creative富有创造力的He is a creative writer who can produce original and interesting stories.
careful 小心的,仔细
She is a careful student who always checks her homework
before handing it in.
considerate 体贴的,考虑
He is a considerate husband who always helps his wife with the
constructive 建设性的,有
She gave me some constructive feedback on how to improve
my presentation skills.
cooperative 合作的,协作
They are cooperative team members who work well with each
calm 镇静的,冷静
的He remained calm and composed even in the face of danger.
capable 有能力的,有
才能的She is a capable leader who can handle any challenge.
candid 坦白的,直率
的He was candid about his feelings and opinions.
cute 可爱的,漂亮
的She has a cute smile and a charming personality.
canny 精明的,机敏
的He is a canny businessman who knows how to make a profit.
conscientious 认真的,勤奋
He is a conscientious worker who always completes his tasks
on time.
critical 批判的,挑
He has a critical mind and always questions the validity of
cognitive 认知的,认
识的She has a cognitive disability that affects her learning ability.
conceptual 概念的,观
He has a conceptual understanding of the problem and can
explain it clearly.
creative 创造性的,
She has a creative approach to solving problems and can come
up with novel solutions.
complex 复杂的,难
He has a complex theory that involves many variables and
clear 清晰的,明
She has a clear idea of what she wants to achieve and how to
achieve it.
comprehensive 全面的,综
He has a comprehensive knowledge of the subject and can cover
all the aspects.
comparative 比较的,对
She has a comparative analysis of the two systems and can
highlight their similarities and differences.
consistent 一致的,连
He has a consistent logic and can support his claims with
concise 简洁的,简
She has a concise expression and can convey her message in a
few words.
cautious 谨慎的,小
He has a cautious attitude and always thinks twice before making
a decision.
clever聪明的,机智的He is a clever boy who can solve any puzzle. competent能干的,胜任的She is a competent teacher who can teach any subject.
convincing 有说服力的,令人
He gave a convincing argument that persuaded everyone to
agree with him.
correct正确的,准确的She gave a correct answer that matched the standard solution.
complete完整的,完全的He gave a complete report that covered all the details and facts.
coherent连贯的,一致的She gave a coherent speech that had a clear structure and flow.
credible可信的,可靠的He gave a credible testimony that was supported by witnesses and evidence.
concrete具体的,实在的She gave a concrete example that illustrated her point. critical重要的,关键的He gave a critical insight that helped to solve the problem.
creative有创意的,独特的She gave a creative suggestion that was different from the usual ones.
curious好奇的,求知的He gave a curious question that showed his interest and eagerness to learn.
curious好奇的,求知的He is a curious person who always wants to know more about everything.
confident 自信的,有信心
She is a confident person who always believes in herself
and her abilities.
cautious谨慎的,小心的He is a cautious person who always avoids risks and uncertainties.
cheerful快乐的,开心的She is a cheerful person who always smiles and laughs.
calm镇静的,冷静的He is a calm person who always keeps his emotions under control.
compassionate 有同情心的,仁
She is a compassionate person who always cares for others
and helps them.
courageous 勇敢的,有胆量
He is a courageous person who always faces challenges
and difficulties.
courteous 有礼貌的,谦恭
She is a courteous person who always respects others and
follows the etiquette.
cynical 愤世嫉俗的,怀
He is a cynical person who always doubts the motives and
intentions of others.
critical批判的,挑剔的She is a critical person who always finds faults and errors in everything.
creative 富有创造力的,
He is a creative person who always thinks of new and
original ideas.
