Edition 02.2018
OEKO-TEX® - International Association for Research and Testing in the Field of Textile and Leather Ecology OEKO-TEX® - 国际纺织和皮革生态学研究和检测协会
General and special conditions for the authorisation to use the STANDARD 100 by OEKO ‑TEX® mark 授权使用STANDARD 100 by OEKO ‑TEX®标签的一般和特殊条款Contents 内容1Purpose 1目的2Applicability
2适用范围3Terms and definitions 3条款及定义3.1Harmful substances
3.2STANDARD 100 by OEKO ‑TEX® mark 3.2STANDARD 100 by OEKO ‑TEX® 标签3.3Manufacturer 3.3生产商3.4Distributor
3.4销售商3.5Designation of product 3.5产品名称3.6Article group 3.6产品组合3.7Product classes 3.7产品类别3.8Active products 3.8活性产品4Conditions
4.1Product specific requirements
4.2Requirements regarding the use of biological active products 4.2使用生物活性产品的要求4.3Requirements regarding the use of flame retardant products 4.3使用阻燃产品的要求4.4Requirements at materials/articles with organic cotton 4.4有机棉材料/制品要求4.5Application 4.5申请4.6Sample material
4.6样品材料4.7Declaration of commitment 4.7承诺声明4.8Testing
4.8检测4.9Quality control 4.9质量控制4.10Quality assurance 4.10质量保证4.11Conformity 4.11符合性5Marking
5标签5.1Granting of authorisation 5.1给予授权5.2Limit of authorisation
5.2授权限制5.3Withdrawal of authorisation 5.3授权撤销5.4Type of marking
A1Addresses A1地址A2Mark
A3Packing instructions
A4Product classes specific limit values according to Appendix 4A4附录4中产品级别的具体限量值A5Individual substances according to Appendix 5
A6Expanded requirements/limit values according to Appendix 6A6附录6中的扩展要求/限量值A7
Individual substances according to Appendix 7
国际纺织和皮革生态学研究和检测协会 (OEKO‑TEX®) International Association for Research and Testing in the Field of
Textile and Leather Ecology (OEKO‑TEX®)
Genferstrasse 23Genferstrasse 23
P.O. Box 2006P.O. Box 2006
CH-8027 Zurich (Switzerland)CH-8027 苏黎世 (瑞士)
Place of origin:出版
Zurich (Switzerland)苏黎世 (瑞士)
Own copy system自设复印系统
Edition: 02.2018版本: 02.2018
lished by the International Association for Research and Testing in the field of Textile and Leather Ecology (OEKO ‑TEX®) to which the institutes listed in Appendix No. 1 belong to.
性文件。协会成员机构列表见附录1。If there are any differences in the interpretation of the two languag-es in this document, the German version takes precedence. For documents issued in English and other foreign languages, the Eng-lish version takes precedence.
This STANDARD 100 by OEKO ‑TEX® specifies the general and spe-cial conditions for granting authorisation to mark textiles and acces-sories for the manufacturing of garments with the STANDARD 100 by OEKO ‑TEX® mark as shown in Appendix No. 2.
本标准附录2中规定了授权生产服装的纺织品和辅料使用STANDARD 100 by OEKO ‑TEX®标签的一般和特殊条款。
levels of production, including textile and non-textile accessories.If the textile product (e.g. garment) contains also components made from leather, skins or fur, then for these conponents the conditions and criteria of the latest valid LEATHER STANDARD by OEKO ‑TEX® are applied. The up to date, vali
d LEATHER STANDARD by OEKO ‑TEX®, which is then coapplicable, is available at the OEKO ‑TEX® website and can be downloaded there.
This standard is also applicable to mattresses, feathers and downs, foams, upholstery and other materials with similar characteristics.
Leather articles, skins and furs are tested and certified according to the LEATHER STANDARD by OEKO ‑TEX®. Hereby skins and furs are subject for special regulations (see to LEATHER STANDARD by OEKO ‑TEX®).Leather materials, which are certified according to the LEATHER STANDARD by OEKO ‑TEX®, product classes I till IV can be used and are accepted within a certification process of a textile product according to the STANDARD 100 by OEKO ‑TEX® as precertificate, if these materials are certified for the textile product according to the necessary product class.
If the character and the used materials of shoes permit, also shoes can be tested and certified according
to the STANDARD 100 by OEKO ‑TEX®. However, precondition is that the shoes contain a
clear part of textile component(s). For leather shoes it is referred to the LEATHER STANDARD by OEKO ‑TEX®.
