Pen 钢笔[pen] n | pencil铅笔['pensəl] n |
pencil-case铅笔盒['penslkeis] n | ruler 尺子['ru:lə] n |
eraser 橡皮[i'reizə] n | crayon 蜡笔['kreiən] n |
book 书[buk] n | bag 书包[[bæɡ] n |
sharpener 卷笔刀['ʃɑ:pənə] n | school 学校[sku:l] n |
head 头[hed] n | face 脸 [feis] n |
nose鼻子[nəuz] n | mouth 嘴[mauθ] n |
eye 眼睛[ai] n | ear 耳朵[iə] n |
arm胳膊[ɑ:m] n | finger 手指['fiŋɡə] n |
leg 腿[leɡ] n | foot 脚[fut] n |
body 身体['bɔdi] n | red 红的[red] n |
yellow 黄的['jeləu] n | green 绿的[ɡri:n] n |
blue 蓝的[blu:] n | purple 紫的['pə:pl] n |
white 白的[hwait] n | black 黑的[blæk] n |
orange 橙的 桔子['ɔ:rindʒ] n | pink 粉的[piŋk] n |
brown 棕的[braun] n | cat 猫;猫科动物[kæt] n |
dog 狗 [dɔg] n | monkey 猴子;顽童['mʌŋki] n |
panda 熊猫['pændə] n | rabbit 兔子['ræbit] n |
duck 鸭子[dʌk] n | pig 猪[piɡ] n |
bird 鸟;禽[bə:d] n | bear 熊[bεə] n |
elephant 大象['elifənt] n | mouse 老鼠[maus] n |
squirrel 松鼠['skwə:rəl] n | cake 蛋糕[keik] n |
bread 面包[bred] n | hot dog 热狗 |
hamburger汉堡包['hæmbə:ɡə] n | chicken 鸡肉['tʃikin] n |
French fries 榨薯条[frentʃ fraiz] n | Coke 可乐[kəuk] n |
juice 果汁;汁[dʒu:s] n | milk 牛奶[milk] n |
water 水['wɔ:tə] n | tea 茶[ti:] n |
coffee 咖啡['kɔfi] n | one一[wʌn] n |
two 二[tu:] n | three 三[θri:] n |
four 四[fɔ:] n | five 五[faiv] n |
six 六[siks] n | seven 七['sevən] n |
eight 八[eit] n | nine 九[nain] n | |
ten 十[ten] n | doll 玩具娃娃[dɔl] n | |
balloon 气球[bə'lu:n] n | car 小汽车[kɑ:] n | |
plane 飞机[plein] n | text 课文;文本[tekst] n | |
self 自己;自我;本质[self] n | word 单词;言辞;歌词[wə:d] n | |
type 类型;样式;榜样[taip] n | module 单元;组件['mɔdju:l] n | |
daily 每日的;日常的['deili] a | grammar语法['græmə] n | |
content (书刊等的)目录;内容[kən'tent] n | love 爱[lʌv] n | |
expression 表达;表现力;表情[iks'preʃən] n | wall 墙[wɔ:l] n | |
project 方案;计划[prə'dʒekt] n | dictionary 字典['dikʃəneri] n | |
sheet 印刷品;表格[ʃi:t] n | mum 妈妈(口语)[mʌm] n | |
vocabulary 词汇;用词范围;词典[və'kæbjuləri] n | ||
poem (一首)诗['pəuim] n | page 页[peidʒ] n | |
oral 口试['ɔ:rəl] n | unit 单元;单位['ju:nit] n | |
I am (我)是[æm] | you 你[ju:] pron | |
are (你)是[ɑ:] v | come in. 进来['kʌm in] | |
name 名字[neim] n | class 班[klɑ:s ] n | |
good 好的[ɡud] n | good morning! 早上好 | |
new新的;新闻[nju:] n | we 我们[wi:] pron | |
from 从……[frɔm] prep | from beijing 从北京来的 | |
chair 椅子[tʃɛə] n | floor 地板[flɔ:] n | |
box 盒子[bɔks] n | at 在... ;在……时[æt] prep | |
zoo 动物园[zu:] n | at the zoo 在动物园里 | |
