1 | active词根词缀Act.ag=to act to drive(做,行动,驱使) | act | action | activate | active | activity |
actor | actress | actual | agency | agenda | ||
aqent | agitate | aqonv | exact | interact | ||
react | transaction | |||||
2 | alter=other(其他的) | alter | alternate | alternative | ||
3 | Am,amat=to love(爱) | amateur | amiable | enemy | ||
4 | ang=to strangle (勒死,窒息) | anger | angry | anguish | anxiety | anxious |
5 | angl=angle(角) | anchor | angle | ankle | rectangle | trianqle |
6 | adt=fit(适当的) | adt | adapt | |||
7 | arch=to rule(统治) chief(主要的) | arch | architect | architecture | hierarchy | monarch |
8 | audi=to hear(听) | audience | audio | audit | auditorium | |
9 | aug auc=to increase | auction | augment | |||
10 | author(作家,著者) | authentic | author | authority | ||
11 | band bond bind=to bind(捆绑) | band | bandage | bind | bond | bound |
boundary | bundle | |||||
12 bar barrel | bar=bar(横木) | bar | barrel | barrier | embarrass | |
13 | bat=to beat(击打) | acrobat | bat | battery | battle | combat |
debate | ||||||
14 | cad cid cas=to fall (落,落下) | accident | case | casual | casualty | coincide |
decay | incidence | incident | incidentally | occasion | ||
15 | calc=lime(石灰) | calcium | calculate | chalk | ||
16 | camp=field(田野) | camp | campaign | campus | champion | |
17 | cand=white bright | candidate | candle | |||
18 | cant cent=to sing | accent | incentive | |||
19 | cap=head(头) | cabbage | cape | capital | captain | |
20 | cap cip cept ceive=to take ,to hold(抓取,握) | accept | acceptance | anticipate | capacity | captive |
capture | conceive | concept | conception | deceit | ||
deceive | except | exception | exceptional | excerpt | ||
occupation | occupy | participant | participate | perceive | ||
receipt | receive | reception | recipient | susceptible | ||
21 | car=car(车),to run(跑) | car | career | cargo | carriage | carrier |
carry | cart | charge | ||||
22 | cast=to throw(投掷) | broadcast | cast | forecast | ||
23 | cede ceed cess=to go(去,走) | access | accessory | concede | concession | exceed |
exceeding | exceedingly | excess | excessive | precede | ||
precedent | preceding | predecessor | procedure | proceed | ||
proceedinq | process | procession | recede | recession | ||
succeed | success | succession | successive | successor | ||
24 | centr=center(中心) | central | center | concentrate | eccentric | |
25 | cern cret=to separate | concern | concerninq | discern | discreet | |
26 | cert=sure(确定) | ascertain | certai | certainty | certify | certificate |
27 | cide.cise= to cut(切) | concise | decide | decision | decisive | precise |
precision | suicide | |||||
28 | =ring(环) | bicycle | circle | circuit | circular | circulate |
circus | cycle | cyclic | recycle | |||
29 | cite=to summon(召唤) | cite | excite | excited | exciting | recite |
30 | claim,clam=to cry(大 叫) | acclaim | claim | exclaim | proclaim | reclaim |
31 | clare=clear(清楚的) | clarify | clarity | declare | declaration | |
32 | clin=to bend(弯曲) | climax | decline | incline | ||
33 | clos.clud= to shut (关闭) | close | closet | conclude | conclusion | disclose |
enclose | enclosure | exclude | exclusive | include | ||
inclusive | preclude | |||||
34 | cognis(quaint),gnos=to know(知道) | acquaint | acquaintance | coqnitive | diaqnose | iqnorant |
ignore | ignorance | nostalgic | recognize | recognition | ||
35 | cord=heart(心) | accord | accordance | according | accordinqlv | cordial |
core | courage | discourage | encourage | record | ||
36 | corpor=body(身体) | corporation | incorporate | |||
37 | count=to count(计算) | account | accountant | count | counter | discount |
38 | cover=to cover(遮盖) | cover | discover | discovery | recover | recovery |
uncover | ||||||
39 | sc=to grow (生 长) to make(制造) | concrete | create | creative | creature | decrease |
increase | increasingly | recreation | ||||
40 | cred=believe(相信) | credentials | credit | incredible | ||
41 | cruc=cross(十字,交叉) | cross | crucial | cruise | ||
42 | cuc,course=to run (流,跑) | course | current | currency | curriculum | discourse |
excursion | incur | intercourse | occur | recur | ||
43 | cure=care,heed (注盘,留心) | accurate | accuracy | cure | curious | curiosity |
secure | security | |||||
44 | dem=people(民众) | democracy | democratic | democrat | epidemic | |
45 | Dict,dic=to say(说),to proclaim(宣称) | addict | contradict | dedicate | dictate | dictation |
dictionary | index | indicate | indication | indicative | ||
predict | verdict | |||||
46 | dign=worthy(有价值的) | dignity | indignant | indignation | ||
47 | divid,divis=to divide(分割) | device | devise | divide | division | dividend |
individual | ||||||
48 | doc=to teach(教导) | doctor | documentary | document | doctrine | |
49 | dom=house(房屋,家) domin=to rule(统治) | domain | dome | domestic | dominate | dominant |
kingdom | predominant | |||||
50 | don,dot,dow=to give (给予) | anecdote | donate | dose | endow | pardon |
51 | dox=opinion(意见) | orthodox | paradox | |||
52 | draw=to drow (拉,牵,引) | drag | draw | drawer | drawing | drawback |
withdraw | ||||||
53 | duc,duct = to lead (引导,领导) | conduct | conductor | deduce | deduct | educate |
education | induce | introduce | introducti on | produce | ||
product | production | productive | productivity | reduce | ||
reduction | semiconductor | |||||
54 | dur=to last(持续) | durable | duration | during | endure | endurance |
55 | dyn,dynam=power(力量) | dynamic | dynasty | |||
56 | eco=house(家) | economic | economics | economical | economy | |
57 | em,empt=to take(拿取) | example | exempt | exemplify | prompt | sample |
58 | equ=equal(相等的) | adequate | equal | equality | equation | equator |
equivalent | ||||||
59 | ess,est=to be(存在) | absence | absent | essence | essential | interest |
interesting | presence | present | presently | represent | ||
60 | fab;fess=to speak(说) | fable | fabulous | confess | profession | professional |
professor | ||||||
61 | fac= face(面部,正面) | interface | preface | surface | superficial | |
62 | fact=to make(做), to do(做,为) | affair | facilitate | facility | fact | factor |
factory | faculty | feasible | feature | |||
63 | fam=to speak(说) | fame | famous | fatal | fate | infant |