1. Alpine Linux 3
2. Astaro Security Gateway 3
3. Bifrost Network Project 3
4. BBIagent 3
5. CoyoteLinux(北美土狼) 3
6. BrazilFW(北美银狼 基于Coyote Linux) 4
7. LRP(Linux Router Project,Defunct as of 2003) 4
8. Floppyfw 4
9. Endian Firewall(Linux) 5
10. hi-spider海蜘蛛 5
11. FreeSCO 6
12. SmoothWall(Linux,欧洲,开源) 6
13. IPCOP(Linux) 7
14. RouterOS(Linux) 7
15. Fli4l(Linux) 8
16. Clarkconnect(Linux) 8
17. MSS多功能路由服务器 8
18. 锐捷NBR 网吧专用多功能服务器系统 9
19. 飞鱼星3200系统 9
20. NetBoz Firewall(FreeBSD) 9
21. Iproute 9
22. m0n0Wall(FreeBsd) 10
23. Pfsense(FreeBsd) 10
24. PicoBSD 10
25. BSDBox(FreeBsd) 10
26. Windows下的代理、软路由软件 11
Isa 2000/2004 11
WinRouteFirewall 11
SinforNAT 11
ActualTest 11
Sygate 11
NAT32 Enhanced 11
WinGate 12
Ccproxy 12
HomeShare 12
代理超人 12
免费软件下载网站入口SocksCap32 13
SuperProxy 13
27. 基于Linux软路由 13
squid 13
ME2000 14
Amsel 14
Pebble Linux 14
Metrix Pebble 14
Voyage Linux 14
How-to for VPN / Linux from the kernel up 15
AstLinux 15
Locustworld MeshAP 15
28. 基于BSD软路由 15
29. NetBSD 15
30. OpenBSD 16
OpenBSD 16
WRAP for 16
31. Commercial: 16
StarOS 16
Ikarus OS 16
MITC MeshAP for Willox 16
Wisper MeshAP adaptation 16
Qorvus Qcode™ 16
32. Panabit 流控引擎(FreeBsd) 17
33. 路由论坛 18
34. FreeNAS 18
35. AskoziaPBX 18
36. WayOS 18
37. Checkpoint 18
38. Zeroshell 18
39. Minifw 18
40. Openwrt 19
41. DD-WRT(Linux) 20
42. HyperWRT 21
43. Tomato_Firmware 21
44. Vyatta(Debian) 21
45. Untangle(KNOPPIX) 22
46. snapgear 22
47. e-router 22
48. Proxomitron 23
49. zebos 23
List of router or firewall distributions 23
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 23
1. Alpine Linux
a run-from RAM linux distribution. Its original target was small appliances like routers, VPN gateways, or embedded x86 devices. However, it supports hosting other Linux guest OSes under VServer control, making it an attractive hosting solution as well.
2. Astaro Security Gateway
Astaro Security Gateway (ASG) is a Router/Stateful Inspection Firewall based on SuSE-Linux. It's available as an hardware- / software- or a virtual appliance.
3. Bifrost Network Project
The goal of this project is to find out stability, performance, filter capabilities, administration, computer security, scalability and development possibilities of a Linux based streamlined router/firewall system. Recent distributions are being used as pure Internet routers, equipped with 1GB or more of internal memory.