away from | abnormal异常 ablaction断乳 abduction外展;诱拐 |
abdomen;belly | abdominalgia腹痛 abdominoscopy腹腔镜检查 |
acantha棘 | acanthocyte [Spur cell]棘红细胞 Keratoacanthoma角化细胞棘皮瘤 |
acetyl radical乙酰基 acetic acid醋酸 | acetamide乙酰胺 acetometer醋酸计 |
acid | acidemia酸血症acidosis酸中毒 |
auditus;audition听力 | acoustics声学acoutometer听力计 |
extremity肢端; acuminate/acute尖头的 | acromegaly肢端肥大acrocephaly尖头畸形 |
radioactive rays放射线 | actinomycin放线菌素actinomycosis放线菌病 |
near;toward | adhension粘连 |
gland | adenine [purine] 腺嘌呤adenoma腺瘤 |
lipid | adiposis肥胖病adipoma脂肪瘤 |
adrenal gland | adrenaline肾上腺素 |
air | aerobic需氧的aerogastria胃积气 |
feeling=sensation | aesthetic美学 anaesthesia 麻醉 hyperesthesia感觉过敏 somatesthesia躯体感觉 |
expedite;accelerate; promote加速 | galactagogue催乳药 cholagogue利胆药 |
white | albinism白化病 albumin白蛋白 |
pain | abdominalgia腹痛 |
oversensitivity | allergen变应原 |
different | allogenic异源的 |
alveolus;air sac肺泡 | alveolar肺泡的 |
weak弱;torpor迟钝 | amblyopia弱视 amblyacousia听觉迟钝 |
starch淀粉 | amylase淀粉酶 amyloidosis淀粉样变性 |
not;without | anemia贫血 aborticide堕胎药 abasia不能步行 anuria无尿 |
anaphylaxis过敏 | anaphylatoxin过敏毒素 |
male | androgen雄激素 andrology男性学 |
vessel | angiogram心血管造影术 |
unequal不等 | anisocoria瞳孔大小不等 anisocytosis |
crooked;stiff僵硬 | ankylosis关节僵硬 ankylotic关节僵硬的 |
anus | transanal经肛的 |
agent | depressant抑制剂 |
before | antenatal出生前 antebrachium前臂 [brachi:arm] |
human | anthropotomy人体解剖 |
against | antibody抗体 |
remove脱去 | apomorphine去水 apoenzyme脱辅基酶 |
artery | arteriosclerosis动脉硬化 arteriole小动脉 |
articulation发音;关节 | dysarthria发音困难=dysphonia;arthritis关节炎 articular关节的arthropathy关节病 |
enzyme | oxidase氧化酶proteinase蛋白酶 |
fatty substance | atheroma动脉粥样硬化 |
heart chamber | atrioventricular房室的 |
ear | auricle耳廓;心耳 auriscope耳镜 |
self | autograft自体移植 autologous自体的 autodigestion自体消化 |
bacillus杆菌 | bacillosis杆菌病 bacillouria杆菌尿 lactobacillus乳酸杆菌 |
bacteria | bacteriolysin溶菌素 |
pressure | baroreceptor压力感受器 barotrauma气压伤 |
base碱 | basophil嗜碱细胞 basoplasm嗜碱胞质 |
two | bilateral两边的 biceps二头肌 biconcave两面凹的 bifidobacteria双歧杆菌 |
life | biopsy活检biocide杀虫剂probiotic bacteria益生菌 |
embryo;bud;shoot; sprout胚;芽 | blastocyst胚泡blastomyces出芽酵母菌 |
blephar;eyelid眼睑 | blepharoptosis眼睑下垂blepharospasm眼睑痉挛 |
arm | biceps brachii肱二头肌 |
slow | bradycardia心动过缓bradytocia分娩迟缓bradykinin缓激肽 |
bronchiole细支气管 | bronchiolitis细支气管炎 |
bronchus支气管 | bronchodilation=bronchoectasis支气管扩张bronchoscope支气管镜 |
badness | cacophony刺耳的 |
calcium | calculus结石calcification钙化 |
carbon碳 | carbohydrate碳水化合物carbonate碳酸盐 |
carcinoma;cancer | carcinostatic抑制癌症的carcinogenic致癌的carcinemia癌血症 |