park 公园[pɑ:k] n | classroom 教室['klɑ:srum] n | |
factory工厂['fæktəri] n | square 广场[skwεə] n | |
capital首都['kæpitəl] n | China 中国['tʃaɪnə] n | |
the capital of China 中国首都 | motherland 祖国['mʌðəlænd] n | |
has有[hæz] (have的第三人称单数现在式) | cap 帽子[kæp] n | |
star 星;星号;星状物[stɑ:] n | our我们的['auə] pron | |
national国家的['næʃənəl] n | national flag国旗[flæɡ] | |
coat上衣[kəut] n | have有[hæv] v | |
long长的[lɔŋ] a | short短的;矮的[ʃɔ:t] a | |
big大的[biɡ] a | small小的[smɔ:l] a | |
or或;还是[ɔ:] conj | guess 猜[ɡes] n | |
hey 嗨[hei] int | tall高的[tɔ:l] a | |
old年老的[əuld] a | young年轻的[jʌŋ] a | |
Chinese 中国的;汉语;中国人['tʃai'ni:z] | over 越(过) ['əuvə] v | |
English英国的;英语;英国人['iŋgliʃ] | there 那儿[ðεə] ad | |
over there 在那边 | join 参加[dʒɔin] n | |
other另外的['ʌðə] pron | an一(个) [æn] art | |
apple苹果['æpl] n | hand手[hænd] n | |
egg蛋[eɡ] n | them 他(她;它)们(宾格) [ðem] pron | |
umbrella 伞 [ʌm'brelə] n | school is over. 放学了 | |
home家[həum] n | go home 回家 | |
rain 雨;下雨[rein] n | it's raining. 正在下雨 | |
can't 不能[kɑ:nt] | now 现在[nau] ad | |
much许多;很;非常[mʌtʃ] a ad | how much 多少 | |
eleven 十一[i'levən] num | twelve十二[twelv] num | |
minus 减['mainəs] prep a n | here这儿[hiə] ad n | |
Here you are. 给你 | money 钱;收入['mʌni] n | |
they 他(她;它)们[ðei] pron | twenty 二十;二十年代['twenti] num | |
these 这些[ði:z] pron | door 门;出口[dɔ:] n | |
window窗['windəu] n | picture图画;照片['piktʃə] n | |
talk说话;谈论;演讲[tɔ:k] n | about 关于[ə'baut] prep | |
flower花;开花;精华['flauə] n | some 一些[sʌm] pron | |
boat 船;小船[bəut] n | lake 湖[leik] n | |
skirt 裙子;边缘;外围[skə:t] n | clean 清洁的[kli:n] a | |
shirt (男式)衬衫[ʃə:t] n | dirty脏的['də:ti] a | |
cup 杯子;奖杯[kʌp] n | glass玻璃杯[ɡlɑ:s] n | |
picture-book 图画书 | have a look 看一看 | |
sure 当然;一定;可靠地[ʃuə] a ad | and和[ænd] conj | |
their 他(她;它)们的 [ðεə] pron | pioneer 先锋[,paiə'niə] n | |
right对的[rait] a n | young pioneer 少年先锋队员 | |
scarf 领巾[skɑ:f] n | red scarf 红领巾 | |
all全部;都;尽可能的[ɔ:l] ad pron n | both 两[bəuθ] pron | |
peasant农民['pezənt] n | soldier士兵;兵蚁['səuldʒə] n | |
doctor医生;博士['dɔktə] n | class is over下课了 | |
play 玩;演奏;表演[plei] v n | there are 有 | |
what are they doing? 她们在做什么? | do做[du:] v | |
pingpong 乒乓球;桌球['piŋpɔŋ] n | rainbow 彩虹['reinbəu] n | |
American美国的,美国人[ə'merikən] | Paper 纸;报纸;报告['peipə] n | |
piece片[pi:s] n | a piece of 一片;一张 | |
ink墨水[iŋk] n | bottle瓶;酒['bɔtl] n | |
a bottle of 一瓶 | me我(宾格) [mi:] pron | |
