    English Answer:
    Motion to Join Defendant on Appeal.
    COMES NOW, the Plaintiff, by and through undersigned counsel, and hereby moves this Honorable Court for an Order joining [Name of Defendant] as a Defendant-Appellee in this appeal. In support thereof, Plaintiff states as follows:
    1. This is an appeal from the Judgment of the [Name of Court] entered on [Date of Judgment].
    2. The Plaintiff filed a Complaint against the Defendant in the [Name of Court] on [Date of Complaint].
    3. The Complaint alleged that the Defendant was liable to the Plaintiff for [Briefly state the cause of action].
    4. The Defendant answered the Complaint and denied the allegations of liability.
    5. The case was tried to a jury on [Date of Trial].
    6. The jury returned a verdict in favor of the Plaintiff and against the Defendant.
    7. The Defendant filed a Notice of Appeal on [Date of Notice of Appeal].
    8. The Plaintiff believes that [Name of Defendant] should be joined as a Defendant-Appellee in this appeal because [Briefly state the reason why the Defendant should be joined].
    9. The Plaintiff has served a copy of this Motion and the proposed Order on [Name of Defendant].
    WHEREFORE, Plaintiff respectfully requests that this Honorable Court enter an Order joining [Name of Defendant] as a Defendant-Appellee in this appeal.
    Chinese Answer:
    1. 本案系由[法院名称]于[判决日期]做出的判决提起上诉。
    2. 申请人于[起诉日期]在[法院名称]对被告提起诉讼。
    3. 起诉状指控被告对申请人负有[简要说明诉讼原因]的责任。
    4. 被告已对起诉状做出答辩并否认责任指控。
    5. 该案于[审判日期]由陪审团审理。
    6. 陪审团裁决原告胜诉,被告败诉。
    7. 被告于[上诉通知日期]提交上诉通知书。
    8. 申请人认为应将[被告姓名]作为被告-被上诉人加入本上诉案,理由如下,[简要说明应加
    9. 申请人已将本申请书和拟议命令副本送达[被告姓名]。