heart | cardioplasty贲门成形术cardiogenic心源性cardiovascular心血管 |
down向下 | catastrophe=cataclysm大灾难catalog目录 |
cecum盲肠 | cecoptosis [下垂] 盲肠下垂 |
protuberance; protrusion突出物 | hydrocele鞘膜积液;水囊肿chylocele乳糜囊肿 |
peritoneal cavity腹腔 | celioscopy腹腔镜检查celiac腹腔的 |
center | centrifuge离心机centrosome中心体 |
head | cephalosporin头孢菌素megacephaly巨头畸形cephalic头侧的 cephalohematoma头部血肿 |
cerebellum | cerebellar小脑 |
brain=cerebrum大脑 | cerebrospinal脑脊髓的cerebrotomy脑切开术 |
neck | cervical颈部的cervicodorsal颈背部 |
labium;lips唇 | cheilosis唇部损伤cheiloplasty唇部成形术 |
chemistry | chemotherapy化疗chemotaxis趋化性 |
chlorine氯 | chloromycin氯霉素chloroform氯仿 |
biliary duct胆管 | cholangitis胆管炎cholangiography胆管造影术 |
gallbaldder | cholecystalgia胆绞痛cholecystokinin胆囊收缩素 cholecystectomy胆囊切除术 |
common biliary duct胆总管 | choledochitis胆总管炎choledochotomy胆总管切开术 |
bile;gall | choleric胆汁质cholecyst胆囊cholelith胆结石 cholagogue利胆药cholemia胆血症 |
cartilage | chondral软骨的chondrocyte软骨细胞chondroma软骨瘤 |
绒毛膜;脉络膜 | choriocarcinoma绒毛膜癌chorioretinitis脉络膜视网膜炎 |
脉络膜 | choriodopathy脉络膜病 |
pigment素 | cytochrome细胞素chromosome染体chromatin染质 |
chyle乳糜 | chyluria乳糜尿chylocele乳糜囊肿 |
kill | gemicide杀菌剂 |
around | circumcision包皮环切术circumpolar极圈 |
coccus球菌 | streptococcus链球菌 |
deep sleep | comatose昏迷 |
against | contraindication禁忌症contraceptive |
faeces粪便 | coprolith粪石coprostasis粪积 |
crown | coronary artery冠状动脉 |
rib | intercostal肋间的 |
skull | cranium头盖骨cranial颅的 |
cool冷 | cryotherapy冷冻疗法cryophilic嗜冷的 |
blue | cyanosis发绀 |
digit;toe;finger | dactylomegaly巨指畸形 |
teeth | dentin牙本质 |
skin | dermatology皮肤病学dermatomycosis皮肤真菌病 |
apart分离 | dislocation脱位desoxycorticosterone脱氧皮质酮 |
right右 | dextrocardia右位心dextrose右旋糖 |
two | dioxide二氧化物disaccharide双糖 |
through | diarrhea腹泻 |
double;two | diplococcus双球菌diplopia复视 |
double | metareduplicate中期增殖 |
dura mater硬脑膜 | subdural硬膜下 |
pain | osteodynia骨痛 |
difficult | dyslexia诵读困难dysmenorrhea痛经 dyspepsia消化不良dysuria排尿困难 |
expansion;dilation扩张 | bronchodilation=bronchoectasis支气管扩张gastrectasis胃扩张 |
outside of | ectoderm外胚层ectoparasite体外寄生虫 |
surgical removel | thymectomy胸腺切除术 |
electron | electroencephalogram脑电图electrocardiograph心电图仪 |
blood | anemia贫血 |
brain=cerebrum大脑 | encephalasthenia脑衰弱encephaledema脑水肿encephaloma脑瘤 |
inside | endocellular细胞内的endocrine内分泌endocardium心内膜 |
intestine | enteritis肠炎enterococcus肠球菌enterotoxin肠毒素 |
on top of | epiphysitis骨骺炎 [epiphysis骨骺] epidermis表皮epigastric上腹部 |
red | erythrocyte红细胞erythromycin红霉素 |
cause | etiology病因学etiotropic [旋转;促] 针对病因的 |
good | eugentics优生学euglobulin优球蛋白eukaryote真核生物 |
