Unit 1
Part I. Reading for Informa tion
I. Reading for Informa tion
A. Reading to find main ideas
1. D
2. C
B. Reading to find major details
3. B
4. A
C. Reading to find relevan t facts
5. B
6. C
II. Transla ti on
1. 今天你们将离开培育你们的学术环境,直面真实的世界。
2. 你们即将离开学校,终于可以开始接受教育了。
3. 想到一位保守的教授,那比要到一个雪人还难。若要挑战一些有关政治正确性的正统观点,那你将会被冠以一些难听的名号。
4. 如果你不相信我的话,那不妨去问一问那些因追随网络公司是通往财富之路这一理论而破产的人们。现实击碎了他们的梦想。
5. 因此,欢迎你来到我们生活的这个理性的世界。一旦你把那些不切实际的幻想拒之门外,你就会发现这个世界并不是太糟。
III. Summary
A. Complet e the followi ng stateme nts with words or expressi ons from the box. Use their properforms.
1. College seniors are about to emergefrom the nurturi ng confine s of academi a to face the real world. They can finally go about getting an educati on.
2. Despite your school‘s commitm ent to diversi t y, you probabl y have found that real diversi t y was actuall y nowhere to be found on campus. Only after you graduate from college can you real l ybenefit from diversi ty.
3. Reading separat es the leaders from the followe rs, the real achieve rs from the rest of the crowd. But it is only after college that you can read just for the enjoyme nt of reading. Back at college, reading was associa ted with bland textboo ks and propaga nda.
4. Now that you‘re leaving college, you‘re going to have to choose reality over theory. In other words, you‘ll have to becomea(n) realist, because what matters now is what works in practic e, not in theory.
5. A lot of self-esteemtrainin g you got through school was an exercis e in wishful thinkin g. Y ou feel great about yoursel f, but you have to figureout what you‘re truly good at and go for it. If you don‘t wind
up with the job of your dreams, don‘t sweat it. Y our career may take a number of twistsand turns, and along the way, you‘ll find somethi ng that matches your talent.
Part II. Reading for Pleasure
Ⅱ. 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F
Part III. Homework
Passage 1
1. F
2. F
3. T
4. F
5. T
Passage 2
6. F
7. T
8. F
9. F 10. T
Passage 3
11. D 12. A13. B 14. D 15. C
Passage 4
16. B 17. A18. C 19. C 20. B
Passage 5
21. equate22. like 23. assumed24. modestl y 25. accumul ated
26. means 27. lucrati ve 28. debt 29. afford30. neighbo rhoods
Passage 6
31. internationaue33. though34. dispersed 35. conside rably
36. geograp hical37. entire38. glance39. propose d40. grounds
Passage 7
41. recedes42. seduces43. dimensi ons 44. shifts45. rare
46. deliver fusi ng 48. conservative49. fashion50. fine
Unit 2
Part I. Reading for Informa tion
I. Reading for Informa tion
A. Reading to find main ideas
1. B
2. A
B. Reading to find major details
3. D
4. C
C. Reading to find relevan t facts
5. B
6. D
II. Transla ti on
III. Summary
A. Complet e the followi ng stateme nts with words or expressi ons from the box. Use their properforms.
1. Most peoplethink love is a fortuna te acciden t, which to experie nce is merely a matterof chance. They yearn for it, but hardlyanyoneregards love as an art which needs to be learned about.
2. This mistake n idea is based on several premise s. The first is that most peoplesee love primari ly as a problem of how to be loved, rather than that of loving.
3. The secondpremise behindthis attitud e is the assumpt ion that to love is simple, but to find the right objectto love is difficul t. This attitud e is actuall y has several deep-rootedreasons concern ing the develop ment of modernsociety.
4. The third error leading to the wrong idea is that peopleoften confuse the initial excitem ent of falling into love and the permane nt state of standin g in love. They don‘t know that love is what is left over when passion has burneda way.
5. We shouldface up to the fact that love is an art. To learn an art, we shouldnot only grasp theoret ical
knowled ge but have a lot of practic e. Besides, we shouldconside r the mastery of the art to be more importa nt than any thing else such as money, success, prestig e and power.
Part II. Reading for Pleasure
1. F
2. F
3. T
4. F
5. F
6. T
7. F
8. F
9. T 10. T
Part III. Homework
Passage 1
1. F
2. T
3. F
4. F
5. F
Passage 2
6. F
7. T
8. F
9. F 10. T
Passage 3
11. B 12. D 13. C 14. C 15. A
Passage 4
16. B 17. C 18. B 19. A20. D
Passage 5
21. grumble22. calling23. less 24. prosperi ty 25. concern s
26. but 27. adapt 28. balanci ng 29. derive30. fear
Passage 6
31. leap 32. assessm ent 33. taste 34. current35. pursuin g
36. honest37. complet ely 38. options 39. negotia te 40. obstacl es
Passage 7
41. embarke d 42. known 43. initiat e 44. compare45. significantly
46. adding47. sharpne ss 48. maintai ning 49. implications50. someday
Unit 3
Part I. Reading for Informa tion
I. Reading for Informa tion
A. Reading to find main ideas
1. B
2. A
B. Reading to find major details
3. B
4. D
C. Reading to find relevan t facts
5. C
6. C
yearnII. Transla ti ons
III. Summary
1. The Mortons were in a park one day, enjoyin g the late-afterno on sun.
2. Mrs. Morton watched c ontent edly while her husband was reading the Times Magazin e
and her son, Larry, was playing in the sandbox.