please请[pli:z] v | thank谢谢[θæŋk] v n | |
want要;想见;追捕[wɔnt] v | write写[rait] v | |
letter信['letə] n | any任何['eni] pron | |
Thanks谢谢 | way路;路程 [wei] n | |
go去[ɡəu] v | go to the door 到门那儿去 | |
open开;开阔的['əupən] v | close关;结账[kləuz] v | |
blackboard黑板['blækbɔ:d] n | clean把…弄干净[kli:n] v | |
football足球;橄榄球['futbɔ:l] n | Match比赛;对手[mætʃ] n | |
between在(两者)之间[bi'twi:n] prep | this afternoon今天下午[,ɑ:ftə:'nu:n] | |
time时候;次;时代[taim] n | have you any paper? 你有纸吗? | |
what time? 什么时候? | at three 在三时;在三点 | |
but但是;而是;然而[bʌt] conj | jacket外衣;夹克;皮['dʒækit] n | |
basketball篮球['bæskitbɔ:l] n | TV电视 | |
radio 收音机;电台['reidiəu] n | bat球拍;击球[bæt] n | |
maybe也许;可能['meibi] ad | of course 当然[kɔ:s] | |
knife小刀;手术刀;匕首[naif] n | sorry对不起;抱歉['sɔri] int | |
for为;代替;因为;为得到[ fɔ:] prep | can能够;可以;究竟[kæn] v.aux | |
make做;制作;作出举动[meik] v | right now立刻 | |
there is有;存在 | near 靠近[niə] ad prep | |
playground操场['pleiɡraund] n | model模型;模特;模范['mɔdl] n |
model plane模型飞机 | model ship 模型轮船 |
sky天空;天气;顶峰[skai] n | bright明亮的;开朗的[brait] a |
above 在…上方[ə'bʌv] prep | lesson功课;课程;教训['lesən] v |
have lessons上课 | like喜欢;愿意;希望[laik] v |
Like 爱好[laik] n | table桌子['teibl] n |
let让;出租[let] v | artist 画家;艺术家['ɑ:tist] n |
house房子[haus] n | tree 树;家谱[tri:] n |
river河流;巨量['rivə] n | front前面;前部;正面[frʌnt] n |
in front of 在…前面 | then那么;然后[ðen] ad |
tcow母牛[kau] n | behind在..后面[bi'haind] prep |
goose鹅[ɡu:s] n | geese鹅(复数) [ɡi:s] |
moon月亮;月光[mu:n] n | air 空气;天空;气氛[εə] n |
mountain山;山脉['mauntin] n | think想;认为[θiŋk] v |
so这样;这么;所以['səu] ad | give给;生产;出售[ɡiv] v |
animal动物['æniməl] n | life 生命;生活[laif] n |
which 哪一个[hwitʃ] adv | nineteen十九[,nain'ti:n] num |
thirty 三十['θə:ti] num | twenty-one二十一['twenti,wʌn] |
thirty-three三十三['θə:ti'θri:] | miss 女士;小;少女[mis] n |
people 人;人民;民族['pi:pl] n | family家;家庭;家族['fæmili] n |
day白天;时代;……节日[dei] n | week周;星期[wi:k] n |
today今天[tə'dei] n | baby婴儿;幼畜['beibi] n |
see看见[si:] v | zebra斑马;有斑纹的['zi:brə] n |
run跑;行驶;运行;逃跑[rʌn] n | jump跳[dʒʌmp] v |
all the time 一直 | count数[kaunt] v n |
lion狮子;勇敢的人['laiən] n | tiger 老虎;凶残的人['taiɡə] n |
sit坐[sit] v | exercise练习;运动['eksəsaiz] v |
down向下[daun] prep ad | very很;非常['veri] ad |
exercise-book 练习本 | out出;在外[aut] ad |
out of 向(在)…外面 | listen听['lisən] v |
read读;察觉[ri:d] v | after在…后面['ɑ:ftə] prep |