Words and Expressions:
1. decision:n. an authoritative determination (as a decree or judgment) made after consideration of facts or law 裁决,判决
2. precedent:n. a judicial decision that should be followed by a judge when deciding a later similar case 先例(法律法规)法律英语专业词汇。
3. ruling: n. an official or authoritative determination, decree, statement,
or interpretation (as by a judge on a question of law) 裁定、裁决
4. overrule:vt. to rule against upon review by virt ue of a higher authority
5.private law:a branch of law concerned with private persons, property, and relationships 私法
6.legislature: n. a body of persons having the authority to make laws for a political unit (as a nation or state) ⽴法机关
8. statute: n. a law enacted by the legislative branch of a government 制定法,成⽂法
9.assemble: vt. to bring or summon together into a group esp. in a particular place for a particular purpose 编纂
11. case law: n. law established by judicial decisions in cases as distinguished from law created by legislation-called also decision law 判例法
12.Supreme Court:n. the highest courts in the judicial branch of the U.S. government that has original jurisdiction over controversies involving ambassadors or other ministers or consuls but whose main activity is as the court of last resort exercising appellate jurisdiction over cases involving federal l
aw 最⾼法院(法律法规)法律英语专业词汇。
13.amend : vt. to alter esp. in the wording; esp: to alter formally by modification, deletion, or addi tion 修改,修订
15.malfeasance: n. the commission (as by a public official) of a wrongful or unlawful act involving or affecting the performance of one’s duties 渎职⾏为(罪)
16.impeach:vt. to charge with a crime or misconduct; specif: to charge (a public official) before a competent tribunal (as the U.S. Senate) with misconduct in office 弹劾
17. doctrine of constitutional supremacy宪法⾄上原则
19.misdemeanor: n. a crime that carries a less severe punishment than a felony; specif: a crime punishable by a fine and by
a term of imprisonment not to be served in a penitentiary and not to exceed one year 轻罪
20.bill:n. a draft of a law presented to a legislature for enactment 议案,法案
22.delegate: vt. to empower a body (as an administrative agency) to perform (a governmental function) 授权,委托(法律法规)法律英语专业词汇。
23 .choice of law: n. an issue in conflicts of law as to what law (as among laws of different states or multiple federal laws) should be applied in a case 法律选择
24.at issue ( also in issue): under discussion or in dispute 有争议的
25.forum :n. court 法院
27.appellate:adj. of or relating to appeals or the power to hear appeals 上诉的
28.appeal :n. a proceeding in which a case is brought before a higher court for review of a lower court’s judgment for the purpose of convincing the higher court that the lower court’s judgment was incorrect 上诉
29.jurisdiction: n. the power, right, or authority to interpret, apply, and declare the law (as by rendering a decision) 管辖权
30.limited jurisdiction: n. jurisdiction that is restricted (as to a type of case) 有限管辖权
32.circuit court: n. a court that sits in more that one place in a judicial district: as any of the federal courts of appeals 巡回法院(法律法规)法律英语专业词汇。
33. hear: vt. to give a hearing to 听审,审理
34.determination n. a decision of a court or administrative agency regarding an issue, case, or claim 判决,裁决
35.litigant:n. an active party to litigation 诉讼当事⼈
36.intermediate court: n. a court (as an appeals court) beneath the court of last resort in a jurisdiction 中级上诉法院
37.district court: n. a trial court having general or limited jurisdiction in a judicial district as one of the federal trial courts sitting in a federal district 地区法院
38.diversity jurisdiction:the jurisdiction granted to federal courts over civil disputes involving parties having diverse citizenship (as in being from different states) where the matter in controversy exceeds a statutory amount 多州管辖权,多元管辖权
39.discretion: n. the power of a judge to use his or her own judgment in making decisions guided by what is fair and equitable and by principles of law ⾃由裁量权
40.adversary: adj. of, relating to, or involving a system of justice in which opposing parties usu. represented by counsel present evidence to an impartial decision-maker (as a jury) by a process of questioning witnesses under the supervision of a judge 对抗性的