3. Meanwhi le, another man and his son, Joe, who was aboutLarry‘sage, were also enjoyin g themsel ves nearby.
4. Joe suddenl y threw a(n) spadefu l of sand at Larry.
5. Mrs. Mortonhad always wantedher son to learn to fight his own battles, so she just ordered Joe to stop it instead of punishi ng him.
6. But, unexpectedly, Joe‘s fatheri nsi ste d that it was a(n) publicsandbox and that Joe could continu e to throw wall he wanted.
7. Mr. Morton, a college teacher who was rarelyangry, tried to argue with Joe‘s father wi th his
usual reasona blenes s but failed. He thought it wouldn‘t have provedanythin g if they had a fight.
8. Finally, Mr. Mortonand his wife had to pull their cryingson out of the playgro und.
9. On their way back home, Mrs. Mortonfelt very irritat ed and ashamed of her husband and her son.
Part II. Reading for Pleasure
I. Answer the followi ng questio n s.
1.Because it seemedto her that the author, who was a young black man, was too menacin gly close to her and make her feel nervous.
2. It means the way in which peopleexpress their fear. In most cases, it is not a verbalexpress ion, but an actionsuch as hammeri ng down the door locks of the car, crossin g to the other side of the streetratherthan passing the authorin a deserte d street.
3. Because in the place where he grew up, there were a lot of gang warfare, streetknifing s, and murders, and he was not one of the bad boys.
4. He gradual ly learnsto smother the rage and make himself seem less threate ning.
5. He believe s that whistli ng melodie s from famouscompose s like Beethov en and Vivaldi can reducethe tension, because peopleknow that a muggerwill not do that.
Part III. Homework
Passage 1
1. F
2. T
3. F
4. F
5. F
Passage 2
6. F
7. F
8. T
9. T 10. F
Passage 3
11. A12. B 13. B 14. C 15. B
Passage 4
16. B 17. B 18. A19. C 20. C
Passage 5
21. blessin g22. empty 23. progresses 24. wiser 25. insigni f icant
26. faith 27. renewed28. outlook29. go 30. turn
Passage 6
31. heading32. elimina te 33. special34. board 35. complet e
36. expressi on 37. realisti c 38. defined39. focused40. expecta tions
Passage 7
41. down 42. accompl i shed43. excel 44. potenti al45. combina tion
46. vary 47. impossi ble 48. particul ar 49. cover 50. encount ered
Unit 4
Part I. Reading for Informa tion
I. Reading for Informa tion
A. Reading to find main ideas
1. D
2. A
B. Reading to find major details
3. B
4. C
C. Reading to find relevan t facts
5. D
6. A
II. Transla ti on
1. 我们忽略了绝望的婚姻以及那钻心的孤独感。
2. 她那样做着,数年如一日,在入夜之后,在她已记好了账目、支付了账单、照顾好发疼的嗓子,并确定我们已吃过晚饭之后。
3. 实际上,这是对爱的本质进行判断。
4. 我们营造了安全,又受困于这种安全。
5. 假如作为一个孩子我觉得被剥夺了什么,那仅仅是在有人用一个家应该如何的标准对我们家进行衡量的时候。而事实上,我们几乎什么都不缺。
III. Summary
1. In the 1950s, the only sort of perfect familywe knew from the TV program s was charact erize
d by a working father, a stay-at-hom
e mother, three lovelychildre n and a beautiful garden.
2. Back then, people stayedmarried forever. They made a bargain not to questio n or think about peoplewho lived differe ntly in any way.
3. However, my parents g ot divorce d at a time when divorce was very uncommo n.
4. My mother did somethi ng differe nt –it was she who took the trash cans to the curb on Mondaynights, which was suppose d to be a job for fathers in the neighbo rhood.
5. Besides takinggood care of us, my mother also workedfor the Departm ent of SocialService s,
a world in which the simplerules of the suburbs did not apply.
6. My mother vi sited poor housesand counsel ed women who could not make their own choices.
7. To my mother, parents shouldnot neglect their childre n.
8. My mothernever judgedwho was a fit motheron the basis of thingslike a clean floor, an unbalan ced meal and so on. These were only standar ds set then by good citizen s for women and childre n.
9. Althoug h I come from a divorce d family, I never felt that I lackedfor parenta l love.
10. Now I have childre n of my own, and I have come to realize that women alone can managetheir familie s, and love is the only standard we can use to judge whether a familyi s good or not. Part II. Reading for Pleasure
1. To women, courtsh ip is not a phase in a relatio nship, but a way of life.
2. Guilt flowers are not worth receivi ng, because they are proffer ed in lieu of a real apology.
3. They provide hints, suggest ions instead of telling them straigh tforwa rdly.
4. Talk can greatly comfort them.
5. She thinksthat women are simplyprovidi ng men with the opportu nity to becometheir best self.