out of;away from | expectoration咳出excison切除exotoxin外毒素 |
outside of | extravasation外渗extrahepatic肝外的extrasystole期外收缩 |
fascia;band筋膜 | fasciodesis筋膜固定术 |
fast禁止的 | drugfast抗药的 |
femur | femoral股骨的 |
iron;Ferrum铁 | ferritin铁蛋白ferric高铁的 |
亚铁 | ferrous亚铁的ferroheme亚铁血红素 |
fetus胎儿 | fetometry胎儿测量法fetography胎儿照相术 |
fiber | fibrous纤维的 |
yellow | flavin黄素flavoprotein黄素蛋白 |
fluorine氟 | fluoride氟化物fluoroscopyX线透视;荧光屏检查fluorosis氟中毒 |
fungus真菌 | fungicide杀真菌剂fungistasis制霉菌作用 |
milk | galactose半乳糖galactagogue催乳药lactation哺乳 |
gamete配子 | gametocyte配子体gametogenesis配子发生 |
marriage | heterogamy异配生殖 |
ganglion=knot神经节 | ganglioneuroma神经节神经细胞瘤 |
stomach | gastroptosis胃下垂gastrointestinal胃肠的gastralgia胃痛 |
generate;reproduce生殖 | genitalia生殖器genitourinary泌尿生殖的genital duct生殖道 |
gene | genome基因组genetics遗传学 |
neuroglia神经胶质细胞 | glioma神经胶质细胞瘤 |
glomerulus肾小球 | glomerulitis肾小球肾炎 |
glucose | glucocorticoid糖皮质激素 |
knowing | gnosis灵知 [Gnosis come from practice实践出真知] |
gonads生殖腺 | gonadotropin促性腺激素gonadopathy性腺病 |
record | placentogram胎盘照片 |
instrument to record | cardiopneumograph心肺运动描记 |
recording | ureterography输尿管造影 |
female | gynecology妇科学gynecomastia男子女性型乳房 |
sunshine | heliosis日光病heliotherapy日光疗法 |
half | hemiparesis轻偏瘫hemiplegia偏瘫hemisphere半球 |
blood | hemoglobin血红蛋白hematopericardium心包积血hemoagioma血管瘤 |
liver | hepatocele肝突出 |
different | heterogamete异种配子 |
sweating | hidropoiesis汗分泌 |
tissue | histology组织学histolysis组织溶解 histocompatibility组织相容性histamine组胺 |
omni;whole全 | holoenzyme全酶holoantigen全抗原 |
same | homogenic同体的homograft同种移植 |
liquid | humorism体液学说 |
over;above;excessive | hypertension高血压 |
sleep | hypnotherapy催眠疗法hypnosis催眠 |
deficient;insufficient 缺乏;beneath;under | hypothyroid甲状腺功能低下的hypodermic皮下的 hypalgesia痛觉减退hypokalemia低血钾 |
uterus;womb子宫 | hysteromyoma子宫肌瘤hysterectomy子宫切除术 |
pathological condition | anoxia缺氧症状 |
peculiar,own,private 特别;自发 | idiosyncracy特殊体质idiopathic特发的 |
agent | insulin胰岛素 |
beneath | infrastructure基础设施infratemporal颞下的infrared红外的 |
between | intercostal肋间的interscapular肩胛间的 |
within | intracellular细胞间的intraoperation手术中的 |
into | introjection内向投射 |
deficiency | ischemia局部缺血 |
equal | isomorphous同形的 |
inflammation | epiphysitis骨骺炎 [epiphysis骨骺] |
humpback驼背 | kyphosis驼背 |
lip | labiodental唇牙的 |
tear | lacrimotomy泪囊切开术 |
milk | lactation哺乳 |
layer | laminogram体层照片 |
larynx喉 | larygospasm喉痉挛 |
smooth | leiomyoma平滑肌瘤 |
seizure发作 | epilepsy癫痫 |
thin;slender | leptomeningitis柔脑膜炎 |
word;phrase | dyslexia诵读困难 |
tongue | sublingual舌下的 |
