Metal washers
                      Technical delivery conditions
Schelben aus metalllschen werkstolfen              supersedes august 1980 edition
Technische lieferbedingungen
In keeping with current practice in standards published by the international organization for standardixetion(iso), a comma has been used throughout as the decimal marker.
                      Dimensions in mm
1 scope and field of application
This standard specifies requirements for metal washers manufactured by stamping (punching)
Which thus exhibit inside and outside rollover and fracture (cf. din 6930 part2 and din6932). Lt does not cover washers manufactured by machining (e.g. by drilling or turning).
This standard specifies tolerances and timit deviations for washers the preferred appiication of which is in bolt/nut assemblies. These tolerances are to be used in standards dealing whth product grades f ,a and c washers designed for bolts,screws and nuts with nominat thread diameters from 1 mm to 160 mm.
In product standards, deviations from the tolerances specified here are permitted only where technical reasons so require, it is recommended that these tolerances also be used for non- standard washers . in cases where the maximum material principle as described in iso 2692 applies, tolerances other than specified may be used.
2 dimensional tolerances and timit deviations
Products grades f,a and c washers shall be produced to the dimensional tolerances given in table 1.
Table 1.
Characteristic                          tolerances
                                    Product grade
2.1 clearance hole diameter                    undefined
2.2 outside diameter
2.3 thickness
2.4 chamfer
1) the tolerances specifted for d, apply only to the straight part ot the hole represented by h`
3 geometrlcal to lerances
Product grades f.a and c washers shall be produced to the geometrlcal toferances glven in table 2.
Characteristic                          tolerances
                                  Product grade
3.1 thickness varlation on the same part                  undelined
3.2 coaxtality
3.3 flatness
1) for washers made from stainiess steel ,the maximum permissible flatness tolerance shall be equal to 2.
Washer shall be free from burr
editorially5 surlace conditlon
5.1 surlace roughness
Table 3. roughness
Surfaces                  maximum surface roughness, in μm product grade
Beering surfaces
Side faces
1) for information only see explanatory notes
5.2 electroplating
Din 267 part 9 shall apply with regard to electroplating
5.3 hot-dip galvanizing
Din 267 part 10 shall apply with regard to hot-dip galvanizing
6 packaging
The washers shall be packed so as to prevent any mechanical or corrosion damage during sransit the packaging of standard weshers shall be marked with the ymbol specified in the r
elevant standard and. Unless otherwise agreed, with the number of items and the manufacturer`s symbol
7 acceptance inspection
Acceptance inspection of washers shall be carried out on the tines of din267 part5
7.1 dlmensional accuracy
Table 4 shall apply with regard to the major characteristics to be inspected and table 5. with regard to the acceptable quality level . aql for minor characteristice. Aql 4 shall apply
Table 4. major charocteriallcs                table 5 aql values for major characlerisllcs
Major characteristics                      product grade            aql
Clearance hole diameter
Outslde diameter
Thickness variation on the same part
Appendix a
a.1 fundamental tolerances and tolerance zones
table a.1
standards referred to
din 267 part 5 fasteners; technical dellvery conditions; acceptance inspection ( modifted version of iso 3269,1984 edition )
din 267 part 9 fasteners ; technical delivery conditions’ electroplated tasteners
din 267 part 10 fasteners; technical delivery conditions; hot-dip galvanized components
din 6930 part 2 steel stampings; general tolerances
din 6932 rules for designing steel stampings
iso 2692:1988 technical drawings; geometrical tolerancing; maximum material principle
previous editions
the following amendments have been made to the august 1980 edition
a) scope and field of application have been redefined
b) h`values have been specitled for the first time
c) the permissible thickness variation on the same part has been specified instead of the parallelism tolerance
