work as的用法以及语法
Work as的用法以及语法
Work as是一个常见的英语短语,表示“作为……工作”,在日常生活和工作中都有广泛的应用。本文将详细介绍work as的用法和语法,包括基本句型、时态、被动语态、疑问句和否定句等方面。
1. work as + 职业
- She works as a teacher.
- He worked as a lawyer for many years.
- They are working as engineers in the same company.
2. work + 形容词/副词 + as + 职业
- He works hard as a student.
- She worked tirelessly as an activist.
- They are working efficiently as a team.
3. work + 介词短语 + as + 职业
- He works in the marketing department as a manager.
- She worked for the government for many years as a diplomat.
- They are working on a project together as partners.
work as的时态与一般动词相同,可以使用各种时态,包括现在时、过去时、将来时等。下面是几个例子:
1. 现在时
She works as a nurse at the hospital.
2. 过去时
He worked as a waiter before he became an actor.
3. 现在完成时
They have worked together on several projects in the past.
4. 过去完成时
She had worked there for five years before she got promoted.
5. 将来时
He will work as a consultant for the company next month.
work as也可以使用被动语态,表示“被雇佣为……”,用法如下:
be worked as + 职业
- She was worked as a receptionist at the hotel.
- He has been worked as a consultant for many years.
- They will be worked as interns in the company next summer.
work as在疑问句和否定句中的用法与一般动词相同。下面是几个例子:
1. 疑问句
Does she work as a teacher?
What did he work as before he retired?
Are they working as engineers in the same company?
2. 否定句
She does not work as a nurse anymore.
He never worked as a journalist despite his interest in writing.
They are not working as partners on this project.
Work as是一个常见的英语短语,表示“作为……工作”。它可以使用各种时态和被动语态,并且可以出现在疑问句和否定句中。需要注意的是,work后面必须跟介词as才能表示职业。掌握这些基本用法和语法规则,能够更加自如地运用work as表达自己的意思。
