学号: 05211632
2015 年 4 月 28 日
1636年在希腊制成第一台播种机。1830 年俄国人在畜力多铧犁上制成犁播机。1860年后,英美等国开始大量生产畜力谷物条播机。20世纪后相继出现了牵引和悬挂式谷物条播机,以及运用气力排种的播种机。50年代发展精密播种机。中国从20世纪50年代引进了谷物条播机、棉花播种机等。60年代先后研制
1 进田作业前的保养要清理播种箱内的杂物和开沟器上的缠草、泥土,确保状态良好,并对拖拉机及播种机的各传动、转动部位,按说明书的要求加注润滑油,尤其是每次作业前要注意传动链条润滑和张紧情况以及播种机上螺栓的紧固情况。
2 机架不能倾斜播种机与拖拉机挂接后,不得倾斜,工作时应使机架前后呈水平状态。
3 搞好各种调整按使用说明书的规定和农艺要求,将播种量、开沟器的行距、开沟覆土镇压轮的深浅调整适当。
4 注意加好种子加入种子箱的种子,达到无小、秕、杂,以保证种子的有效性;其次种子箱的加种量至少要加到能盖住排种盒入口,以保证排种流畅。
5 试播为保证播种质量,在进行大面积播种前,一定要坚持试播20米,观察播种机的工作情况。请农技人员、当地农民等检测会诊,确认符合当地的农艺要求后,再进行大面积播种。
6 注意匀速直线行驶农机手选择作业行走路线,应保证加种和机械进出方便,播种时要注意匀速直线前行,不能忽快忽慢或中途停车,以免重播、漏播;为防止开沟器堵塞,播种机的升降要在行进中操作,倒退或转弯时应将播种机提起。
7 先播地头首先横播地头,以免将地头轧硬,造成播深太浅。
8 经常观察播种时经常观察排种器、开沟器、覆盖器以及传动机构的工作情况,如发生堵塞、粘土、缠草、种子覆盖不严,及时予以排除。调整、修理、润滑或清理缠草等工作,必须在停车后进行。
9 保护机件播种机工作时,严禁倒退或急转弯,播种机的提升或降落应缓慢进行,以免损坏机件。
10 注意种子箱作业时种子箱内的种子不得少于种子箱容积的1/5;运输或转移地块里时,种子箱内不得装有种子,更不能装其他重物。
1 排种器不排种。主要原因是传动齿轮没有啮合,或者排种轴头排种齿轮方孔磨损,调整、维修或更换。
2 个别排种器不工作。原因是个别排种盒内种子棚架或排种器口被杂物堵塞,应清理杂物;排种轴与个别排种槽轮的连接销折断,应更换销子;个别排种盒插板未拉开,应拉开插板。
3 排种器排种,但个别种沟内没有种子。原因是开沟器或输种管堵塞(多发生在靠地轮的开沟器上),应清理堵塞物,并采取相应措施防止杂物落进开沟器。
4 排种不停,失去控制。原因是离合撑杆的分离销脱落或分离间隙太小,应重新装上销子并加以锁定,或调整分离间隙。
5 排种时断时续,播种不匀。原因是传动齿轮啮合间隙过大,齿轮打滑,应进行调整;离合器弹簧弹力太弱,齿轮要滑,应调整或更换弹簧。
Seeder introduction
He first century B.C., China has good, this is to promote the use of the world's earliest drill machine, today is still in the north of equal applications.
1636 in Greece first Taiwan machine made. In 1830, russians in livestock HuaLi more on LiBo machine made. 1860 years later, the countries such as Britain and started mass production work grain suitable drill. After the 20 th century have appeared traction and hanging drill machine, and the use of grain strength of the machine. 50 s development precision machine. China from the 1950 s to introduce grain suitable drill, cotton machine, etc. 60 s has developed into a suspension type grain machine, centrifugal machine, universal frame and gas suction style such as machine machine DuoZhong type, and grinding lines to the development of the device. In the 70 s, has formed the seeding machine general machine and grain joint seeder two series, and has developed precision machine.
