Someda y.有朝一argai n .讨价还价
hate to see sb. go .恋恋不舍sweet
in comple te rangeof articl es .品种齐全with variou s patterns . 款式繁多
fine workma nship . 工艺精湛specia l econom i c zone . 经济特区
retail price .零售价格No Parkin g . 禁止停车
Staff Only . 闲人莫入房屋出租. For Rent
失物招领.Lost and foundKeep In Dark Place . 避光保存
青山绿水greenhillsand clear waters
集思广益draw on collective wi sdom and absorb all useful ideas
求同存异seek common ground whileshelvi ng differences
审时度势size up the trendof events招商引资attrac t invest ment
急功近利eager for instan t succes s and quickprofit s
互谅互让mu tual understandi ng and accomm odati on
退耕还林return cultiv atedl and to forest or pastures
集资办学raise moneyto set up new school s
扭亏为盈turn a loss-making enterp ri sei nto a profitableone
寓教于乐teachthroug h lively activi ties因材施教teachstuden ts accord i ng to theiraptitude
按劳分配distri butio n accord i ng to performance
廉洁奉公honestl y perform one’s offici al duties 环境绿化enviro nment al greeni ng
超前消费premat ure consum ption; over-consum e; excessi ve consum ption
优势互补comple menteach other’s advant ages
自主经营make one’s own manage ment decisi ons
自负盈亏ta ke full respon sibil ity for one’s own profit s and losses
不进则退no progre ss simply meansregression.
瞻前顾后overca utiou s and indeci sive汗马功劳exploi ts
C-E: 利用直译,意译,套译和解释性翻译可以将汉语的四字格译成英文单词,词组,句子。L: 一事无成runnin g on empty
大海捞针Look for a needle in a hayrac k
F: 三十六计,走为上计One pair of heelsis oftenworthtwo pairsof hands
六神无主Be on tenter hooks
狐假虎威An ass in a lion's skin
解:易如反掌to be as easy as turnin g over one's hand / as easy as falling off a log
雪中送炭to send charcoal in snowy weathe r / help a lame dog over a stile
E-C: 道理都是一样的,可以把英语中的单词,词组,习语及句子译成汉语成语。
1)an eye for an eye, a toothfor a tooth. 以眼还眼,以牙还牙。
2)go throug h fire and water赴汤蹈火burnone’s boat 破釜沉舟fish in troubl ed water浑水摸鱼pride comesbefore a fall骄兵必败
3)teachfish to swim 班门弄斧
1)Cleanyour breath whilei t cleanyour teeth. 口齿清洁,口气清新!
2)Freshup with Seven-up 提神醒脑,喝七喜!
3)FIYTAW atch, once Posses s, Nothin g More Is Expect ed. 飞亚达手表,一旦拥有,别无所求!4)Tastes too good for words其味无穷,妙不可言!
fine是什么意思5)I will do a lot for love, but not readyto die for it.
6)Feel good, fast food. 快餐食品,可口温馨!
8)Once tasted, always loved. 一旦品尝,爱之终生!
9)Good to the last drop!滴滴香浓,意犹未尽!
10)飞越万里,超越一切!A great way to fly.
1) Things go better with Cola-Cola. 万事如意
2) Buy one pair, Get one free. 买一送一
3) a boom in busine ss 生意兴隆
4) cheapbut good 物美价廉
5) custom er first顾客至上
6) econom icaland practi cal 经济实惠
7) fashio nable patter ns 花入时
8) incomp arabl e 无与伦比
9) qualit y and quanti ty assure d 保质保量
10) shop around to get a good buy货比三家