The rejection of a certification with an indication of reasons is exclu-sively in the responsibility of the institute.
This standard is not applicable for chemicals, auxiliaries and dyes.Chemicals, auxiliaries and colorants may be tested and certified ac-cording to the ECO ‑Passport by OEKO ‑TEX®.
若纺织品(如服装)还含有皮革、皮或毛皮成分,则这部分适用最新的 LEATHER STANDARD by OEKO ‑TEX®条件和标准。最新适用版的 LEATHER STANDARD by OEKO ‑TEX®,可在OEKO ‑TEX®网站进行下载。
皮革制品、皮和毛皮需根据 LEATHER STANDARD by OEKO ‑TEX®进行检测和认证。这里,皮和毛皮有特殊规定限制(参见 LEATHER STANDARD by OEKO ‑TEX®)。
的皮革材料,在纺织品进行 STANDARD 100 by OEKO ‑TEX®认证过程中,若皮革材料与纺织产品认证的产品级别对应,可接受并视为经过预先认证。
若鞋类的特征和使用的材料符合许可,则鞋类也可根据STANDARD 100 by OEKO ‑TEX®进行检测和认证。但前提条件是鞋类确含有纺织成分。皮鞋的检测请参照 LEATHER STANDARD by OEKO ‑TEX®。
化学品、助剂和着剂可根据 ECO ‑Passport by OEKO ‑TEX®进行检测和认证。
stances which may be present in a textile product or accessory and exceed a maximum amount or which evolve during normal and pre-scribed use and exceed a maximum amount, and which may have
中、在正常和特定的使用条件下释放超出规定的最高限量, 并且根据现有的科学知识,相关的有害物质很可能对人体健康造成某种影响。
some kind of effect on people during normal and prescribed use and may, according to current scientific knowledge, be injurious to human health.
DENCE IN TEXTILES – STANDARD 100 – Tested for harmful sub-stances“ refers to marking which may be applied to a textile prod-uct or to an accessory if the general and special conditions for granting authorisation are fulfilled and if authorisation to use this mark on a product has been granted by an institute (Appendix 1) belonging to the International Association for Research and Testing in the field of Textile and Leather Ecology (OEKO ‑TEX®).
害物质检验”的STANDARD 100 by OEKO ‑TEX® 标签是指应用于纺织产品或辅料上的一种标签。此标签只有在产品符合授权一般和特殊条件下使用,并且必须经过OEKO ‑TEX®成员机构(附录1)授予的情况下使用。
The mark "OEKO ‑TEX® CONFIDENCE IN TEXTILES – STANDARD 100 – Tested for harmful substances“ states that the marked prod-uct fulfils the conditions specified in this standard, and that the product and its conformity test, as specified in this standard, are under the supervision of an institute belonging to the International Association for Research and Testing in the field of Textile and Leather Ecology (OEKO ‑TEX®). Thereby via the OEKO ‑TEX® ko-tex and about the certificate number men-tioned on the OEKO ‑TEX® mark information can be obtained, if the testing and certification of the products were performed on the ba-sis of the conditions and criteria according to Appendix 4 of this standard or according to those of the Appendix 6 and thus, which conditions the labelled product meets.
editor版本“OEKO ‑TEX® CONFIDENCE IN TEXTILES–STANDARD 100–通过有害物质检验”标签表明该认证产品符合本标准规定的条件,并且该产品及根据本标准规定的检测结果均受OEKO ‑TEX®成员机构的监督。若产品的检测和认证是根据相关条件和标准(附录4和附录6等章节中所规定的标签授权产品需要达到的相关条件)执行的,那么可以通过OEKO ‑TEX®主页ko-tex 和OEKO ‑TEX®标签中所提到的证书编号查询相关信息。
The mark "OEKO ‑TEX® CONFIDENCE IN TEXTILES – STANDARD 100 – Tested for harmful substances“ is not a quality label. The mark relates only to the as-produced state of the textile or acces
so-ry and says nothing about other properties of the product such fitness for use, reaction to cleaning processes, physiological be-haviour in respect of clothing, properties relating to use in build-ings, burning behaviour etc. Furthermore the mark does not declare anything regarding other quality or legal aspects, such as product safety, and other characteristics (construction, cords, electrical wir-ing …).
