套题一级重点第4 套
讲urban planning.
大致是说1890 之前,是不存在urban planning 的(考点1),只有在1890 年后,XXX city
之后,我们才define 了urban planning.(这里有一个句子rephrase 的地方)大致就是说
urban planning 这个词的定义是在XXX city 之后我们有的(If I remember it right, it says " suggestion of the modern urban planning is X XXX and XXX, after the first settlement of
the BX XX CXXX city’ some sort of things.)
但是这里有exception,记得Washtion D.C 是特例,因为他们出现了局部的urban planning,
原因是因为developer wants to make the market better.(思考)
之后大致说urban planning 可以从 3 个地方定义,economic, democracy & wasting system?
然后分段描述每个东西对urban planning 的影响,得出几个推论
1、人越来越多导致城市扩大(原因是人多和城市问题XX OO)
2、人们开始越住越远,因为rider ship increase and ticket price for the public transportation decrease(要考)
这里考了一个词是abrupt 的意思,直接选了sudden
意思就是说一开始专家不知道为什么在很深的海沟里(well, the article said is in the depth
of the sea)会有营养物质,本来大家认为ocean basin 才有的。
这里我记得有几个地方要认真读,一个是,这种沉积问题不Mix 水的,因为他在水的下面
go through,(考)
然后它不会cross the continental shelf,是在top 开始,中间加速,然后在bottom of the slope slows down(考)
是种族居住的,科学家研究他们的一个性质,就是他们为什么会stand to guard(好像是这
科学家一开始认为这个东西是会随着基因传播,kin selection,显然是错的,因为上过生物
的都知道这个是不可能的,ns 不会因为gene 的好坏而定向选择
果然,第2 段就开始讲这个Hypothesis 不成立(这里有个选项说这段的作用,简单,就是
为了引出hypothesis 是Insufficient)
原因是科学家又发现,其实on duty 的动物安全点,因为他们可以优先发现predator coming,所以又oooxxx
中间涉及到一些migration 的问题,但是不太重要,因为没有题目考这个
大概是说grassland 的问题,说在暖的地方和冷的地方怎么怎么样。
然后Lightning 和人类都是引起货源的sources(考)
因为夏天一完有很多草或者植物都枯死了,所以火其实可以new growth of plants(考)
学生的meal plan.
说一个学生去学校,说他要改下个学期的plan,因为他爸妈帮他买了270 次,然后老师
然后说他现在可以改成145 次(好像),但是如果是3、4 年纪,也就是Junior 或者senior 可以只买95 次(还是90 不记得了)原因是他们living off campus //// has club to join which provides them food to eat, so they dont have to purchase that much of the meal plan.
然后他说他剩了70 次这学期,但是还有2 个星期就完了,他显然吃不完,老师说不能留到
说他们可以清楚污染,讲到fungus 不仅仅是mushroom,有一种是生活在地下,insects 吃
然后举个例子,说anti penicillin 怎么怎么样,然后他们提取物的废物,可以用这种fungus
去除掉(act like a filter)然后这种filter 可以循环使用云云……
讲的是一个老师,因为他的papper 里有一个source,是没有用正确的网站去site,因为那
个网站是盈利目的的(profit from own product from the website or sth)。然后说资料很困
是NYC 和哪里(问你题这2 个地方是为了什么,narrow down his reaserach OOXX)考,选
讲的是viking 的研究(维京海盗)
讲了一堆历史,大致意思就是他们统治的时间OOX X,然后一个学生提出一个问题,然后
然后有一个什么人,写了什么资料,但是也不准确,因为他们是在2-300 年之后写的这个
总之很多废话,结果重要的信息没几个… 也可能是我听漏了
T ask 1
你住的国家面临的问题… 翻译的不知道对不对,原题似乎是:Explain your country's problem or OOXX"
Describe the problems your country is facing now.
Our country is facing a large number of problems now.
