The RStudio console includes a variety of features intended to make working with R more productive and straightforward. This article reviews these features. Learning to use these features along with the related features available in the Source and History panes can have a substantial payoff in your overall productivity with R.
RStudio supports the automatic completion of code using the  key. For example, if you have an object named pollResults in your workspace you can type poll and then  and RStudio will automatically complete
the full name of the object.
The code completion feature also provides inline help for functions whenever possible. For example, if you typed sub then pressed  you would see:
Code completion also works for function arguments, so if you typed subset( and then pressed  you'd see the following:editor bar
As you work with R you'll often want to re-execute a command which you previously entered. As with the standard R console, the RStudio console supports the ability to recall previous commands using the arrow keys:
∙— Recall previous command(s)
∙— Reverse of Up
If you wish to review a list of your recent commands and then select a command from this list you can use
to review the list (note that on the Mac you can also use ):
You can also use this same keyboard shortcut to quickly search for commands that match a given prefix. For example, to search for previous instances of the plot function simply type plot and then :
This screenshot illustrates a few additional capabilities provided by the Console title bar:
∙Display of the current working directory.
∙The ability to interrupt R during a long computation.
∙Minimizing and maximizing the Console in relation to the Source pane (using the buttons at the top-right or by double-clicking the title bar).
Beyond the history and code-completion oriented keyboard shortcuts described above, there are a wide variety of other shortcuts available. Some of the more useful shortcuts include:
∙— Move focus to the Source Editor
∙— Move focus to the Console
∙— Clear the Console
∙— Interrupt R
You can find a list of all shortcuts in the Keyboard Shortcuts article.
你可从Keyboard Shortcuts文中到所有快捷键列表。
∙Editing and Executing Code编辑和执行代码
∙Using Command History使用命令历史
RStudio's source editor includes a variety of productivity enhancing features including syntax highlighting, code completion, multiple-file editing, and find/replace.
RStudio also enables you to flexibly execute R code directly from the source editor. For many R developers this represents their preferred way of working with R. By executing commands from within the source editor rather than the console it is much easier to reproduce sequences of commands as w
ell as package them for re-use as a function. These features are described in the Executing Code section below.
RStudio supports syntax highlighting and other specialized code-editing features for the following types of files: Rstudio支持语法高亮显示和其他专业化的代码编辑功能,针对以下类型文件。
∙R scripts R脚本文件
∙Sweave documents Sweave文件
∙TeX documents Tex文件
To create a new file you use the  menu: 你可通过菜单创建新文件。(你也
