  They can play basketball.他们能打篮球。
  She can dance.她会跳舞。
  You can go to watch TV.你可以去看电视了。
  2.否定句型为:主语+can not(can't/cannot)+动词原形+其它。表示"某人不能(不会。不可能)做……"。其中can't是can not的缩略式,英国多写成cannot。例如:
  You cannot pass the ball like this.你不能像这样传球。
  I can't ride a motorbike.我不会骑摩托车。
  ①-Can you sing an English song for us?你可以为我们大家唱一首英语歌吗?
  -Yes.行。(注意在Yes后面常省略I can)
  ②-Can I skate?我可以滑冰吗?
  -Yes, you can.可以。
  ③-Can she climb hills?她能爬山吗?
  -No, she can't.不,她不能。
  ⑵特殊疑问句句型为:a. Who+can+动词原形+其它。该句型中who相当于主语。例如:
  -Who can sing in English in your class?你们班上谁会用英语唱歌?
-Lily can.莉莉会。
 c.特殊疑问词+can+主语+动词原形+其它。该句型中的特殊疑问词常用what, where, when等,一般用肯定陈述句作答。例如:
  -What can you see in the picture?你能在图画中看到什么?
  -I can see some birds and two big trees in it.我能看到一些鸟儿和两棵大树。
fly  high.
jump high.
swim fast.
run fast.
climb trees.
read and write.
二、Can you fill in the blanks?
1. ____ you swim?  Yes, I can.
2. --Can your father play the guitar?
    --No, he ______.
3. What club ____ you want to join?
4. --Can Lucy and Alice dance?
    --Yes, they _____ .
5. We want ___ join the English club.
(    )1. Maybe he can ______ in their basketball team.
      A. is        B. be        C. are    D am
(    )2. I can sing English songs very _____.
      A. well    B. much      C. good    D bad
(    )3. --- Can you play the violin? ---        .But I can sing.
      A. YesI do        B. No I dont
.      C. YesI can        D. No I cant
(    )4. ACan you swim or play chess?    B:___________.
      A. Yes I am        B.YesI can
      A. I can swim        B.I dont know 
(    )5. Can she           basketball?
      A. plays          B. play    join的四种用法
      C. playing        D. play the
(    )6.Tom can play the guitar but he _____ play it very well.
      A. can    B. can’t  C. not    D. don’t
(    )7.--- Can I help you ---      .I can do it myself(我自己).
      A. Yesplease.        B. Sorry.   
      C. Very good.          D. Nothanks.
(    )8.—Can your sister sing?
A.Yes, he can            B.Yes, he does 
C.No, she doesn’t        D.Yes, she can
(    )9.—Can you paint or sing?
A.Yes, I can  B.No, I can’t  C.I can sing      D.I like singing
(    )10.She________ Chinese and she can________ a little English.
A.speaks;speaks            B.speak;speak
C.speaks;speak              D.speak;speaks
(    )11.—What can you do, Lin Tao?
A.I like sports            B.I want to join the music club
C.I am well              D.I can play the drums
(    )12.Can you __      _?
A.swim      B.swimming    C. swims    D. swam
1. I can dance.(变一般疑问 句)
2. Can he play the guitar well? (做出否定回答)
3. She can paint . (变否定句)
4. He can sing an English song.(对划线部分提问)
What _____he _____?
5. He can swim. (变一般疑问句并作肯定回答)
____ ___ swim ? ____, ___ ____.
6.She can play the violin.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)
—_______she _______ the violin
Yes, she_______ .
7.His brother can play basketball.(就画线部分提问)
  _______ _______ his brother________ ?
8.She can sing and dance.(改为否定句)
She _______ sing _______ dance.