“OEKO ‑TEX® CONFIDENCE IN TEXTILES–STANDARD 100–通过有害物质检验”标签并非质量标签,该标签只是与纺织品或辅料所含的有害物质相关,而没有涉及到产品的其他性能,比如使用中是否合身、对于清洗过程的反应、关于服装的生理特性、在建筑物中的使用性能、燃烧特性等。另外,该标签不涉及其他关于质量和法律方面的声明,比如产品安全性以及其他特性(结构、绳索、电线...)。
The mark does not declare anything about harmful substances af-fecting single specimens of the marked textile as a result of dam-age during transportation or storing (and improper cleaning proce-dures thereafter), contamination caused by packaging, manipula-tion for sales promotion (e.g. perfuming) and inadequate sales dis-play (e.g. outdoor presentation).
凡由于运输和储存过程中造成的损害(及不恰当的清洗过程)、包装造成的污染、促销时的处理(例如香料处理)以及不适当的销售展示(例如室外展示)而产生的有害物质, 本标签并不包括在内。
In line with its importance the sign "OEKO ‑TEX® CONFIDENCE IN TEXTILES – STANDARD 100 – Tested for harmful substances“ is protected comprehensively as a trademark. On a worldwide basis there are applications or registrations of the label as a trademark. To strengthen its legal protection not only the label as such, but al-so various device elements (e.g. the globe device element) and the words Oekotex, Oeko-tex®, or OEKO ‑TEX® are registered as sepa-rate trademarks.根据其重要性,“OEKO ‑TEX® CONFIDENCE IN TEXTILES –STANDARD 100–通过有害物质检验”标签作为商标受到全面保护,在全世界范围内,该标签已经申请或者注册为商标。为了加强法律保护,不仅该标签本身,而且其标志的不同组成部分(比如太阳花元素)和文字Oekotex 、Oeko-tex®及OEKO ‑TEX®都已经注册为独立的商标。
textile product is the company producing the product or the compa-ny on behalf of which the product is being manufactured.
textile product refers to the company selling the product as whole-sale dealer or retailer (department stores, mail-order houses, etc.).商或者零售商(例如百货公司、邮购商店等).turer or distributor on his labelling of the product.品名字。
group which may be covered in the same certificate, e.g.
•Textiles with physical differences only, made from well defined basic materials
•由定义明确的基本材料制成的、只在物理特性方面有所差别的纺织品•Articles which are physically composed of certified products only •由已认证的物料组成的制成品
•Finished textiles from the same kind of fibre material (for exam-ple those made from cellulosic fibres, mixtures of PES and CO, of synthetic fibres, etc.)•由同类纤维材料制成的成品(例如由纤维质制成的纺织品、由聚酯, 棉混纺而成的纺织品、以及其他由化纤混纺而成的纺织品等
)。articles categorised according to their (future) utilisation. In the dif-ferent product classes not only may finished articles be certified but also their components at all stages of manufacture (fibres, yarns, fabrics) and accessories. The product classes differ generally in the requirements that the products have to fulfil and by the test meth-ods applied.
类的。 一组不同物品,在不同的产品类别中,不但需要认证,而且该物品在各个生产阶段的组件(纤维、纱线、织物)和辅料同样需要认证,不同类别的产品需要符合不同的要求以及使用不同的测试方法
basic materials and accessories, which are provided for the produc-tion of articles for babies and children up to the age of 36 months.的所有物品、原材料和辅料。large part of their surface in direct contact with the skin (e.g. blou-ses, shirts, underwear, matressses etc.).接触的物品
with only a little part of their surface in direct contact with the skin (e.g. stuffings, etc.)接接触的物品(例如填充物等).including initial products and accessories which are used for deco-ration such as table cloths, wall coverings, furnishing fabrics and curtains, upholstery fabrics, and floor coverings.如桌布、壁布、家俬布料、窗帘、装饰用布料和地毯.
increasingly possible to draw conclusions about special environ-mentally friendly production conditions.
For this purpose, the limit values of the product classes according to Appendix 4, fixed from a human ecological point of view, are complemented with further and often stricter requirements that aim to bring about an improved en-vironmental performance during production. For a comprehensive
生产条件的结论。为此,从人类生态学的角度出发,附录4中的产品级别限量值与旨在提高生产过程中环境绩效的越发严格的要求相辅相成。有关环保和社会普遍接受的产条件的更多内容,请参见STeP by OEKO ‑TEX®和DETOX TO ZERO by OEKO ‑TEX®生产场所认证。