The weather is very good;
英 [ˈweðə(r)] 美 [ˈwɛðɚ]
名词 天气, 气象; 暴风雨
及物/不及物动词 晒干, 风化
及物动词 平安渡过, 挨过; [地]使风化
1. 拍摄那天天气非常好,我父亲开车把我带到了摄影棚,没想到摄制组已经做好了拍摄前的一切准备工作,我一到,他们马上开始为我化妆并给我讲解要拍摄的内容。
The weather was fine that day and my father drived the car and picked me up to the photostudio, all the preparation is done, as soon as I arrived in the photostudio, very shortly talked with the producer and the dresser started make me up.
2. 当我在海滨享受好天气的那个月,我遇见了一个非常迷人的同伴。在我看来简直就是女神,即便她根本就没有注意到我。
While enjoying a month of fine weather at the sea-coast, I was thrown into the company of a most fascinating creature: a real goddess in my eyes, as long as she took no notice of me.
3. 尽管如此,我向窗外看的时候,发现天气非常好。
Ok, even though I look out of the window and the weather is beautiful.
4. 自从我回家他们已经每天都在联系了并且询问关于礼物的事情(他们要$200000)我回复他们尽快的把销售额寄到我们的帐户上,我将把礼物送去,这不是让他们很高兴,所以我认为我参观中国,只是因为他们收到了礼物,并且那个销售额不是真实的,(在英国这是一个知名的)我将等待并且看会发生什么,当然我希望那个销售额是真的,但是如果不是至少我已经开始参观中国,Tauranga的天气是非常好的'温度在24C左右,我们的镇子是一个靠海的地方,所以现在我们这里有许多的游客,用我们的标准来看海滩和镇子是非常热闹的。
Since arriving home they have been in contact daily asking about the gift (they want US $2000.00) and I reply that as soon as the deposit for the sale is in our account I will send the gift. This does not make them very happy, so I am thinking that my visit to China and the sale contract was just so they would receive expensive gifts, and the sale is not true.(In English this is known as a scam) Well I guess I will wait and see what happens, obviously I hope that the sale is genuine, but if not I at least got to visit China, which other wise may not have happened. Here in Tauranga the weather is great with temperature around 24C.
5. 冷空气的入侵,冷暖空气交汇,是强对流天气爆发的直接原因。及时利用新一代天气雷达信息,进行预警信号的发布工作,取得了非常好的效果,并得到社会公众的认可。
The direct reason that causes the strong convection weather breaking out were the inbreak of cold air and the confluence of cold and warm air.
6. 今天真是个好天气,非常高兴能在这里和您们见面,首先我将做一个简单的自我介绍。
Good afternoon dear teachers, It's a fine day toady and I am very pleased to meet you here, well, first I'll make a simple self-introduction.
7. 天气非常好,我们决定步行去赶集。
It was such a delightful day that we decided to ride shanks's mare to the fair.
1. 很抱歉的。这里的天气一直非常好,过去两个星期-约25摄氏度,所以我已经出了不少。
The weather here has been very good for the last two weeks - about 25 degrees Centigrade so I have been out quite a lot.
2. 图书馆在晚上十点钟关门。在印度晚上没什么意思,其实,即使在白天也一样没意思。我今天早晨6点钟起床。来印度后,我一直早晨六点钟起床,晚上十点钟睡觉,今天也不例外。今天天气非常好,所以我决定出去跑步并拍些相片。印度人对外国人是非常友好的,如果你在街上微笑的看着他们或同他们打招呼,他们也一定会还你一个微笑。
Yesterday night, I go to library with wahabi. wahabi and dr xuqing help me always, if no their help, I shall more sad. library haven't too many ophthalmology book, but have a lot of CD, I suggest if dr will study in avanind, then you must take a notebook PC, and need a move fixed disk. then you can store many CD to back. i find a book about cataract translate by dr haoxiaojun. i am very joy. library closed in ten oclock. i walk with wahabi, Indians night wasn, t fun, in fact, daytime was'nt fun together.
3. 这是个非常好的季节,天气越来越暖和。
It`s a wonderful season, It`s getting warmer and warmer.
4. 孩子很聪明;他非常疲惫;天气真潮湿;那个男孩现在已经很大了;他们有个非常好的地方。
The baby is mighty cute; he's mighty tired; it is powerful humid; that boy is powerful big now; they have a right nice place.
5. 非常累人,现在天气热了,搞的我和他两个人都好难受。
Very tiring, hot now, and engage in two of me and he is good uncomfortable.
6. 如果天气好,我们的假日会非常完美。
Provided we get good weather it will be a successful holiday.
7. 上个周末天气非常好,天气晴朗,多云,是出去游玩的好天气,可是因为我的儿子感冒发烧,我们带他去看了医生,所以那里都没去,留在家里照顾孩子,这些日子我们这边有流行感冒,看电视新闻,香港所有小学停课两个星期。
Laset weeken the wearther was good, it is fine and cloudy that good for play in the open air. So my son catch a cold and we went to see the doctor that I do not go to anywhere. Recently, flu intruding our city. The TV news which there are some primary school suspend classes two weeks.
8. 在丹麦皇家美院做交流生的栾佳齐上个星期来丹麦了,我跟弟弟带她到哥本哈根1区的Kongen Nytorv附近去逛了逛,那天的天气非常好!
Last Tuesday my brother's friend:Nuan Jiaqi came to Copenhagen, she is also an exchange student from China. She will spend 3 months at Royal Danish academy of fine art in Kongen Nytorv.