41 controversy:n. a state of dispute or disagreement争议,纠纷
42.proceeding:n. a particular step or series of steps in the enforcement, adjudication, or administratio
n of rights, remedies, laws, or regulations 程序,诉讼程序(法律法规)法律英语专业词汇。
44.advocate:n. person who pleads on behalf of another, esp a lawyer who presents a client’s case in a law court 律师45.produce:vt. bring out or show sth so that it can be examined or
used 出⽰,举出
46. inquisitorial: adj. constituting or relating to a system of justice in which the judge conducts an inquiry developing the facts of litigant’s case审讯的,调查的,讯问的
48. direct examination :n. the first examination of a witness by the party calling the witness直接质证,直接询问
49. cross examination :n. the examination of a witness who has already testified in order to check or discredit the witness’s testimony, knowledge, or credibility 交叉质证,交叉询问
50. settlement: n. an agreement between litigants that concludes the litigation .和解
51.rule:vi. to lay down a rule or ruling 裁定
53.sue:vt. to bring an action against 对……提起诉讼
57.arbitration:n. the process of resolving a dispute or a grievance outside of the court system by presenting it to an impartial third party or panel for a decision that may or may not be binding 仲裁
58.claim:n. a right to seek a judicial remedy arising from a wrong or injury suffered 诉讼请求,主张
59.summons:n. a written notification that one is required to appear in court 传票
60.pleading:n. one of the formal declarations exchanged by the parties in
a legal proceeding setting forth claims, averments, allegations, denials, or defenses⽂状,诉状
www.doczj/doc/ffb98058d5d8d15abe23482fb4daa58da1111cc2.html plaint:n. the initial pleading that starts a lawsuit and that sets forth the allegations made by the plaintiff against the defendant and the plaintiff’s demand for relief 起诉状
63.dismiss:vt. to bring about or order the dismissal of (an action) 驳回(起诉),撤销(案⼦)
64.allege :vt. to state (as a fact) in a pleading 宣称
65.assert:vt. to present and demand recognition of 断⾔,主张
67.affirmative defense:a defense that does not deny the truth of the allegations against the defendant but gives some other reason why the defendant cannot be liable 积极抗辩
69.discovery :n. the methods used by parties to a civil or criminal action to obtain information held by the other party that is relevant to the action .证据开⽰
70.depose (n. deposition):vt. to testify to under oath or by sworn affidavit 宣誓作证
71.deponent:n. a person who gives a deposition 宣誓后的作证者
72.interrogatory (vt. interrogate):n. a written question directed by one party to another regarding information that is within the scope of discovery 问题,质询书
73.pending:adj. not yet decided 未决的
74.affidavit:n. a sworn statement in writing made esp. under oath or on affirmation before an authorized magistrate officer 宣誓书
75.summary judgment:judgment that may be granted upon a party’s motion when the pleadings, discovery, and any affidavits show that there is
no genuine issue of material fact and that the party is entitled to judgment in its favor as a matter of law即席判决
77.appellate jurisdiction: the jurisdiction granted to particular courts to hear appeals of the decisions of lower tribunals and to reverse, affirm, or modify those decisions 上诉管辖权
78. enabling legislation授权性⽴法
79.due process: a course of formal proceedings (as judicial proceedings) carried out regularly, fairly, and in accordance with
established rules and principles 正当程序
80.felony: a crime that has a greater punishment imposed by statute than that imposed on a misdemeanor , specif : a federal crime for which the punishment may be death or imprisonment重罪
81. judicial review: a constitutional doctrine that gives to a court system the power to annul legislative or executive acts which the judges declare to be unconstitutional 司法审查,违宪审查
82. conviction: n. the final judgment entered after a finding of guilt 有罪判
83. convict: v. to find guilty of a criminal offense 判决有罪,裁定有罪
84:acquit: to absolve (a criminal defendant) of a charge by judicial process ,宣判⽆罪.
86. common law: the body of law developed in England that is the basis of U.S. federal law and of state law in all states except Louisiana.普通法
87.civil law:民法,⼤陆法
89.suit 或lawsuit, 常和action 混⽤指具体的诉讼
90.litigation 诉讼(指诉讼这种争议解决⽅式)