1.She did not feel a bit __________ though it was the first time she had spoken in public.
2.He is a __________ man, and we all admire him. javascript:void(0); javascript:void(0);
3.I turned to bookstores and libraries seeking information about the book mentioned in his lecture, but found __________.
4.When we were young, we were brought up by our parents to __________ the table manners both at home and in public.
5.To my disappointment, Alice turned down my invitation to the ball because she said that she didn’t like to turn up on such an __________.
6.__________ himself with his new job, he couldn’t spare time to keep company with his family.
7.I spent six months living in a tiny village in northern India, which was a __________ experience. javascript:void(0);
8.We express the hope that a climate beneficial to a __________ settlement would be created soon, so that there may no longer be the need for the armed struggle.
9.Tourists who enter the quiet area shall __________ the rule to reduce any potential effect on the environment.
javascript void 0 是什么意思10.Stan Lee, an __________ comic-book writer, created plenty of superheroes in his works, of which the Spider-man and the X-men are the most famous.
11.Enormous pressure as they are faced with,the students remain __________ and try hard to achieve their goals.
12.__________ you get into a bad habit, you’ll find it hard to get out of it. 
13.In writing the report you may __________ all unnecessary details. javascript:void(0);
14.I would appreciate it if you could give me such an __________ to show my talent.
15.First and last, it is important to know __________. javascript:void(0); javascript:void(0);
16.We should __________ useful activities, which will promote the relationship of the students.
17.Charles Darwin explained the __________ of species on earth in his book that came out in1859.
18.This book gives a brief __________ of MoYan’s growth and details of his writing experiences.
19.—How are the peace talks between the two countries?
—We are looking forward to hearing the final __________.
20.We can __________ the whole of the harbor on the hillside. javascript:void(0); javascript:void(0);
1.All in an __________(occasion)chance, he got the out-of-print book in a secondhand bookstore.
2.—Why are you so __________(nerve)?
—To our great surprise, we found __________(our)monitored by the strangers.
3.__________(nutrition)say that it does sometimes help to know the __________( nutrition)content of foodsjavascript:void(0);