Europe first Taiwan machine made in 1636 in Greece. In 1830, the russians in livestock HuaLi more on the sowing device LiBo machine made. Britain, the United States and other countries in 1860 years later started mass production work grain suitable drill. 20 centuries later period, there appeared the traction and hanging drill machine, and the use of grain strength of the machine. In 1958, Norway appear first Taiwan centrifugal machine, 50 s gradually developed all kinds of precision machine.
China in the 1950 s introduced from abroad grain suitable drill, cotton machine, the '60 s and has successfully developed suspension type grain machine, centrifugal machine, universal frame and gas suction style such as machine machine DuoZhong models, and has developed grinding lines of the device. In the 70 s, has formed the seeding machine general machine and grain joint seeder two series and production. For grain and intertillage crops, grasses, and all kinds of vegetables with suitable drill and XueBo machine are already widely used. At the same time, also has developed DuoZhong precision machine.
Using the method of sowing machine
Corn is uniform, sowing machine depth is consistent, stable, cover earth good row spacing, save see
ds, work efficiency higher characteristic. The correct use of machine should pay attention to the following points: master 10
1 in the maintenance of the field before operation to clean up the trash and sowing the device on the open ditch the winding grass, clay, ensure good condition, and the tractors and the transmission, the rotation of the machine parts, according to the requirements of the manual filling lubricating oil, especially every time before operation should pay attention to the transmission chain lubrication and a tight situation on the fastening bolts and sowing.
2 frame can't tilt seeder and tractors to hook up may not be tilt, work should make frame a state level before and after.
3 do well adjusted according to the instructions of the rules and regulations of the main requirements, the rate, open ditch is the spaced, open ditch crackdown on the depth of the wheel turns the soil suitable.
4 attention and good seed to join the seeds of seeds, where there is no box small, Bi, miscellaneous, to ensure the effectiveness of the seeds; Second seed box with kind of quantity of at least to add to that cover the box of entrance, in order to ensure the smooth.
5 test broadcasts to ensure the quality of the large area, seeded before sowing, must hold to test broadcasts 20 meters, observe the machine work. Please agricultural technology personnel, local farmers consultation, testing confirmed that meet local agricultural demands, and then carry on large area sown.
6 note of uniform linear driving NongJiShou choose the assignment walking routes, should guarantee and kind of and mechanical in and out of convenience, planting time to pay attention to more uniformly and in a straight line, line, not fast and slow or stop the leak, lest the replay, broadcast; To prevent the open ditch jams, the rise and fall of machine to are on the march, when turning back or operation should be filed seeder.
7 was the first out first broadcast to rolling out, out, was hard by deep too shallow.
8 often observed planting time constant observation of the device, open ditch device, the cover and transmission's work, such as the clogging, clay, winding grass, seed cover lax, shall be ruled out in time. Adjustment, repair, lubrication or cleaning the winding grass, etc, must be in after parking.
9 protect parts of the machine work, it is strictly prohibited to scale back or sharp turn and the ascension of the machine should slow or land, lest attaint parts.
10 note seed box when the seeds of the homework seed shall be not less than 1/5 of the seed case volume; Transportation or transfer in the plot, when the seed shall not be equipped with seeds, the more can pack other weight.
Corn seeder troubleshooting
1 the device not discharge. The main reason is the transmission gear meshing, or no shaft head the row gear square hole to wear, the adjustment, maintenance or replacement.
2 individual the device does not work. The reason is the individual the box seed the scaffolding or the device to be sundry congestion, mouth should clean up sundry; The shaft and individual the tank round of connection pin broken, should be replaced pins; Individual the box of plug-in boards should not open, pull open plug-in boards.
3 the device to the individual, but a groove no seed. The reason is the open ditch or lose jam (occurs in pipe by land wheel of the open ditch device on), should be clear, forming and take corresponding measures to prevent sundry fall into the open ditch.