lobo of lung | lobectomy叶切除术 |
bent | lordosis脊柱前凸 |
loin腰部;里脊肉 | lumbar腰的 |
large | macrocyte巨细胞 |
ill;bad;poor | malnutrition营养不良 |
mammary gland乳腺 mastoid process乳突 | mastectomy乳房切除术mastoiditis乳突炎 |
urethra尿道 | meatoplasty尿道成形术 |
mediastinum纵隔 | mediastinoscopy纵隔镜检查 |
mening脑脊髓膜 | meningocele脑脊膜突出;meningitis脑膜炎 |
menstruation | menopathy月经病menopause绝经 menorrhalgia绝经 |
medium中间 | mesoderm中胚层active词根词缀mesothelioma间皮瘤 |
along with | metastasis转移 metaplasia化生 |
uterus;womb子宫 | metroptosis子宫脱垂 metrocarcinoma子宫癌 |
measure | thermometry温度检验学 cytometry细胞计数 |
thread | mitochondria线粒体 |
malaria疟疾 | malariology疟疾学 |
mucus | mucoprotein粘蛋白 |
fungus | mycosis真菌病 erythromycin红霉素 |
marrow | myelitis骨髓炎 |
muscle | myoatrophy肌萎缩 |
muscle | myositis肌炎 |
mucus黏液 | myxoma黏液性瘤 myxedema粘液性水肿 |
millimicro毫微 | nanometer纳米 nanodosimetry超微剂量学 |
numbness=stupor | narcosis麻醉 narcotic麻醉药 |
nose | nasogastric鼻胃的 nasoseptum鼻中隔 nasitis鼻炎 |
dead body | necrosis坏死 necrotic坏死的 |
new | neonate新生儿neoplasm 新生物;肿瘤 |
kidney | nephritis肾炎 |
nerve | neuralgia神经痛 |
nucleus | nucleoplasm核质的nucleolus核仁nucleotide核苷酸 |
nutrition | nutriology营养学 |
eye | oculonasal眼鼻的oculomotor眼球运动的 |
teeth | odontolysis牙质溶解 |
few;less | oligemia血量减少oliguria少尿 |
study | nephrology肾病学 |
tumor | nephroma肾瘤 |
umbilicus肚脐 | omphalocele脐疝omphalitis脐炎 |
tumor | oncogene致癌基因oncology肿瘤学 |
eye | ophthalmotonometer眼压计Ophthalmology眼科学 |
examination | autopsy尸体解剖necropsy尸体剖检 |
straight | orthopnea端坐呼吸 |
create an artificial opening | ventriculoatriostomy脑室心房造口术 |
ovary | ovariocentesis卵巢穿刺术 |
egg | ovogenesis卵子发生 |
oxygen | hypoxia缺氧 |
palate | palatorrhaphy腭裂修复术 |
beside | paranephric肾旁的 |
parasite | parasitemia寄生虫血症 |
slight paralysis | hemiparesis轻偏瘫 |
knee cap膝盖 | patellar膝盖骨 |
disease | pathogen病原体pathology病理学 |
chest | expectoration咳出 |
renal pelvis [骨盆] 肾盂 | pelviscopy肾盂镜检pelvic骨盆的 |
around | perinephritis肾周炎pericardium心包 |
pericardium | perocardiocentesis心包穿刺 |
eat | bacteriophage噬菌体 |
drug | phymocology药理学 |
pharynx | pharyngoglossal咽舌的pharyngeal咽的 |
speech | aphasia失语症 |
love | hemophilus嗜血杆菌 |
vein | phlebitis静脉炎venous静脉 |
exaggerated fear | phobia恐惧症 |
voice;sound | dysphonia发音困难phonocardiography心音描记术 |
diaphragm横隔;mind精神 | phrenic膈的;schizophrenia精神分裂症 |
prevention | prophylaxis疾病预防 |
nature | physiology生理学 |
placenta胎盘 | placentitis胎盘炎 |
surgical repair | cardioplasty贲门成形术 |
paralysis | hemiplegia偏袒 [hemiparesis轻偏瘫] |
pleura胸膜 | pleurotomy胸膜切开术 |
breathing | apnea呼吸暂停 |
lung;air | pneumonia肺炎 |
production | hematopoiesis造血 |
