4.下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一组是 ( )
5.A. 抹煞 座右铭 融会贯通 察颜观
6.B. 衷心 震憾 察言观 一张一弛
7.C. 恪守 冒然 言简意赅 防患未燃
8.D. 赋予 报怨 循序渐进 溯流而上
2.设全集 U = { x | -3 ≤ x ≤ 3} ,集合 A = { x | -1 < x < 1} ,集合 B = { x | 0 < x < 2} ,则 A∪B = ( )
3.A. { x | -3 ≤ x < 1} B. { x | -1 < x < 3} C. { x | -1 < x < 1} D. { x | 0 < x ≤ 3}
5.设函数 f(x) = a · 2^x - 2 (a ∈ R),若 f(x) 有两个不同的零点,求 a 的取值范围。
--- Is thathe works in a bank?
1.--- Yes, he isthe bank of China.
2.A. where; in B. where; at C. what; in D. what; at
5.The other day, I was on a train and I overheard a conversation between two people that really got me thinking. One person said, "I love being on trains because it gives me so much time to just sit and think without interruption." I realized then that I loved trains too, but for a different reason. I love trains because they force me to slow down and take the time to really look at the world around me. I get to see so much more of the country this way, and it's always been a great way for me to escape the hustle and bustle of city life. I find that when I'm on a train, my mind is clearer and I have more focus. It's almost like the steady rhythm of the train wheels and the constant clickety-clack sound they make helps to clear away all the clutter (杂乱) in my mind.
6.The other thing I love about trains is the people you meet. There's always such a diverse mix of people on trains, from all different walks of life. It's fascinating to listen to their stories and learn about their lives. And even though you may not know these people very well, there's something about being on a train that makes it feel like you're all part of the same journey, like you're all in it together. It's like being part of one big, extended family.
7.Why does the author love being on trains?
8.A. Because he can meet interesting people on them.
9.B. Because he can slow down and focus more on his life.
10.C. Because he can enjoy beautiful scenery along the way.
11.D. Because he can use the time on the train to read books.
12.What does the author think of city life?
13.A. It's stressful andbusy.
14.B. It's quiet and peaceful.
15.C. It's exciting and diverse.
16.D. It's boring and uneventful.
17.What does the author mean by "it's like being part of one big, extended family" in Paragraph 2?
18.A. Trains are like a big family where people can meet and interact with each other.
19.B. People on trains all come from different families but are still connected in some way.
20.C. People on trains are all part of a large, extended family that shares the same experiences.
21.D. The feeling of unity and togetherness on trains makes people feel more connected to each other.
(1) 若 x ∈ (-3, 3),则 (log2 (4^x - 16)) 的值域为。
1.(2) 已知 f(x) = x^2 + ax + b (a, b ∈ R),若 f(x) 在 [-1, 1] 上有最大值 3 和最小值 -3,则 f(0) =。
3.(1) 求函数 y = √(x^2 - 4x + 3) 的定义域。
4.(2) 若函数 f(x) = (1/3)x^3 - x^2 + ax 在 (0, +∞) 上有极值点,求 a 的取值范围。