2007 Text 3
①During the past generation, the American middle-class family that once could count on hard work and fair play to keep itself financially secure had been transformed by economic risk and new realties. Now a pink slip, a bad diagnosis, or a disappearing spouse can reduce a family from solidly middle class to newly poor in a few months.
middle-class adj.中层社会的, 中产阶级的
count on v.依靠, 指望
spouse n.配偶(指夫或妻)
1、During the past generation, the American middle-class family that once could count on hard work and fair play to keep itself financially secure has been transformed by economic risk and new realities.
【译文】 在过去的一代,美国的中产阶级家庭曾经依靠努力工作和平等公正以保持财政安全,但是却被经济风险和新的现实所改变。
【析句】 句子的主干结构是the American has been transformed by economic risk and new realities,family后接一个定语从句。
【讲词】 generation指一代人,一般为20年。
count on表示"指望,依靠",例如:You can count on my help.(你可以指望得到我的帮助。)
fair play原是体育用语,意为"公平比赛",转义指"公正的待遇"或"公平竞赛的条件"。
In just one generation, millions of mothers have gone to work, transforming basic family economics. ②Scholars, policymakers, and critics of all stripes have debated the social implications of these changes, but few have looked at the side effect: family risk has risen as well. Today’s families have budgeted to the limits of theirs new two-paycheck status. ③As a result, they have lost the parachuted they once had in times of financial setback – a back-up earner (usually Mom) who could go into the workforce if the primary earner got laid off or fell sick. ④This “added-worker effect” could support the safety net offered by unemployment insurance or disability insurance to help families weather bad times. But today, a disruption to family fortunes can no longer be made up with extra income from an otherwise-stay-at-home partner.
debate v. n.争论, 辩论
【巧】debate=de(强调)+ bat(打)+e→辩论
【例】Debate is the best catalyst of thought.争论是思想最好的催化
implication n.牵连, 含意, 暗示
【巧】im + plic(fold)+ation→implication(话没有明着说出来)
【例】What’s the implication of the statement.这份声明的含义是什么?
parachute n.降落伞
setback n.挫折, 退步, 逆流
unemployment insurance 失业保险
disability insurance 残废保险
disruption n.中断, 瓦解, 破坏
【记】disrupt v. 使中断,使瓦解, 使陷于混乱, 破坏
【例】market disruption市场混乱;environmental disruption 公害, 环境失调;The state was in disruption.国家处于分崩离析之中。
2、Scholars, policymakers, and critics of all stripes have debated the social implications of these changes, but few have looked at the side effect: family risk has risen as well.
【译文】 学者、政策制定者和各行各业的批评者对这些变化的社会意义进行了辩论,但是几乎没有人关注次要的影响:家庭风险也增加了。
【析句】 全句是一个转折句,冒号之后的成分是一个完整的句子,作the side effect的同位语。
【讲词】 stripe意为"斑纹,条纹",all stripes意为all walks(各行各业)。
implication表示"牵连,涉及;含意;暗示",如:his implication in the crime(他涉及这起罪行)。It is important to consider the wider implications of making such a decision.(很有必要考虑作出这一决定的深远意义。)implication的动词是implicate。
side effect通常表示药物等的副作用,在句中表示"次要的影响"。
3、As a result,they have lost the parachute they once had in times of financial setback-a back-up earner (usually Mom) who could go into the workforce if the primary earner got laid off or fell sick.
【译文】 因此,他们已经失去了经济困难时曾有的保障,即家中主要的挣钱人一旦失业或生病,预备挣钱人(通常是妈妈)可以加入劳动大军。
【析句】 as a result作状语,表示某种结果。a back-up earner (usually Mom)在句中作the parachute的同位语,后面接一个定语从句。
【讲词】 parachute的字面意思是"降落伞",但在句中表示"保障"。
setback意为"挫折",financial setback表示财政或经济上的困难。
primary意为"主要的;首要的",跟major,main等意思相近。如要表示"次要的",英文是secondary。earner在句中指wage earner,即挣钱人。
lay off意为"失业"。
deductible4、This"added-worker effect" could support the safety net offered by unemployment insurance or disability insurance to help families weather bad times.
【译文】 这种"附加工人效应"可以支持失业保险或残疾保险所提供的保障制度,以帮助家庭渡过困难时期。
【析句】 句子的主干是This"added-worker effect" could support the safety net,过去分词offered引导的结构作定语修饰the safety net。
【讲词】add意为"增加",added可以表示"附加的",如:added value(附加值,净增值)。
safety net指社会保障制度。
unemployment insurance指"失业保险",disability insurance指"残疾保险"。
weather在句中作动词,表示"抵御;承受;平安渡过",如:weather a crisis(渡过危机)。
bad times意为"坏时光;艰苦的日子",其反义词是good times。
During the same period, families have been asked to absorb much more risk in their retirement income. ⑤Steelworkers, airline employees, and now those in the auto industry are joining millions of families who must worry about interest rates, stock m
arket fluctuation, and the harsh reality that they may outlive their retirement money. ⑥For much of the past year, President Bush campaigned to move Social Security to a saving-account model, with retirees trading much or all of their guaranteed payments for payments depending on investment returns. For younger families the picture is not any better. ⑦Both the absolute cost of healthcare and the share of it borne by families have risen – and newly fashionable health-saving plans are spreading from legislative halls to Wal-Mart workers, with much higher deductibles and a large new dose of investment risk for families’ future healthcare. ⑧Even demographics are working against the middle class family, as the odds of having a weak elderly parent – and all the attendant need for physical and financial assistance – have jumped eightfold in just one generation.