1.  主语一般由名词,或者局部名词性质的短语、词语或者从句充当,而动词不可以充当主语。
Give children a comfortable home environment is parents duty.
分析: 错误,give 是一个动词,不能充当句子的主语。
Parents duty is to give children a comfortable home environment.
例1:Students receive job training is important.
分析: 错误,students receive job training 是一个句子,不能充当另外一个句子的主语。
改成:It is important for students to receive job training.
例2:Students receive job training can become competitive in the labor market.
改成:Students can become competitive in the labor market if they receive job training.
例: Many rural residents have decided move to cities.
分析: 错误,move 是动词,不能充当decide 的宾语。
Many rural residents have decided to move to movies.
例1:Raising standards of literacy are the government’s priority.
分析: 错误,句子的主语是raising standards, 而不是standards.
改成: Raising standards of literacy is the government’s priority.
例2:To rear a child alone are challenging to any parent.
改成: To rear a child alone is challenging to any parent.
2.不可数名词作主语的时候谓语动词一定是单数; 如果主语是“of”的词组,谓语的数需要和“of ”之前的名词保持一致。
例:The adequacy of financial resources are crucial to the operation of a non-for-profit organization.
改:The adequacy of financial resources is crucial to the operation of a non-for-profit organization.
动词用单数的名词: the press, the public, news, the government, the police force, advertising.
动词用复数的名词: authorities, people.
3.当主语后跟着“with, together with, coupled with, combined with , as well as, like, in addition to , along with”的时候,谓语动词跟随主语变化。
例:overworking, coupled with poor diet, lead to physical degeneration.
改:lead 改成 leads.
Everybody except you is down on me. 除了你,大家都看不起我。 
A woman with two children has come. 一位妇女带着两个孩子已经来了。 
John, rather than his roommates, is to blame. 约翰,而不是他的室友,应该受到责备。 
Jim, together with his classmates, has seen the film. 吉姆和他的同学都看过这部电影。 
My father, no less than I, is a base-ball fan. 我的父亲不亚于我也是个棒球迷。
由or, either„or, neither„or, not„ but„, not only„but also等连接的并列成分作主语时,其谓语通常要与靠近的主语保持一致。如: 
He or I am in the wrong, 他或是我错了。 
Neither you nor he is tired. 你和他都没累。 
Not you but I am to blame. 不该怪你而该怪我。 
Either my father or my brothers are coming. 不是我父亲就是我兄弟要来。 
Not only the students but also their teacher is enjoying the film. 不仅学生们在欣赏这部影片,他们的老师也在欣赏这部影片。
4.有一些代词后面的谓语动词一定是单数(anybody , anything, everybody, everything , nobody, nothing, somebody, something, each, none)。
profit的形容词例:Even if somebody fall sick, everything go on as usual.
改: fall- falls , go- goes
5.“there be”句型中谓语动词的数随着其后面的名词改变。
例: There is a number of countries which perform poorly in containing pollution.
分析: is - are
6.由“what , whether, how, that , where”引起的主语从句中,谓语动词常用单数。
例:How we cope with massive technological change in the 21st century are an interesting issue.
分析:are is
1. 不及物动词后不能直接加任何名词或者名词性质的成分作宾语;如果要加宾语,则要加介词;不及物动词没有被动语态,比如“happen ,appear ,disappear ,rise ,emerge ,occur ,take place”等词都没有被动语态。
例1:The accident was similar to the one that was happened last year.
分析: happen 是不及物动词,没有被动语态。
Was happened happened
例2: I disagree many points made by the supporters of globalization.
分析: disagree disagree with
1. 及物动词后一定要加名词或者名词性质的成分作宾语,构成主语+ 谓语动词+宾语的基本句型。
例1: I will discuss in some detail.
