights complying 带自亮灯的救生圈
Detector 探测器
Heat 高温
Performance monitoring 性能监测
Phase modulation 相位调制,调相器
Plimsollmark 船舶载重线标志
Pulse modulation 脉冲调制
Sanitation 卫生系统
Exemption 免除
Certificate 证书,执照
Issued 公布,出版
Condition 状况,情况,条件,身份
Sanitary 清洁的,卫生的,保健的
Control 控制,管理,支配
Birth control 计划生育
Control board 控制板,操控台
Remote control 遥控
Out of control 失去控制
Under control 被控制
Member 会员,成员,肢体
Link 环,连接物,联系,集合,汇合
Application 应用,使用,请求,申请,注意,专心
Variable 变化的,易变的,可变的,能调整的
Turn navgational off
Waypoint advance
Restart to approching point
Trim & highway
Set & drift
Depth & temperature diagram
Factory setting
Display color
Alarm output