MDN Web Docs (formerly known as the Mozilla Developer Network or MDN) is a free resource for in-depth documentation on web standards such as HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, and much more.
MDN Web Docs(以前称为Mozilla开发⼈员⽹络或MDN)是免费的资源,可提供有关Web标准(例如HTML5,CSS,JavaScript等)的深⼊⽂档。
MDN's mission is simple: provide developers with the information they need to easily build projects on the . If it's an open technology exposed to the Web, we want to document it.
MDN的任务很简单:为开发⼈员提供在上轻松构建项⽬所需的信息。 如果它是公开在Web上的开放技术,我们希望对其进⾏记录。
MDN's mission is simple: provide developers with the information they need to easily build projects on the . If it's an open technology exposed to the Web, we want to document it.
MDN的任务很简单:为开发⼈员提供在上轻松构建项⽬所需的信息。 如果它是公开在Web上的开放技术,我们希望对其进⾏记录。
A community of developers and other contributors keep the MDN Web Docs up-to-date. The entire site is a wiki, meaning anyone can add to or edit the growing collection of documentation and tutorials.
开发者社区和其他贡献者社区使MDN Web⽂档保持最新状态。 整个站点都是⼀个Wiki,这意味着任何⼈都可以添加或编辑不断增长的⽂档和教程集。
But you don't need to be a professional developer to contribute to MDN Web Docs! Like many other open source projects, there are a lot of ways you can help.
但是您⽆需成为专业的开发⼈员即可为MDN Web Docs做出贡献! 像许多其他开源项⽬⼀样,您可以通过多种⽅法来提供帮助。
If you're interested in contributing to MDN Web Docs, check out their page.
如果您有兴趣为MDN Web⽂档做出贡献,请查看其“ 页⾯。
Here are some quick links to useful resources:
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如何使⽤MDN Web⽂档 (How to Use MDN Web Docs)
MDN have built a reputation for having some of the best documentation for common web technologies. If you've ever been asked, "Have you checked the docs?" chances they're referring to MDN Web Docs.
MDN以拥有⼀些常⽤Web技术的最佳⽂档⽽闻名。 如果有⼈问过您,“您是否检查过⽂档?” 他们引⽤MDN⽹络⽂档的机会。
Say you're working on a project and you want to use JavaScript's map() method, but you forgot the exact syntax.
All you need to do is pull up the page for and scroll down to the section.
您需要做的就是拉起页⾯,然后向下滚动到“ 部分。
There you'll get a quick overview of the syntax:浏览web是什么意思
let new_array = arr.map(function callback( currentValue[, index[, array]]) {
// return element for new_array
}[, thisArg])
And a list of arguments that the method accepts, along with a short description of each.
If you want to see some basic examples and common use cases, scroll down a bit more to the section. There's a good chance that you'll find a snippet that you can use in your own project.
如果要查看⼀些基本⽰例和常见⽤例,请向下滚动⼀些到“ 部分。 您很有可能会到⼀个可以在⾃⼰的项⽬中使⽤的代码段。
Also, if you ever find yourself having to support older browsers, most if not all the JavaScript documentation includes a section.