grey | poliomyelitis脊髓灰质炎 |
many | polycystic多囊的 |
pons脑桥 | cerebellopontine小脑脑桥 |
door | portography门静脉造影术 |
after;behind | postpartum产后的 |
potential | potentiality潜在性 |
action | apraxia运动不能 |
before | prepyloric幽门前的 |
before;in front of | prophylaxis疾病预防procephalic头前方的 |
beginning | protooncogene原癌基因 |
mind | psychotic精神病的 |
prolapse下垂hang down | gastroptosis胃下垂cecoptosis [下垂] 盲肠下垂 |
spitting | hemoptysis咯血 |
lung | pulmometry肺容量测定 |
renal pelvis [骨盆] 肾盂 | pyelonephritis肾盂肾炎 |
pylorus幽门 | pyloric幽门的pylorospasm幽门痉挛 |
pus | pyoarthrosis关节积脓病 |
nerve root神经根 | radiculopathy神经根病 |
radius桡骨 | radial桡骨的 |
kidney | renal肾的 |
hehind;backward | retroversion后倾症 |
rod | rhabdomyoma横纹肌瘤 |
nose | rhinorrhea鼻溢液 |
rhythm | cacorhythmic节律不齐的arrhythmia心律不齐 |
bleeding | hemorrhage出血 |
flow | dysmenorrhea痛经diarrhea腹泻 |
flesh | sarcoma肉瘤 |
split | schizoid精神分裂症的schizophrenia精神分裂症 |
twisted | scoliosis脊柱侧弯 [lordosis脊柱前凸] |
instrument for examining | cyctoscope膀胱镜 |
viewing | urethroscopy尿道镜检 |
sperm | seminology精液学 |
serum | serodiagnosis血清学诊断 |
sinus | sinoatrial窦房的 |
sinus鼻窦 | sinusitis鼻窦炎 |
corps | somatesthesia躯体感觉 |
body | lysosome溶酶体phagosome吞噬体 |
sleep | insomnia失眠somnific催眠的 |
pulse | sphygmomanometer血压计 |
spine脊髓 | spinal脊髓的 |
breathing | spirometer肺活量计 |
spleen | splenatrophy脾萎缩 |
vertebra | spondylitis脊椎炎 |
inhibiting抑制 | carcinostatic抑制癌症的 |
sternum胸骨 | sternocostal胸肋的 |
chest | stethoscope听诊器 |
strength | neurasthenia神经衰弱myasthenia肌无力 |
mouth | stomoschisis口炎 |
under;below | subdural硬膜下subcutaneous皮下的 |
same | syngenic同基因的 |
fast | tachycardia心动过速 |
order;coordination方向 | ataxia共济失调 |
tendon | tenodesis肌腱固定术tendonitis肌腱炎 |
thalamus丘脑 | thalamic丘脑的 |
sheath | thecoplasm鞘质的intrathecal鞘内的 |
thelium | epithelium上皮 |
treatment | radiotherapy放射 |
chest | thoracotomy胸廓切开术 |
chest | thoracic胸的 |
pleural cavity胸腔 | hemothorax血胸 |
clot | thrombolysis血栓溶解 |
thymus胸腺 | thymocyte胸腺细胞 |
incision | cardiotomy心切开术 |
tone;tension紧张力 | myotonia肌强直 |
tonsils扁桃体 | tonsillectomy扁桃体切除术 |
poison | toxicology毒理学 |
trachea气管 | tracheospasm气管痉挛 |
across | transaminase转氨酶transcription转录 |
three | triamylose葡萄三聚糖 |
nutrition | trophoblast滋养层 |
growth | hypertrophy肥大 |
acting upon | adrenaltropic促肾上腺的 |
ulna尺骨 | ulnar尺骨的 |
ureter输尿管 | ureteroscopy输尿管镜检 |
urethra | urethral尿道的 |
urine | urinary泌尿的 |
vagus nerve迷走神经 | vagal迷走神经的 |
valve | valvuloplasty瓣膜成形术 |
vessel | vasoconstriction血管收缩vascular脉管的 |
lower heart chamber | ventriculotomy心室切开术 |
vertebra椎骨 | vertebral椎骨的 |
bladder | vesicorectal膀胱直肠的 |