    I long to go back to the past, to a time when life seemed simpler and more carefree. The nostalgia for a bygone era fills my heart with a sense of longing and yearning. The memories of days gone by are etched in my mind, and I yearn to relive those moments once again.
    As I reminisce about the past, I am filled with a sense of warmth and comfort. The familiar sights and sounds of a time long gone bring a smile to my face. I miss the simplicity of life back then, the joy of simple pleasures and the innocence of youth. I yearn to go back to a time when worries were few and happiness was abundant.
    The thought of going back to the past fills me with a sense of excitement and anticipation. I long to revisit the places and people that were once dear to me. I want to relive the experiences and moments that have shaped me into the person I am today. The past holds a special place in my heart, and I yearn to go back and relive those cherished memories.
yearn    想到回到过去让我充满了兴奋和期待。我渴望重游曾经亲爱的地方和人。我想重温那些曾经塑造我成为今天的人的经历和时刻。往昔在我心中占据着特殊的位置,我渴望回到那个珍贵的记忆中。