First, the environmental problem is a very big one. As the development of the economy,
people have wasted a lot of resources and produced a large number of pollution; it is very
harmful for human health.
In addition, there are too many people in the country. China has the biggest population in
the world. So the government must face a lot of challenges, such as the limited job places
relieved是什么意思and not enough food. That's to say, people can't live with full satisfaction.
So our country is facing a large number of problems now.
There’re a lot of problems my country is now facing and I'll just pick two of them to talk
about. I think the most important problem is still the housing problem. The houses in China
are so expensive and a lot of apartments are empty because no one can afford them.
Second problem is the living cost of the citizens. Most people's living standards are going
down because their purchasing ability has been brought down by the inflation. Some of us
cannot afford the medical treatment and the education expenses. I think this is a very
emergent problem.
T ask 2
你喜欢早做完事情还是等到快到deadline 在做,为什么,你的意见是什么
Do you prefer finishing your work once you got them (as quick as possible) or to wait until
the due time(deadline). Why?
I prefer to start to work earlier.
First, I can have more time for preparation. For example, when I was preparing for the
paper on British literature, I spent several days to search for the information in the library
or online. So it was much easier for me to write the paper than other students.
What's more, I will feel less pressure if I start earlier. People will always have some
unexpected situations in our life. So when I have troubles during the process, I will feel
less pressure if I prepare earlier, because I have more time to solve it.
So I prefer to finish things earlier.
I prefer setting out to finish the assignment once it is given rather than hand it in the day it
is due. First of all, I think this will give me enough time to gather the information and check
it through before I hand it in. This way, I will make the work in high quality.
What's more, if I finish the task earlier, I don't have to keep the task in mind when doing something else. I will feel more relieved and I can do more things this way.
And also, I will do this because it will help me build a great confidence for I can do
something others can't and can do them better. I hate the habit of procrastination.
T ask 3
是讲一个学校推出了一个新的announcement 给freshman,Biology department.说学生一
起学习(group study)可以best know the equipment and improve academic study, and in addition, can meet and make new friends.
However, in the conversation, the girl said the study group sort of thing doesn’t help.
Because people have their own wa y to study, expect those who don’t know how to study.
So she prefers to work alone.
The second point is that she thinks that if people in the same department, they will have
class together, so they eventually will meet each other. So you don’t really need to go to
the study group.
In the reading passage, the biology department of the school makes one announcement for the freshman. It says that students study in group can not only improve the academic study, but also make new friends. However, in the conversation, the girl doesn't agree with this announcement. First, she said that group study doesn't help. Because people have their own way to study, especially for the student who doesn't know how to study. So she prefers to study alone.
What's more, she thinks that if students are in the same department, they will have the same class and meet each other. So they don't really need to go to the study group.
The reading material is about an announcement to the freshman in the Biology Department. The announcement suggests students get together and study in groups with the reason that it can both help the student to know the equipment and improve academic study. It claims helpful for the students by offering a chance to let them meet and make new friends easily.
The girl holds the opinion that the study group won't help. She prefers to study alone for everyone has their own way to study. What's more, she thinks that freshmen don't have to study in group to make friends. Actually they have a lot of chances to meet and make friends with each other.
T ask 4
讲的是货币的形式,说的是1,货币是 coin and paper bonds. 例子是如果你坐出租车,你付给driver 的是钱。
In the reading passage, it mainly talks about the form of money. And in the lecture, the professor explains two forms of money with different examples.
The first form of the money is coin and paper bonds. For example, after taking a taxi, what you paid for to the driver is the money
The other form of the money is the exchange of goods. That's to say, if a farmer takes a taxi, he can pay it with agricultural products when the driver agrees. So at this time, the agricultural product is money.
However, the government makes the rule that we can only use the first form now.
The reading material is about the forms of money. In the lecture, the professor gives two examples to explain different forms of money.
The first form is coin and paper bonds. Here's an example to help you understand the concept: After taking a taxi, what you pay to the driver is a form of money.