1.Scientists say that the collision(碰撞)of the Earth with another star from outer space would
be a rare occurrence. But if it does occur, it will certainly destroy the Earth.
2.About fifty thousand applied for those positions. The applicants included many university
postgraduates. This showed that young people were more interested in being government officials than in continuing their intellectual persuits .Obviously interesting changes were persuit in social values.
3.The border issue involves quite a few countries .It must be handled with care.In handling
international relations we must persuit the traditional policy of peaceful co-existence.
4.Many people had seen apples fall, but it took the observant eye of Isaac Newton to discover
the Law of Gravity from this common occurrence.
5.She was a woman of sharp observation .She observed that certain interesting things would
occur before an earthquake.
6.He projected the image of a government leader who really cared for the people and would
always be there on the spot to handle difficult situations whenever some crisis occurred.
7.They did not observe the rules laid down in the contract about the application of this fund.
8.Obviously it never occurred to him that his involvement in the scandal(丑闻) would be
discovered so soon.
9.They have invited many international observers to see to it that their national election is
10.She was still in critical condition ,and the doctor said that she would remain under careful
11.In many cultures ,boys tend to be portrayed as clever ,brave ,creative and resourceful ,while
girls are depicted as kind, dependent and docile.
12.Men generally prefer shopping with their families; In contrast women enjoy shopping with
13.The Nightingale said to herself : Yet love is better than life ,and what is the heart of a bird
compared to the heart of a man?
14.11-year-old Ann differs from her twin brother ,Jim ,in the way they use the Internet.
15.Brazil is a Portuguese-speaking country ,unlike almost all other Latin American countries.
16.To children parental approval means love ,while disapproval means dislike ,even hate.
17.I enjoy the work I’m doing ,but on the other hand I’d try something more challenging
18..Women CEOs seem more capable of handling personal relationships compared with their
male counterparts.
19.When I first came ,I thought the boss was a difficult man while he actually was kind and
20.The interior 内部的decoration (decorate)of this hotel will be in traditional(tradition)
Chinese style)
21.The building is functional (function).There is nothing very decorated(decorate)in it
22.We need someone like her with managerial (manage) skills. She studied hotel
management(manage) in Hong Kong
23.Those gentle rolling (roll) hills are a delightful(delight) sight.
24.Occasionally (occasion), he would show remarkable creativity(create).
25.He looks all right. But he is getting rather forgetful (forget)these days .It is quite respected
troublesim (trouble)
26.His father is a highly respected(respect)professor who has won admiration(admire)for
his impressive (impress)academic achievement.
27.Proportionately(proportion),female students still surprisingly(surprise)outnumber male
students in our university
28.Never act on impulse(impulse) .Impulsive(impulse) people always do things they will regret
29.Skydiving (skydive) must be an exhilarating (exhilarate)experience.
30.In those days we were ashamed (shameful; ashamed)of being seen because the whole family
had only one garment.
31.Traditionally people believed that obesity肥胖(resulted in; resulted from)resulted from
overeating only .Today ,however ,many doctors believe that it is a(n) matter of genes
32.The present state of affairs(affairs ;matters) requires(requires; acquires)th respected at we
restrain (restrict ;restrain)ourselves from overinvestment
33.Her husband told her that he had decided to restrict; (restrict; restrain)himself to only three
cigarettes a day from that day on. She smiled but said nothing because she had heard such empty(hollow ;empty ;vacant bare)promises before
34.Both professors are highly respected(respectful ;respectable ;respected)in their field and it is
no secret that they are emulating (emulating; competing with)each other
35.The police burst into the door and found the room was empty
(hollow ;empty ;vacant ;bare).They were too late. The room was completely (hollow ;empty ;vacant ;bare)bare too .No furniture ,no nothing ,just the four bare (hollow ;empty ;vacant ;bare)walls
36.He had changed (converted ;changed)so much that I could hardly recognize him .With his
hollow (hollow ;empty ;vacant ;bare)cheeks and sunken eyes, he looked more dead than alive 37.I walked toward the only vacant(hollow;empty;vacant;bare)seat in the restaurant ,only
to be told respectably(respectfully ;respectably)‘Sorry ,sir. That seat is already taken’38.Many churches were involved in missionary(actions; activities ;behavior ;acts) activities at
that time .They wanted to convert(change ;convert ;turn) all people to their religion ;
39.We heard the people next door laughing(laughing ;grinning :smiling ;guffawing;
tittering ;chuckling); loudly until well after midnight .In the end, we had to ask the hotel manager to stop such behavior(actions; activities; behavior ;acts)
1The boy didn’t understand why the neighbors wanted to be associated with such a windbag.
2As he was trying to get me out of the water,,he pulled so hard that he lost his balance and dropped into the river. 3The force of the earthquake was such that all the houses in the village collapsed.
4Mr.Fuller walked toward the door.As he did so ,he nearly ran into a large man who suddenly came in.
5The professor spoke so fast that none of the students could take complete notes.
6The fact of the talk show hostess has become so familiar to viewers that he is recognized wherever she is.
7The police looked it up in the city directory but found no such return address as the advertiser had left.
8The design of the camera is such that even a five year old child can use it safely.
9We think the money should be spent in such a way as to benefit low-income families.
10As so far had been sold,they had to cancel the performance.
