摘要中国国际话语权的建构,不仅要从宏观上运用新概念㊁新范畴㊁新表达进行话语体系建设,也要从微观层面对话语体系的意义世界进行解读和阐释㊂全球化时代,图像传播技术迅猛发展,视觉修辞融传播学㊁语言学㊁符号学等学科于一体,将图像与修辞相结合,其隐喻㊁暗指㊁象征等功能的运用成为国家交往中提升国际话语权㊁引导舆论的重要手段㊂通过剖析国际话语权的视觉修辞逻辑关系,本文从风险社会下的中国国际话语权建构㊁国家交往中的文化视觉修辞叙事㊁话语的被动释义与主动表征等角度分析当下国家交往中中国国际话语权建构的视觉修辞实践及风险因素,提出创新 视角 ㊁塑造 认同 ㊁资本 纠偏 三维路径,进一步发挥视觉修辞在中国国际话语权建构中的积极作用,更好地维护国家利益,提升中国国际地位㊂
Visual Rhetoric in the Construction of China s
International Discourse Power:Practice,
Challenge and Response
Cui Baofeng Zhang Peng
Abstract The construction of China s international discourse power should not only use new concepts,new categories and new expressions to build the dis-course system from the macro level,but also interpret and explain the meaning
discourse中国国际话语权建构中的视觉修辞:实践㊁挑战㊁应对world of the discourse system from the micro level.With the rapid development of image communication technology in the era of globalization,visual rhetoric in-tegrates communication,linguistics,semiotics and other disciplines,and com-bines image and rhetoric.The application of its functions such as metaphor,allu-sion and symbol has become an important means in national communication to en-hance the international discourse power and guide public opinion.By analyzing the logical relationship of visual rhetoric of international discourse power,this pa-per analyzes the visual rhetoric practice and risk factors of international disc
ourse power construction in current national communication from the perspectives of China s international discourse power construction in a risk society,cultural visu-al rhetoric narration in national communication,passive interpretation of dis-course to active representation,and puts forward innovative perspective ,sha-ping identity ,capital correction ,as the three-dimensional path of will fur-ther give play to the positive role of visual rhetoric in the construction of China s international discourse power,better safeguard national interests and enhance China s international status.
Keywords International Discourse Power;Visual Rhetoric;Discourse Sys-tem
全球化 趋势在政治㊁经济㊁文化㊁网络等力量共同作用下,蕴含着人类社会一系列互动行为的变革㊂当前,旧的世界格局正在被逐渐打破,新的世界秩序的建立必然要经历一个更加复杂㊁艰难博弈的过程,国际局势风云变幻, 多极化 发展既是机遇也是挑战㊂ 冷战 结束后随着传统安全威胁向政治㊁经济㊁文化㊁科技㊁生态等领域 硬实力 和 软实力 综合性的安全价值取向转变,国家交往过程中的话语权强弱成为衡量一个国家软硬实力的综合体现,在一定程度上对国家形象㊁意识形态主导权㊁舆论引导㊁国际秩序建构等核心利益有着深刻的影响㊂20世纪80年代末,弗朗西斯㊃福山(Francis Fukuyama)的 历史终结论 的背后逻辑便是以意识形态为核心的话语权归属问题㊂习近平总书记2021年5月31日在十九届中央政治局第三十次集体学习时强调,要深刻认识新形势下加强和改进国际传播工作的重要性和必要性,下大气力加强国际传播能力