A, apple.
Apple, apple, on the tree.
B, banana.
Banana, banana, one two three.
C, cake.
Cake, cake, all for me.
D, dinner.
Dinner, dinner, hot hot hot.
E, egg.
Egg, egg, eat a lot.
F, fish.
Fish, fish, don’t get caught.
G, guava.
Guava, guava, good to eat.
H, hamburger.
Hamburger, hamburger, cheese and meat.
I, ice cream.
Ice cream, ice cream, cold and sweet.
J, juice.
oxJuice, juice, good for me.
K, kiwi.
Kiwi, kiwi, brown to see.
L, lemon.
Lemon, lemon, in my tea.
M, milk.
Milk, milk, cold and white.
N, noodles.
Noodles, noodles, take a bite.
O, ox.
Ox, ox, big and brown.
P, pig.
Pig, pig, lying down.
Q, queen.
Queen, queen, wear a crown.
R, rabbit.
Rabbit, rabbit, jump so high.
S, star.
Star, star, in the sky.
T, tea.
Tea, tea, let’s all try.
U, up.
Up, up, up we grow.
V, van.
Van, van, drive it slow.
W, watch.
Watch, watch, time to go.
X, box.
Box, box, square and brown.
Y, yo-yo.
yo-yo, yo-yo, up and down.
Z, zoo.
Zoo, zoo, animal town.