司法部门,司法的  judiciary
法院 court
基层人民法院 Basic People's Court 
中级人民法院 Intermediate People's Court
高级人民法院 High People's Court
Supreme People's Court
专门人民法院 special people's court
军事法院  military court
海事法院maritime court
铁路运输法院 railway transport court
审委会  judicial committee
合议庭 collegial panel
侦查机关 public security inspectorate
检察机关 procuratorate
公诉机关 public prosecution organ
公安局  public security bureau
派出所  public security station
地方人民检察院 local people's procuratorate
人民调解委员会  the people's conciliation committees
居民委员会  neighborhood committee
村民委员会  village committee
民政部门 civil affairs department
公民 citizen
法人  legal person
未成年人  minor
成年人  adult
外国人 alien
无国籍人stateless person
无诉讼行为能力人  person with no legal capacity
监护人 guardian
个体工商户  Individual business
农村承包经营户  leaseholding farm household
个人合伙  individual partnership
法官 judge
代理审判员 acting judge
陪审员  assessor
陪审团 jury
检察官  prosecutordefendant
代理检察员 acting prosecutor
公诉人 public prosecutor
当事人 party, litigant
法定代表人 legal representative
代理人 agent
诉讼代理人 Agents ad Litem
法定代理人 statutory agent
原告 complainant;plaintiff;prosecutor;accuser
共同原告 co-plaintiff
被告 defendant;the accused
共同被告  co-defendant
上诉人 petitioner
被上诉人 appellee, respondent
受害者 victim
犯人 convict
惯犯 habitual offender
犯罪分子 offender
律师  lawyer  attorney
公证人 public notary
监狱长 warden
证人 witness
鉴定人expert witnesse
勘验人 inspection personnel
外国企业  foreign enterprise
债权人  creditor
债务人  debtor
要约人  offeror
受要约人  offeree
作者  author
案件 case
办案 handle a case
诉讼  lawsuit
案由 nature of case
案件受理费 litigation fee
起诉 initiate legal proceeding,sue, file a lawsuit
反诉 counter-claim
公诉 public prosecution
公诉书 bill of indictment
仲裁  arbitration
合议  panel hearing 
回避  withdrawal
公开审判  public trial
两审终审原则  the court of second instance being that of last instance
审判权 judicial power
住所  domicile
惯常居所地  habitual residence
财产所在地 situs
公告  public announcement
书证  documentary evidence
物证  material evidence
视听资料 audio-visual material
证人证言  testimony of witness
传闻证据  hearsay
当事人陈述  statements of the parties
鉴定结论  expert conclusion
勘验笔录  records of inspection
质证  cross-examine
上诉 appeal
提起上诉  file an appeal
申请执行  apply for execution
独立审判 independent adjudication
发回重审 remand a lawsuit for a new trial
维持原判 uphold verdict
发生法律效力 be legally effective
管辖权  jurisdiction
管辖权异议 objection to the jurisdiction of a court
标的物管辖权 subject matter jurisdiction
对人管辖权 in personam jurisdiction
对物管辖权 in rem jurisdiction
级别管辖 jurisdiction by forum level
